Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Release Day Review: Endless Water, Starless Sky by Rosamund Hodge

Title: Endless Water, Starless Sky
Author: Rosamund Hodge
Series: Book Two in the Bright Smoke, Cold Fire Series
Genre: Fantasy/Re-imagining
Published By: Balzer + Bray (July 24, 2018)
Source: ARC Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
My Rating: 4 Stars

Book Description:
In the last days of the world, the walls of Viyara are still falling, and the dead are rising faster than ever.

Juliet is trapped—ordered by Lord Ineo of the Mahyanai to sacrifice the remaining members of her family, the Catresou, to stave off the end of the world. Though they’re certain his plan is useless, Juliet and her former friend Runajo must comply with Lord Ineo’s wishes—unless they can discover a different, darker path to protecting Viyara.

Romeo is tortured: finally aware that his true love is alive, he is at once elated and devastated, for his actions led directly to the destruction of her clan. The only way to redemption is to offer his life to the Catresou to protect and support them . . . even if it means dying to do so.

When Romeo’s and Juliet’s paths converge once again, only a journey into Death will offer answers and the key to saving them all—but is it a journey either of them will survive?

Top Five Reasons Endless Water, Starless Sky is For You:

1. You love a good YA fantasy riddled with treachery and darkness
2. You love a retelling with so many twists it is almost unrecognizable
3. Zombies! Or are they?
4. Beautiful almost lyrical writing that will suck you in
5. You love to expect the unexpected

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I enjoyed Rosamond Hodge before. Her Beauty and the Beast re-telling, I think. This does sound dark. Glad to hear you loved it! I'll have to check it out. :)

    1. I like Cruel Beauty was one of my favorites from her as well.

  2. Zombies that might or might not be zombies?? I'm intrigued!
    I haven't read a book by this author in ages, but I did enjoy the books I did read from her!

    1. She always has original ideas on re-tellings for sure, which make them fun and interesting.

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed this ending—I'm definitely planning on reading it—love her writing style!!

    1. I really do too and I hope you like it as well!

  4. I've only read Cruel Beauty by this author and I did enjoy it overall, so I'm curious about this one. Ooh...maybe zombies, huh? Intriguing!


  5. Hey Ali! I hope you're having a great summer. It's been a minute since I've read a zombie book, thanks for introducing me to this.

    1. Of course and I hope yours is going well too Tyler!

  6. I stayed away because of the potential zombies, just not my thing, but I am curious about the retelling.

    1. It was definitely a twist on the re-telling but in a good dark way.

  7. Hmm, while zombies are not my thing this does sound interesting.

  8. Romeo and Juliet retelling with the possibility of zombies. Interesting.

  9. Oh I love this cover as much as I liked the cover of the first book! And treachery, lots of twists and beautiful writing- wow sounds like a definite winner!

    1. The covers are pretty great for this duology.

  10. Holy moly this sounds good I love the sound of the premise. Thanks Kindlemom

  11. Guess you will have to read it and find out. ;)

  12. Umm i am not so sure about the Romeo and Juliet retelling but I like the cover~

    1. It isn't your normal Romeo and Juliet retelling at all if that helps. ;)

  13. Replies
    1. It does have a great cover! The first book did as well and I love how they go together!

  14. I think I have the first one somewhere, but I know I haven't read it yet. I guess this means I need to? I'm not a huge fan of retellings, so I love it when they don't feel like retellings. :)

    𑁋 Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. It definitely doesn't feel like a retelling at all so hopefully you like it.

  15. I haven't seen much promo for this book, but it definitely seems right up my alley

    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. I hope you try the first one a like it. It's definitely underrated, actually I think all the authors books are because they really are so good.
