Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Photobucket Woes and What I've Been Watching This Summer

As many of you may have noticed a lot of my images on my blog last week, including my blog button, was replaced by the ugliest Photobucket image ever (see above) and then later last week disappeared all together. I was hit, sadly by the Photobucket devil (as I so unlovingly like to call it now). 

Yep, Photobucket decided to be really big jerks and start charging people (*cough*$400peryear*cough*) to use their "free" hosting site. So with that, I had to redo all my buttons. *sigh* 

Thankfully my amazing husband got it back up and running. Sadly though this means that those of you that were using my button now have to replace it with the new one in the left hand sidebar. So sorry guys! But hey, it made me realize how outdated my own blog roll is as well and I've slowly been updating it so there has been some good mixed in there with the Photobucket devil nightmare right? Right? Blah.

On a positive note, I wanted to share with you what I've been binge watching this summer (see my beginning of summer post HERE). 

Don't laugh but I've been making my girls watch Little House on the Prairie

You guys, I forgot how awesome this show is and that it can still make me cry. I adore it, cheesiness and all. We are up to season three and there is no way we will finish it but it's been so fun having my girls (and occasionally my husband) watch it with me. They don't make them like that anymore. I like the wholesome feel to it and the life lessons each episode has. It's been fun reliving a little bit of my childhood with re-watching them again.

Another show I watched was Crimson Road. It originally aired on PBS and takes place during WWI and I loved it! There was only one season on Amazon so I had to look it up. I was heartbroken to learn that it was cancelled after the first season (only 6 episodes darn it!). But while searching for that I ran across another PBS hit Mercy Street and even though I haven't watched it all yet, I'm really liking it.  It takes place during the Civil War period and it is so interesting!

I've also caught some episode of A Handmaid's Tale and holy crap this show is freighting in a really messed up sort of way. I don't know if I should be horrified or fascinated by it. I don't even know what to think about it. It is strangely addicting and yet so wrong at the same time. Have you watched it? What do you think about it?

So not a whole lot of TV watching around here for me but at least I've really liked what I have watched. It's been fun watching something different from my norm and in a small way I feel like I'm learning something along the way too with the history rich details some of these shows have. 

So tell me what you've been watching this summer. Anything new and interesting? Any recommendations? 


  1. Oh that stinks about photobucket. Man going from free to 400 bucks is crazy! Aw I remember watching Little House on the Prairie when I was younger. I have just been watching lots of baking and cooking shows this summer!

    1. It was an ouch and one I wasn't willing to take. ;) Oh cooking and baking shows! I so need to watch those and learn some things. ;)

  2. That is a huge jump, free to $400. Darn that is crazy. I remember Little House on the Prairie, I enjoyed it in my younger days. I recently binged watch Dexter.

    1. I've thought about Dexter many times but I was wondering if it would be too gory for me? I don't know, I watch The Walking Dead and sometimes it is a bit too much.

  3. The Photobucket Devil has been making many book bloggers unhappy of late D: What they have done has made a lot of people angry And I don't blame ya!

    Sarah @ A Weebish Book Blog

    1. I know it seems most people's blog rolls are full on the images. So sad.

  4. Yes Kindlemom I got my lovely little (HUGE UGLY) photobucket image too. So I simply went back a few months and one by one removed them all. Now I just print goodreads and then add a link. Those photobucket peeps are CRAZY. Have a great rest of the summer.

    1. It has been crazy. I think your blog roll is one I need to replace as well Debbie. I'll grab your new one. ;)

  5. Wow! $400? Crazy!

    Yay for Little House though! I loved that one as a kid!!

    I've been catching up on season 2 of Sense8 and The Man in the High Castle as well as finally watching Gilmore girls (on season 5) ♥

    1. It is crazy for sure. I love The Man in the High Castle! I'm almost caught up on it as well. I wanted to wait until the next season is out before finishing it. ;)

  6. I just started watching a new show called Midnight Texas. So far it's good. Photobucket hot a lot of people hard with this BS.

    1. I think I saw that somewhere. Is it on Netflix or Hulu maybe? I'll look it up.

  7. I really enjoyed Mercy Street. I just started the third season of Broadchurch--not as gripping as the first two, but still interesting. And, of course, I've re-watched both seasons of Outlander for the millionth time. lol

    Simply Angela

    1. Yay another Mercy fan! It doesn't seem like a lot of people have watched that one so it's good to see someone else that has. ;)

  8. Yep photobucket is the devil. Luckily I didn't have too many posted from there on my blog so it was a fairly easy fix. Loved Little House and I'm so curious about the Handmaiden's Tale. I saw the movie which was eh... but the show sounds fascinating in a horrific way.

    1. Oh my goodness it really is Melissa, you should watch it. Just be prepared to be horrified and fascinated too. It does have a lot of language in it so beware of that if you have little ones around. ;)

  9. My assistant is from South Dakota, so she's been on me for a while to have my daughter watch Little House on the Prairie. I guess I better get on that.

  10. You should! I bet she loves it. ;)

  11. That Photobucket thing is awful, can't believe their doing that. And Little House- I remember watching that, such a classic series. You're right, they don't make shows like that anymore. Kids can watch that show without being hit with who knows what!

    1. Yes! That is one of the things I like most about it. ;)

  12. Woah - how many people do they really think are going to suddenly start paying $400 for a site that was free before? Yeah, no thanks! Sorry about that!!


