Wednesday, December 7, 2016

WoW Pick of the Week!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I fell in love with this series after the first book and was completely and utterly hooked. I can not wait for this next installment and I'm hoping like heck it won't be the last one. Seriously, if you haven't tried it yet, do it, now, run! Truly, so. Freaking. Good.

Book Description:

New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop returns to her world of the Others, as humans struggle to survive in the shadow of shapeshifters and vampires far more powerful than themselves…

After a human uprising was brutally put down by the Elders—a primitive and lethal form of the Others—the few cities left under human control are far-flung. And the people within them now know to fear the no-man’s-land beyond their borders—and the darkness…

As some communities struggle to rebuild, Lakeside Courtyard has emerged relatively unscathed, though Simon Wolfgard, its wolf shifter leader, and blood prophet Meg Corbyn must work with the human pack to maintain the fragile peace. But all their efforts are threatened when Lieutenant Montgomery’s shady brother arrives, looking for a free ride and easy pickings.

With the humans on guard against one of their own, tensions rise, drawing the attention of the Elders, who are curious about the effect such an insignificant predator can have on a pack. But Meg knows the dangers, for she has seen in the cards how it will all end—with her standing beside a grave.


  1. Oh, gosh. YASSSS, please. I've seen some bloggers who've read this book already and I cryyyyyy. I wants to reads it.

    1. I have it I just can't bring myself to read it yet for some strange reason. I don't want it to be the last one.

  2. Whose grave is it? I don't know but I'm bet readers of the series are dying to know. Another series I should start. One day, one day. Glad you're enjoying the series so far.

    1. This is a fabulous series, I can't recommend it enough!

  3. Will have to add this series to my wish list - sounds like its already gathered some fantastic reviews :)

    1. I think for the most part, those that have read it, have loved it. I really hope you give it a chance and love it too. :D

  4. I see so much love for this series. I’m waiting when the whole series will be released, so I can binge read it.

    1. I heard a rumor this might be the last one but I don't know if that is true or not, I really hope not!

  5. I've already got this series on my TBR. At this point, I'm wondering if I should wait until the whole series is over to start or just start now. Hmm...

    1. They are big books but they read really fast. I have no idea if this is the last one or not, I heard a rumor it was but I can't find anything to back that up yet.

  6. I'm definitely going to start this series next year!

  7. I hope you love this one Ali, I know this series is a favorite of yours :)

  8. This is so good, but always such a bummer to start the last book in a series.

  9. I have just started this series on audio and I have to say YES to this one event though I'm not there... yet. :D

  10. Oh yes. I have an eARC that I will use to read along with the audio, and my hardcover is pre-ordered!!

  11. Every time I see these books I realize I still need to start the series!! Ah!

    1. You really do, seriously they are that good. ;)

  12. Oh Kindlemom yet another fantastic author I've yet to read.

    1. I do hope you try these Debbie, they don't have a lot of romance but the rest more than makes up for it. ;)

  13. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get back to this series. I added this to my series tracker the other day :)

    Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist

  14. I did from either Netgalley or Edelweiss, I can't remember now but I do have a copy!

  15. Yes, can't wait for this to come out too!!

  16. I just started this series!! Am not done yet with the 1st book, but it's going well :D

    1. Yay! So excited you started them and are liking them!

  17. Oh I has been a long time since I read a book about vampires
    this sounds interesting

    1. It has a lot of sups in it but not your usually kind which is nice. ;)

  18. That sounds goood. I love vampires and shapeshifters.

    1. It really is a fun series and definitely different for the normal vamps and shifters.

  19. This is one of my "have got to try in 2017!" authors. I have book one in audio. I'll make it happen :D

    1. I've heard the audios are fantastic so you're in for a treat!

  20. YES. I've seen some previous covers for books in this series and YES. I've heard nothing but good things about them! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!♡♡

  21. Oh my gosh, another series I haven't tried yet. I really do need to try this series. I hope you will love this one!! :D

    1. It is fabulous so I really do hope you give it a chance. ;)

  22. Urg, I read the first book and loved it, but I've gotten behind! Glad to see everyone is still excited for this series! Hope you enjoy it a ton!

    1. Thanks and I hope you can catch up when you have the time, it really is worth it. ;)

  23. I totally need to check out Anne Bishop's books. Like what am I waiting for?!
