Friday, April 5, 2013

Blog Tour, Book Review and Tour Wide Giveaway: Seeing Red by Sidney Halston

Title: Seeing Red
Author: Sidney Halston
Published: January 31, 2013
Genre: NA 
Tour Presented By: ATOMR

Book Description: 
There's the old adage: 'Two heads are better than one'. But when it comes to lovers - it doesn't really work so well. Actually, it’s kind of creepy. Especially when the two heads belong to twin brothers. That’s one of the many dilemma’s Jillian Stone is facing in her non-existent love life. As if Jillian Stone's life didn’t just become complicated enough, considering that she’s also psychic, her seductively mysterious professor starts relentlessly and inappropriately courting her too. Raised on a deserted island for twelve years after a plane crash. Jillian Stone, AKA ‘Red’ is reunited with her twins, Alexander and Oliver Jacobs, who lived with her on the island all those years. Now twenty-two years old, these childhood friends may not stay ‘just friends’ when Red realizes these twins have returned to her life in all their gorgeous and protective alpha-male glory. Jillian, a law student, an introvert, and a closeted psychic, is torn between the sexy-bad boy Alexander, and Oliver, the loyal and dedicated confidante. And just in case there weren’t enough men in her life, Paul Black, her professor, comes along and begins relentlessly and inappropriately pursuing her. Meanwhile, her psychic visions begin to get more frequent as visions of a red-haired man begin haunting her daily. Someone closer than she knows is looking for her—and not for good reasons. 
One woman, three men. Whatever happens - someone's going to lose.

About the Author:
Sidney Halston lives her life with one simple rule: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain, or even simpler, “Just Do It” Nike.

And that’s exactly what she did. After working hard as an attorney, Sidney picked up a pen for the first time at thirty years old to begin her dream of writing. Having never written anything other than very exciting legal briefs, she found an outlet for her imaginative romantic side and wrote Seeing Red, among four other novels currently in the works, including the sequel to Seeing Red. That first pen stroke sealed the deal and she fell in love with writing.

Sidney lives in South Florida with her husband and children. She loves her family above all else, and reading follows a close second. When she’s not writing you can find her reading and reading and reading… She’s a reader first and a writer second. 

When she’s not writing or reading her life is complete and utter chaos trying to balance family life with work, and writing (and reading). But she wouldn’t have it any other way.

My Thoughts and Review:

I admit, I wasn't sure if I was going to love this story. The first ten to fifteen percent of it is sort of a rehash of how the twins and Jillian got to be on the island and a little about their relationship. How they were rescued and where and what they have been doing in the seven years since. And if I am being honest, it just felt like there was a lot going on.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to connect to any of the characters. I did love how we got all three point of views from the main characters, Oliver (Oly) Jillian (Jill or Red) and Alexander (Xander). I love being able to look inside each character's head, especially when they all play such a big part in the story.

Thankfully after the initial introduction to the characters and most of their back story, the story picks up and things started to get interesting.

I think my favorite part of this whole book though would have to be the Helen-ism at each new chapter. They were so fun and witty and wise. I really looked forward to each new one. I really liked Helen and loved that we got glimpses of her through her sayings, quips and her journals.

I knew going into this one that there would be a love triangle (well sort of a square there for awhile) so I was prepared for maybe getting my heart broken if I choose the wrong person for Jill, but I was hoping that it would be an obvious choice and it was...sort of. I still couldn't help but like both boys. Darn it, I really hate it when that happens!

Oliver and Alexander were both so great. One of course the strong, steady, dependable type and the other the bad boy. Dang those bad boys, they get me every time! I love how Xander riled Jill up. Their whole relationship was so hot and cold and passionate that I couldn't help but love it.

Even though this was a great love story (of sorts) it was also a mystery. One about a past that Jill didn't even know that she had. About her mother, her father and more.

I really did enjoy this. A little sad that it wasn't the stand alone that I thought it was but happy that at least some of the issues (mainly the love triangle) in this were resolved before the book ended and that it also means that it isn't over. That I will get more Jill, Heather, Xander and Oly. Although it also did create a whole new slew of questions that need to be answered but I am up for the challenge. ;)

I give this one 3.5 Stars!

Tour Wide Giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm not thrilled that there was a love triangle at all, but at least it was resolved. The idea of Helenisms makes me smile because it reminds me a bit of Charley Davidson.
    Lovely review!

  2. Oh those bad boys get me every time too! Without fail. The love triangle/square aspect of this one makes me a bit wary, but I do like the sound of the characters (and the aforementioned bad boy), so I'm putting this on my maybe list. I'll wait and see what you think of the next book before I decide to pick this one up:)

  3. Oh love triangles, sometimes I think I'm through with them, and sometimes they suck me in! Glad this one worked for you, and that there was some resolution. I hate when I think a book is a standalone and I find out it's not, but it's great that you're invested enough in the story to keep going. Great review!

  4. Thanks everyone!!

    Yeah, Heidi, I don't think you would like this one. I think the love triangle would be too much for you. :(

  5. So this is a square..3 boys? I do love the sound of those I am really glad that after the intro, things came together for you. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Interesting, I can understand why you are wary with love triangles I am too. I hate it when I get attached and then its not what I wanted, it can really sour the mood of the book lol glad you enjoyed this one in the end!

  7. I just saw another review of this one the other day. It was a positive review but I admit that the romance has me on the fence a bit. I'm glad you ended up enjoying it!

  8. Thanks for the giveaway. The book sounds good, but the love triangle with twins, I am not sure about, but it sounds like it works out. It would be nice to read a stand alone sometimes wouldn't it. With some many series out there it is hard to keep up.

  9. Man, this book sounds like it has a whole lot going on. Sounds interesting, especially the island thing. Since she's psychic, did she know they'd get rescued? I know this book doesn't focus on that; that it's the past, but I want to know! :)
