Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Review: After the Woods by Kim Savage

Title: After the Woods
Author: Kim Savage
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (February 23, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Mystery/Thriller
My Rating: 3.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Would you risk your life to save your best friend? 

Julia did. When a paroled predator attacked Liv in the woods, Julia fought back and got caught. Liv ran, leaving Julia in the woods for a terrifying 48 hours that she remembers only in flashbacks. One year later, Liv seems bent on self-destruction, starving herself, doing drugs, and hooking up with a violent new boyfriend. A dead girl turns up in those same woods, and Julia’s memories resurface alongside clues unearthed by an ambitious reporter that link the girl to Julia’s abductor. As the devastating truth becomes clear, Julia realizes that after the woods was just the beginning.

This must be the year for thrillers and mystery in the young adult genre and I couldn't  be happier for it.

Savage's foray into the genre was a hit with her fast paced thriller that will keep you on edge and turning the pages.

Julia has just about everything a good heroine in these type of reads should have. Strong, fierce, loyal, and one heck of a witty sarcastic attitude that is hard not to love, oh yeah, she's also a fighter. Not in the kick butt sense but in the do whatever she has to to protect those she loves sense and it made her so endearing and her character believable to the core.

With a best friend that, when the story starts eleven months after Julia's abduction, makes you wonder, is deserving of the loyalty Julia showed her. With PTSD and a snarky attitude to cover it, Julia sets off to find answers and set things right.

With an ending you might not see coming this is a fast paced novel, with an atmosphere constantly shrouded in deception and lies, this story is one that will keep you on your toes until the startling dramatic conclusion.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I also love thrillers like that! so much fun! you made me curious about this end!

    1. Glad I could make you curious if nothing else!

  2. Ooh an ending I might not see coming! This definitely intrigues me, Ali. I was looking forward to this one, and I'm glad it was a good read for you. Does this have a romance btw?
    Regardless, I'm looking forward to reading this!
    Lovely review, Ali!

    1. There is a romance but it is very much a back burner to the rest of the story.

  3. I like the fact that you say it's fast paced, and the ending is unexpected but for a thriller 3.5 stars doesn't feel like enough. Maybe...

    1. I think mostly it was because it could be predictable at times and the romance was almost non-existent.

  4. This looks interesting! I'm glad to note that there seems to be an increase in mysteries and thrillers in the YA genre this year as well.

    1. They are fun even if sometimes they are easy to figure out, it is still nice to see them and have them.

  5. I can't wait to read this one! 3.5 Stars is a good rating, but not great though. I really hope I won't be let down whenever I get to read it. :X

    1. I think you'll like it, 3.5 really isn't that bad. ;)

  6. I will say I love this cover and it makes me stop every time. I also love endings I can't see coming so that may be enough to pick it up!! Great review!

  7. Sounds like a chilling read, thanks Ali!

  8. Interesting premise. From the cover, it looks to be a fairy tale. Glad you were able to enjoy most of it.

    1. Definitely not a fairy tale but I can totally see that from the cover, you're right!

  9. Ooooo I love the sound of Julia, Ali! you know I love a sarcastic girl ;-) I'm definitely in a mystery/thriller mood so this is going on the list for sure:)

    1. She is definitely sarcastic. :) I hope you like this Jenny!

  10. I agree, it is the year of the thrillers. It's a great year for YA fiction already.

  11. Julia sounds like a BAMF! I hope this is a year for thrillers, I LOVE thrillers. I usually read adult thrillers, they are a bit more gritty, but frankly I do not care, adult , young adult, I'll read it! Thanks for putting this on my radar!!!

    1. I really do as well. I hope you end up liking this!

  12. I loved this MC! Some of the mystery stuff didn't work so well for me and I think I finished feeling a tiny bit confused. It's been awhile since I read it but my review should post soon. :)

    1. There were some rather strange parts so I hear you. ;) Can't wait to read your review for it!

  13. This sounds good! I'm really liking the cover art too :)

  14. Hmm..I do like the sound of the MC but I get really annoyed when I can figure out the mystery before the characters do in the book. Still not sure about picking this one up.

    1. That can be hard but does tend to happen with a lot of YAs but if it helps, I didn't guess everything so that was good.

  15. This does sound quite good - I'm curious to see how the book progresses.

    1. It was good and not bad for a YA mystery at all.

  16. Book sounds great. The cover gives the impression of a fantasy story, surprised that this is actually YA Mystery/thriller ..... adding this to tbr.

    Great Review:)
    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

    1. It does look like that for sure but nope, definitely not a fantasy.

  17. The cover is eye grabbing and I would be a Julia in that scenario with Liv. More so I would order my friend to run while I fight that ass-hole. Attack my friend...

    1. LOL, you go! That is awesome! I would love to think I would do the same as well. ;)

  18. Nope not part of that at all although I can see why you would think it was. ;)

  19. i love thrillers, too...but only when i'm in the mood for it.

    1. You do have to be in the right mood for them for sure. ;)

  20. This one sounds like a good read. I love a good thriller now and again. Although I'm already annoyed at Liv and I haven't even started the book yet!

  21. You have me super curious about the 48 hours in the woods and what happened. With this being YA, I wonder how that was handled. And Liv sounds like a piece of work!

    1. It doesn't go into too much detail about that time but there are some flash backs.