  13. Seems like nothing is free anymore on the internet. Thank goodness for your hubby! I'm too afraid to watch Handmaid's Tale haha. I only wish I had a good show recommendation. But I've been gobbling up Brandon Sanderson books like there's no tomorrow!

  14. Yeah, Photobucket can suck it. I had to replace a few things on my site. I switched over to imgur and deleted my PB account.

    Dude, I watch Little House on the Prairie anytime it's on while flipping through the channels. It's actually a really good show.

    1. *high fives you* and yeah I need to delete my account. I want nothing to do with them now.

  15. I never got into "Little House.." but my siblings loved it. I've binge watching Great British Baking Show and Prime Suspect Tennison.

    1. It definitely isn't for everyone and it seems everyone is watching cooking or baking shows lately. I so need to do that and get some tips. :P

  16. You know if France I'm currently watching again Buffy because it's been years but like a lot of years (10?15?) and it's always that good! At the contrary Little House on the Prairie like Dr Quinn is usally replayed a lot over the years so well...

    1. I did that last year because I'd never watched it before. I think I made it four seasons in. I should start watching it again, it was fun.

  17. Yeah what Photobucket pulled was really awful. I mean it's their company, so they can do what they want, but to not inform people first was just shitty! I'm glad you got it all figured out though! :)

    OMG The Handmaid's Tale is so twisted. I feel sick to my stomach watching it, but I also can't stop watching it. Excited to see what they do with a season 2!

    1. I agree Nick on both counts! It will be interesting to see what they do with AHMT. I still have some episodes to watch but I can't believe how much has happened and not happened for these girls already.

  18. Bah, photobucket! That's super crappy!
    Oh, I've been thinking of checking out The Handmaiden's Tale but haven't yet. It does look awesome though!

    1. It really is awesome but so intense. Just be prepared for that. ;)

  19. Oh geez. I've been hearing about the Photobucket woes from a lot of people! You're lucky you have a tech-savvy hubby.

    I hope you're having a great summer so far, Ali!

    1. He does come in handy. :P
      Thanks Joy! I hope you are as well!

  20. I feel so bad for everyone affected by the Photobucket crap. Some blogs have that horrible image everywhere.
    I adored Little House and the Prairie and watched it with my daughters as well :)

    1. Makes me wonder how much business they lost.

  21. It's crazy on the price. Mine was only quoted as 79 per year and I've seen all different ones between that and 400. Jerks for sure.

    1. I didn't realize the prices were different, that is interesting! I wonder what they base that on?

  22. Free to $400? That would be a stunner. Glad your hubby came to the rescue.

    I've not watched Little House since I was a kid. What a great idea for your kids.

    1. It was quite startlingly for sure.
      I hadn't watched Little House since being a kid either, it was kind of fun to see how many of the episodes we watched I remembered.

  23. So that's what's happening with Photobucket! I've seen rants posts but didn't really investigate. I didn't get an email about the changes, I have to double check it. Not sure where my images are stored.

    I've only seen the first episode of Handmaidens Tale. It's tough for me, I love cult stories like that but I get so invested. It's the equivalent of watching Saw for me.

    Happy weekend, Ali!

  24. I never got an email either, I just saw the images on my blog, it was weird.
    I agree about AHMT it is emotional because it is so crazy.

  25. Sorry about the Photobucket woes!! I loved watching Little House on the Prairie series and the books hold a special place in my heart. Oooh, and I so want to watch The Handmaids Tale. I just started watching The Vikings and can't wait for Stranger Things in Fall.

    1. Yes Kim! My whole family is eagerly awaiting Stranger Things to come back on and also Lemon Snicket's Series.

  26. Oh company, yeah they are always nice but it is always really nice to have your house back to yourself again too when they leave. ;)

  27. I've heard about the douche move of the photobucket and a lot of people has been pissed off about it. If you're still looking for image hosting site, I am recommending mega. I used them not just for hosting images but other files as well. I love that they are offering 50GB for free for every users, so you may want to check them out ;)

    I've heard about the handmaid's tale before but I'm so caught up with my anime hehe

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out. ;)

  28. Photobucket, you bastards!!! That's ridiculous.

  29. I was on vacation when this happened so Nick had to replace our social media icons and I had to delete the image from my signature..other that that I don't think it affected me much luckily but it sucks it affected you.

    1. It wasn't huge for me either just a few things but still a pain in the butt! glad Nick got it all taken care of!

  30. Little house on the Prarie was one of my favorite shows of all time! I still quote it till this day! I have watched Handmaidens Tale but like you it's so wrong and so addicting at the same time! I haven't read the book, and I kind of wished I had before I watched the show...but I have to admit it's quite interesting! My binge watching this Summer was New Girl. I noticed that all my bottoms for other peoples blogs were all funny! I've been out for a long time and now I don't know what to do! I don't know enough about how the blog works to update mine 😉. I think I fixed yours though!

    1. The hard part is finding another hosting site that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to let you display your images.

  31. *cries* It affected me hugely because for years I have been doing new release posts with all the images linked to Photobucket. So that's like 150 posts times 10-15 images ... ugh, don't even want to do the math. I'd been thinking of moving to Wordpress for a while .. and Photobucket pushed me there.
    Glad you were only affected a bit!
    Jen Ryland

    1. Oh man that is a bummer! So sorry it affected you so much. :(
