Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Top Five Reads So Far This Year

I thought it might be fun with the year flying by and already almost half over (okay not quite but seriously isn't it crazy that it is almost May?) to see what my top five reads have been so far.

Let me tell you, I've had more than five great reads, in fact, this year seems to be the year for me where I've already had a handful of five star reads, so this list was hard to narrow down to only five but after a lot of deliberation, these are the ones I choose that have stayed with me the most. And to make matters better, they are in a mix of genres so maybe you will see something that you will like as well. 

These aren't in any particular order but have all been so good. 

This was a series ender and I couldn't of been happier with the way it all came together and while I would have liked more, because who doesn't want more from their favorites, it really was just fabulous and I can't wait for the spin off series the author plans on writing next. 

I'm jumping in kind of late on the The Hatching train but oh goodness am I glad that I jumped. This series. *shudders* It is so good and so horrific at the same time. I can't wait to start the sequel. If you haven't tried it yet, do it. So. Worth. It. And right now on Amazon in honor of the second being released soon, it's only $2.99 which is a steal! 

This book. I can't even describe why it impacted me so much but it did and I love the author for it. I read very little in this genre anymore but I'm so glad I choose to take a chance on this, it was so good. 

I can't even begin to stress how amazing this series is. It is so funny and creepy at times and the romance is mind blowing. This has a little bit of it all and I can't get enough of it. It is one of the few series I've been able to read the books back to back and not needed a break from it. The author better hurry up and get to writing more!

And last but not least, this guy. Actually, this whole series and the prequel series has been fantastic and still going strong. I love all the twists and turns it takes along with the darker edgier tone to it. It's a nice change in the genre for sure.

So there you have it, my top five reads so far. What about you? Any mind blowing reads so far this year?


  1. I seriously need to read the Program and the rest of the books. I bought it but somewhere down the road I thought I might not like it. BUT, I've been hearing such good things. I may have to check all of these out, actually. Thanks for these!

    1. So glad you have the first book, it really is something different and darker (not in a bad way) if that is what you are looking for.

  2. I have heard amazing things about Letters to the Lost. I want to start The Program series ( I have the first book) and the Ann Bishop series since my library has all the audios. Great list and hope you many more amazing books this year!!

    1. Thank Grace and I truly hope you love all the ones you want to start, I've heard amazing things about the audios for the Other series, I think you will love them!

  3. Oh I just read Skitter over the weekend...freaky!! The Others is such a favorite. I will look up the series by Charles.

    1. I'm going to start it tomorrow and I'm already sort of freaked out by it LOL! Definitely look up Ann Charles, seriously, so worth it Kim, you will like it.

  4. I've only read Letters to the Lost so I'll be checking all the other four. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Glad you read the one, hope you find another to like from the list as well. :D

  5. Hmmm...I don't think the Hatching is for me! I totally should check out the Young series though...and I think I have the 1st of the Deadwood books.

    1. If nothing else try the Deadwood series, it really is a favorite.

  6. I'm going to seriously tackle the Other series this summer. I need a UF series to tie me over until the next Mercy/Kate book.

    1. Yay! you are going to love them! I can't wait to see what you think.

  7. I'm slowly making my way through The Others series and I'm really enjoying it. I definitely don't want it to end. I love the Wolves going crazy over dog cookies and being territorial over dog beds, and not understanding the in's and out's of human etiquette especially concerning the "female pack".

    1. It just gets funnier with the female pack too, just wait!

  8. ♥ this list! The Others series is so good - I've been holding off on reading the last book because I'm sad it will be over but I can't put it off much longer! And I just started Skitter last night (follow up to The Hatching) and yes so creepy and good!! I really want to read Letters to the Lost soon

    1. Yay! So happy to hear you say that, I can't wait to start Skitter!

  9. Very cool thanks for sharing Kindlemom

  10. I've always been curious about The Program and all those - I might have to check the series out. I DO want to try The Others series.

