Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mini Review: Camp Kiss by J.K. Rock

Title: Camp Kiss

Author: J.K. Rock
Series: Prequel to the camp Boyfriend Series
Published By: SpencerHill (March 26, 2013)
Source: Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 3.5 Stars!

Book Description:
The Camp Kiss That Started It All…

Lauren Carlson, a fourteen-year-old expert on the cosmos, superheroes, and science fiction trivia has a crush on her longtime camp friend, Seth. Last summer she’d dreamed about upgrading their relationship to BF/GF status and this year she has a plan… if only her well-meaning cabin mates wouldn’t interfere before she’s ready. She hasn’t even adjusted to her new braces yet, let alone imagined kissing Seth with them. When a dare pushes her out of her comfort zone, will she and Seth rocket out of the friendzone at last? There’s only one way to find out….

My Thoughts and Review:
This did everything a prequel should do. It pulled me into the story, gave me a great idea about the authors' writing abilities and style and completely left me wanting more.

I loved that Lauren was slightly awkward and nerdy and Seth was the same (but still very much hot!). The sweetness Seth showed Lauren throughout the story was heart melting and his past so incredibly sad. I really did not want this one to end. I wanted to jump right into the next book and get more.

I adored Seth and Lauren and I want more of their story. Alex (really loved her feistyness), Siobhan, Julian, Vijay, Trinity, Piper, Jackie, Eli, Nick (I really hope we see more of him, I bet he turns into a hottie!)I loved them all and I really am hoping that they all show up in the first book because I want to get to know them as well. The bond of friendship they all have forged over the years of summers together was so much fun to read about and since I am guessing the first book takes place a few years after this one, I know that bond will be even greater. I loved the rivalry between the cabins and hope we get to see a lot more of that as well. 

I can't imagine not loving Seth even more and rooting for him the whole way through Camp Boyfriend. I will definitely be buying it on release day.

*All opinions and thoughts are my own and were not influenced by the publisher or author. I was not compensated for this review*


  1. Great review. I am looking forward to reading this.

  2. This sounds cute, and I love nerdy and awkward but sweet characters sometimes, especially in the summer. Wonderful review!

  3. This sounds adorable and like it has characters I would really love!

  4. This sounds better than I thought it would! I like the sound of Lauren and Seth already (nerdiness FTW!) and also think the camp rivalry aspect sounds pretty entertaining. Lovely review. :)

  5. This sounds super cute, and I love that there are nerdy but adorable characters. Definitely want to check this series out now!
