Saturday, October 25, 2014

Review: Stay by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Title: Stay
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy
Series: Book Three in the Empire Chronicles
Published: October 20, 2014
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: NA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars

Book Description:
Nothing could possibly get worse. Everything and everyone that could be in jeopardy already is, and Jared knows that he is The Society's only hope. If he doesn't find a way to escape he fails everyone including Vera, the bear shifter he can't seem to get out of his head.

Casey and Toby are in love. Head over heels in love, but is their love strong enough to survive a magic so powerful that Casey's mind is no longer in her control?

Vera will do anything to help her sister, and unfortunately that means she is well acquainted with Jared, the most frustrating man she has ever met. Now she has to find a way to fight her annoyance and growing attraction long enough to help save Levi and Allie.

Racing against the clock, all four must face their greatest fears to save The Society and all the people they love.

It is no mystery that I adore this series and have since the original Crescent Chronicles was released. The very fact that the spin off series is just as great was such a bonus for me. Ivy has a way of writing a story that no matter what is involved, love triangle, mean girl cliché, insta-love, you can't help but be sucked into the story and be disappointed when it is done and left always wanting more.

I have become so invested in the character of this series that I feel like they have become friends and I truly care about their outcome. Even though some of the characters are harder to love than others (Jared I am talking about you), I still want to see them happy in the end.

This was such a great read. The Pterons have become a huge sup favorite of mine and I love every single one of them (okay not the bad guys, they make it too easy to hate them), even some of the grouchy bears are wearing me down and weaseling their way into my heart.

I loved getting more Toby, Jared, Vera, and Casey. We even get some Levi, Owen, Hailey, Georgina, and Allie time as well and it was wonderful having them all together in one story!

I so desperately want a certain love scorned Pteron to have his happily ever after that I can't help but want another book, or three! I need to see him get his happily ever after. So much has happened to him over the course of the series and even though at times he can be a complete douche, you see the goodness and love inside of him as well and I can't wait for that to really come out and shine for everyone to see. His loyalty and devotion to Levi and Allie is so heartwarming and I just know the right girl is out there for him. 

Once again this was a wonderful addition to the series with lots of mystery, twists, turns, and exciting action scenes. I can't wait for more!

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. It's great, isn't it? When you find a series/book you love so much you can forgive it for any faux pas that you'd normally wouldn't be so easy to forgive?

    Lovely review, Ali!

  2. Oh it's wonderful to see that you're so close to the characters of the series. It soulds like you had a wonderful time and I will have to try the author one day too.

  3. Isn't it awesome when you become so invested in characters in a series! I both love and hate it, LOL!

    I need to catch up on this series! Fab review!

    1. Thanks so much and definitely get caught up, it is just getting better and better.

  4. Spin-offs can be fun and exciting way to explore our fav series/worlds, glad you liked this one :) even with the cliche's and all.

  5. I haven't read this series but I'm so glad it wasn't a letdown for you. I always worry with books in a series that they won't be as good as the others, so when that's not the case a fist-pump is definitely in order!

  6. I still haven't read the original series even though I have heard amazing things about it. I'm so happy that the spin-off is this good. I love the sound of the characters :) Great review, Ali :)

  7. I still need to read something by Alyssa - you always speak so highly of her writing. Glad to hear you enjoyed the spinoff series!

    1. Thanks Lauren and I do hope you are able to make time for something of hers soon. All of her books are fabulous but this series (and the original) has a special place in my heart. ;)

  8. That's great! I haven't read any of her books but I know she has a solid following. Spin-offs can be tricky, some are meh like Ward's Fallen Angels, so it's great that this one is as strong as the original.

    1. It really is and she does have a strong following for a reason. :)

  9. The amount of books you read makes me want to bow down to you :). I have to admit I didn't read the review because I haven't read the beginning of the series...I just needed to see what you rated it :)

  10. Crappity crap crap ... I'm still slacking on reading this author. I read one book so far (the first skinny dipping one), but need to catch up. A lot of people love her writing.

  11. I haven't read any of her books yet, but I've heard she's great! So glad you loved this!

  12. Gads, I love how you love this series so hard. I need to add them. It is so great when characters feel like friends.

  13. Hmm probably one of her NA's Heidi.

  14. I still haven't read her novels, but it seems that all of my friends like them. I am glad that you're one of them and that this latest sequel was such an enjoyable read.

    1. You should give her a try sometimes Glass, I bet you like her work as well.

  15. Oh she is on my list of authors to read. I'm so glad to see you enjoy hers and are having a good time with them :)

  16. I love the fact that you're so invested in the characters. When an author keeps you wanting more, yet they (the characters) feel like family - that says something about the writing. :)

    1. It really does Kim. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Great review! I am happy you are enjoying this series so much. I love when an author gets me so invested in the characters that I can't help but crave more of the characters and their stories.

  18. OMG, I want him to get his HEA too, so badly. I am so glad she's decided to do another book. Can't wait to read it. Wonderful review.