    1. You should for both, they really are all really good.

  11. Gah I been eyeing The Hatching, but to be honest I'd prob have nightmares. We have orb spiders making nest on our porch right now and not sure it's safe for me to read it lol

    1. I admit I have been freaking out way more since reading it with every little thing that could be a spider or feels like a spider (as in crawling on me when nothing it actually there). LOL! :P

  12. I hope you continue the Deadwood one, it really is so funny and light and dark all at the same time.

  13. Yes to Etched in Bone. And I bought the first book in the Deadwood series because of your review. Hopefully I will read it soon!

  14. I heard a lot a good things about Letters to the Lost and Etched in Bone. The others are new to me.

    1. Glad you've heard of some of them already. :)

  15. Thanks for sharing your views and introducing me to this.

  16. I loved Etched in Bone! I haven't picked up any of these other titles, but a lot of them are on my TBR so I'm excited to see that they made your favorites list!

    1. Yay! Isn't it a wonderful series? I'm sad it's over but excited for the spin off. Hope you enjoy some of the other books here as well. :D

  17. I've only read the first one but really enjoyed it!

  18. Ann Charles is one I want to check out. I think I even have a few of them.

    1. Yay! Anna you will like them, truly, they are so much fun and the romance is awesome!

  19. Wow, you’ve already had so many five star reads! Thanks for sharing, Ali! I’ve already made a plan to finally start the Others; I hope I’ll have more reading time in summer. The Program is another series that I want to start. I’m not sure The Hatching is for me, but I already have Letters to the Lost on my tbr-list. I haven’t heard about Ann Charles series before, in truth I don’t think I would pick up book with such cover (just so not kind), but you made me interested. I’ll check it out further.

    1. The covers are a bit weird and sort of harsh but it fits the storyline and makes sense once you read them, it really isn't that violent but there are some grossier scenes.

  20. Thank you for your kind words and thanks so much for following and commenting!

  21. These look interesting! I have not read any of these authors and would love to read The Adjustment.

    1. The Program series is amazing, I hope you do give it a try. :D

  22. I have the first 3 on my wishlist and I'm going to have to consider the last two as well. Good list!

  23. This year is flying by! And I'm so behind on my reading goal lol. I loved The Hatching also. Skitter was great too!

    1. I'm reading that right now and loving it but oh man am I freaked out LOL!

  24. I love the sound of The Adjustment. And I've heard so much about The Others series. I don't know about that second one though... :)

    1. The Hatching was pretty darn creepy so I don't blame you at all. ;)

  25. Etched in Bone *sigh*, I love that book/series. I can't wait to see where it goes from here, but I will miss Simon and Meg. The Hatching is something that I've wanted to tackle. I'm not familiar with the others, but really glad you enjoyed them. A Wild Night in Deadwood has a cute cover and sounds interesting.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. You read the Hatching, it really is weirdly captivating.
      The Deadwood series really is so much better than that cover, it reminds me a lot of the Charley Davidson series in a lot of ways.

  26. Wow! These are awesome list. Now, I am dying to read Anne Bishop's books!

    1. Yay! I seriously hope you do, they are fabulous!

  27. I loved Etched in Bone even though I wanted more in the end. I hope we get more in the spin off. The Hatching was excellent! I listened to the audio and I'm going to pick up the sequel soon. I really want to read Letters to the Lost soon, too. I keep hearing great things! Fab post! :)

    1. Thanks so much Rachel and I'm so happy you've loved a lot of the same ones! :D

  28. Ahh this reminds me I need to get back into the Others series and the Program series! Glad to see you've been loving them! Letters to the Lost is on my TBR. Great list!

    1. So glad you've already started both of those, they are definitely favorites. Hope you love Letters to the Lost when you read it!

  29. I'm right there with you for Letters to the Lost. What a wonderful story. And I just read about the Suzanne Young series on another blog a few weeks ago for the first time. I need to check it out.

    Nice list!

    1. Really hope you end up liking it if you decide to check it out.

  30. I am 30% done with the first Deadwood book due to your recommendation. I have also bought the latest book(7?) when I saw it for dirt cheap. I need to get back into it as I put it down to read some ARCs. Etched in Bone is one of my top reads so far as well. Do you know who the spinoff will be about?

    1. I think about the girl, can't remember her name now, that became a police officer to the Lakeside area. Crud, her name escapes me, she was in the last book a lot and had to prove herself her whole life and even had to prove she could handle a horse. Do you know who I'm talking about?
