Saturday, September 1, 2012

Guest Post: A Bitten Shame Blog Tour!

Bitten Shame
Book 2 of the Bend-Bite-Shift Trilogy
By Olivia Hardin
Genre:  Paranormal/ Romance

Number of pages: 232

Book Description:

Jill Prescott returned from self-imposed seclusion to help save her best friend Devan’s life. Throwing herself into Devan’s problems and bringing an evil organization to its knees might just be the distraction she needs to keep living without the only man she’s ever loved. Her life changed forever when she was hired to spend a week with Doc Massey.

On the day she became a vampire her youthful innocence ended, but Doc’s love rescued her from being consumed by the darkness. The shadow of that former life continues to loom over her, keeping her from realizing her own self-worth. Running from her past only brings her closer to a destiny that is inextricably connected to what she is trying to escape…

Every gift has both a reward and a price, because All of it fits…

Author Bio:
Olivia Hardin realized early on how strange she was to have complete movie-like character dreams as a child. Eventually she began putting those vivid dreams to paper and was rarely without her spiral notebooks full of those mental ramblings. Her forgotten vision of becoming an author was realized when she connected with a group of amazingly talented and fabulous writers who gave her lots of direction and encouragement.

With a little extra push from family and friends, she hunkered down to get lost in the words. She's also an insatiable crafter who only completes about 1 out of 5 projects, a jogger who hates to run, and is sometimes accused of being artistic, though she's generally too much of a perfectionist to appreciate her own work. A native Texas girl, Olivia lives in the beautiful Lone Star state with her husband and their puppy Bonnie.



Youtube Trailer:

Guest Post! 

I had some expectations for my blog tours. Typical stuff: gain exposure, sell books, get some reviews, build a following. As I’ve reached the end of this particular tour, I’ve realized how much I’ve really gained in the process of publishing my second novel. I just needed to that the time to look around... 
Perhaps the most exceptionally fabulous and surprising, I made a friend. This isn’t just any friend. This is an “I will love you until the day I take my last breath” sort of friend. Recently she and I remarked that we are kindred spirits and soul sisters. It was really just a chance encounter. She read <em>Bitten Shame</em> and somehow one of my greatest wishes was fulfilled. My words, my characters, my story, touched her soul. I was humbled, ecstatic. I was also awed when I began corresponding with that beautiful lady and realized how special it truly was to be able to connect with her. I am honored that she calls me a “dear friend.”

When I answered a set of interview questions about a week ago I was shocked to realize there was something very important I didn’t know about my heroine, Jill Prescott. The question was simple. Who inspired Jill? No one, I told myself. She was just a complete fabrication. But the more I told myself that, the more a certain face pressed upon my mind.

Jill was a real person, someone I love dearly. She’s someone I’m not nearly as close to as I’d like to be. She’s someone I have the highest hopes and aspirations for and yet we cannot seem to connect. Jill is the person I believe my loved one coulda, shoulda, woulda been. Jill is the personification of my hopes for her. And though I can’t name her here, I continue to think of that lovely girl and I hope that the positive, buoyant and promising thoughts I’m sending to her might reach her soul and allow her to realize her potential.

So I’m waxing back and forth today, remembering that writer I was just four or five months ago and the one I am today. Ah, the journey is so sweet and for a moment I forgot to look around and enjoy it for a while.


  1. Thanks for having me on your blog! It has been a fantastic tour! Happy reading, all.

