Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Review: A Conspiracy in Belgravia by Sherry Thomas

Title: A Conspiracy in Belgravia
Author: Sherry Thomas
Series: Book Two in the Lady Sherlock Series
Published By: Penguin (September 5, 2017)
Source: ARC Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Historical Mystery
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
Being shunned by Society gives Charlotte Holmes the time and freedom to put her extraordinary powers of deduction to good use. As “Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective,” aided by the capable Mrs. Watson, she’s had great success helping with all manner of inquiries, but she’s not prepared for the new client who arrives at her Upper Baker Street office.

Lady Ingram, wife of Charlotte’s dear friend and benefactor, wants Sherlock Holmes to find her first love, who failed to show up at their annual rendezvous. Matters of loyalty and discretion aside, the case becomes even more personal for Charlotte as the missing man is none other than Myron Finch, her illegitimate half brother.

In the meanwhile, Charlotte wrestles with a surprising proposal of marriage, a mysterious stranger woos her sister Livia, and an unidentified body that surfaces where least expected. Charlotte’s investigative prowess is challenged as never before: Can she find her brother in time—or will he, too, end up as a nameless corpse somewhere in the belly of London? 

It was so much fun diving back into the atmospheric and mysterious Victorian London world that Thomas has created in her Lady Sherlock series. Once again Charlotte and her friends were a treat to see and conspire with. As a mystery always rich in detail and curiosity slowly unfolds as Charlotte puts her deductive talents into play and figures it all out before anyone else and before the danger becomes too great to those she knows and loves. And she does it all while trying to keep it a secret as much as possible from those who don't know that the famous Sherlock Holmes, is none other than Charlotte herself. 

Set in a time and place that women were suppose to be almost anything other than clever and ambitious, I love that Charlotte doesn't turn away from the challenge to shock those around her and stand tall and true to who she is with little thought to what society will think about it. 

This book, this series, has some of the most romantic lines that never were. Lines that are thought but never spoken out loud. Truly swoon worthy and in large part other than the whole this book rocks all by itself already thing, it is one of the main reasons I keep coming back time and again to Ms. Thomas' writing. It is just so well written and so beautiful in both mystery and prose and the tragic love story that might never be. 

I devoured this in a night and was sad that I didn't take longer with it. I wanted to both savor and eat it up. I sincerely hope the next book will be here before I know it. I just can't get enough of this series, rich with a mystery that keeps me on my toes and characters that are every bit as fun and intriguing as the story line itself. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Damn, I guess you loved it. :D Whisper some of it's romantic lines in my ear, Ali. lol

    1. I know it sounds so cheesy but it's true, there were some great lines.

  2. I'm so happy you liked this one! I adore Sherry Thomas' YA series, so I've been super excited to give this series a try. I'm just waiting for a couple of more books to be out, but I know I'm going to love this too. The romance sound so subtle! I'm here for it! :)

    1. It is subtle and how did I not know she has a YA series? Now I need to look it up.

  3. Aww this sounds amazing - I love how Charlotte will follow her dreams and where it takes regardless of it being out of the norm of society. This sounds like a series I would enjoy. Great review! :)

    1. Thanks Emma! I think I love that most about Charlotte as well. It really makes her character stand out.

  4. I have got to try this series! A five star...it sounds like it has so many elements I would love.

  5. I hadn't heard of this but it sounds really good.

    1. It really is. It has a little bit of everything in it. ;)

  6. This series sounds intriguing. I love a book that you can't put down but want to make last. Great review!

  7. I know you would love this series Heidi. You should definitely try it. ;)

  8. I haven't read this series but it sounds like a thrill ride.

    1. Not a thrill ride but it will keep you on your toes.

  9. I just added the first book to my audible wish list! This one isn't on there yet. I LOVE Sherlock Holmes stories. This sounds fantastic and the cover is beautiful. Great Review Ali!

    1. Woot! You will love this Becca! I love how clean this read is at the same time and it doesn't take anything away from the story at all. :)

  10. Ohhh my God, I simply have to read this series. My co-blogger, Sierra, is obsessed with anything and everything Sherlock Holmes, and I know that she'd love this, too!

    1. Sierra will definitely adore this then and I bet you will as well!

  11. Wow - five stars and a one night read? That's awesome! I have the first book in the series and I MUST read it soon.


  12. Oh wow. A perfect 5 star rating. I'm holding back into adding some new books in TBR this year, but I don't think I can help it anymore. This one sounds really good and I'm quite sure I'll enjoy this too. Great review!

    1. This one really is worth adding. ;) I do know what you mean though, it is so hard not to add books!

  13. Oh yes I remember seeing book 1 in the series and thought yeah I'd like that LOL Its still on my list
    GReat review Kindlemom, now there's book two on that long list too.

    1. You would love this series Debbie, it really is awesome.

  14. I need to pick up the first book, because this one sounds really good. Great review.

    1. It really is such a fun series. I hope you do pick it up and love it as well. :D

  15. I've heard so many good things about this book--it sounds like a stunning read! I'm not even into Sherlock themed books but I'm itching to read it myself :)

    1. It is so much fun you should definitely give it a chance. :D

  16. This sounds really good, I love how atmospheric it sounds- Victorian London is always an interesting setting. And I like the idea of her being the real Sherlock!

    1. I love the setting too! It is one of my favorite time and places for sure. And yes, the whole woman Sherlock angle is amazing! So clever and it totally works.

  17. Yay, 5 stars! I've heard great things about book 1, glad to see it's still going strong. I'll definitely need to start these ASAP! Great review!

    1. This was just as good as the first, in fact I might have even liked it more. ;)

  18. Skipping the review since I'm planning on reviewing it but wanted to see your rating. lol Yay!!! I'm so glad to see that!

  19. Replies
    1. I didn't realize it changed. I do love the cover though so it must have been a good change. ;)

  20. I love the sound of this series and how Charlotte doesn't turn away from the challenges, plus the romantic language sounds so swoon-worthy which I did not expect. I'm definitely taking a look a book one.

    1. I truly hope you do Kim, it is such a great series so far and I really think you would like it as well.

  21. It is very hard to pull off good romance, and I have rarely found it written well in historical periods! Glad it was a great read!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. There really isn't a romance in this, which is what makes it so great. More like a love that can't be, so lots of tension and unspoken words. ;)

  22. I read the first book but didn't like the romance aspect so I wasn't going to pick up the next one. Looks like I need to re-think my decision. Great review! :)

    1. There is still not a lot of romance but it definitely gets better in a way..sort of. Hard to explain without giving anything away. These are definitely not read for the romance but more the history and mystery.
