Thursday, April 20, 2017

Summer Reads I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On!

First before I go into what fantastic reads I can't wait to read, I have to admit, I've become one of those bloggers. 

You know, the ones that post sporadically and sometimes with no rhyme or reason at all, yep that's me lately but hey, at least I'm still here right? Right? *sigh* At least that is something.

So while I'm trying to get my act together and in light of the fact that other than yesterday, it's been awhile since I've done a WoW post,  it might be fun to see what upcoming releases you guys are excited for and of course to show you the ones I can't wait to read either. 

Top of my summer reading list is this guy, I adored the first one and all it's uniqueness blended into fact. It was so much fun and it was dark and and bit dangerous and serious so good. I want more!

This seriously surprisingly has quickly become addicting and I can't wait for the latest installment. This UF has a little bit of it all and even a whole lot of fae, which honestly, hasn't appealed to me much before in the adult genre but I seem to love this one. Thankfully I got an early copy and I can't wait to start it!

West will always be an author for me YA contemporary slump and all. I'm actually looking forward to this one and hope it is as cute as all her others.

It is going to be so hard to say goodbye to this trilogy, I've loved it from the very beginning and Caine's writing is just exceptional. I both want to devour this one and make it last forever.

I admit, this one is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I hardly ever read these type of reads anymore but there is just something about this trilogy and I have to see how it ends.

Reisz has quickly become an author I can count on for a unique storyline full of shocking revelations and mystery. I can't wait for her newest book. 

This book is probably my most anticipated one yet. It is also (sadly) the last book in the series and I'm already sad about it but excited at the same time to read it. This will be another one that will be both hard not to fly through it and want to make it last.

So how about you, what books are you excited for this summer? And series enders or just ones that ended on a cliffy and you can't wait to get to to see what happens next?


  1. I can't wait to start Grave Ransom!

  2. Now I Rise is possibly #1 on my list, too! I am just so curious to see what happens next and the love triangle is actually so good, so I am dying to see how that pans out. Wonderful list--I'm adding some of these to my TBR for sure!

    1. Yes, I really want to know what happens with it as well, especially after that ending!

  3. I’m looking forward to Lucky in Love too. I see several new-to-me books, I need to check them out. I hope all these books turn out as good as you expect, Ali.

    1. West is one of my favorites, I hope we both love it!

  4. I'm looking forward to the Maggie Hall book. I didn't read the sequel yet, but I liked the first book a lot. I hope you love Lucky in Love. I thought it was super cute and I adored the boy!
    I hope you enjoy all these books, Ali! :)
    Happy reading, and seriously don't even worry about the sporadic posts. I think a lot of us are going through that. Just do whatever works for you! :)

    1. For some reason the love triangle in it works, in a weird way I think but I can't wait to see how she ends it. And thanks Nick, I do feel bad about it but life right?

  5. Lucky In Love looks good to me. I love summer reads! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I really do as well, they are just so much fun. :D

  6. Lucky in Love is way up there for me. Love Kasie West!!! Hope you enjoy all of these!!

    1. Me too! I really hope so as well and I hope you love it too!

  7. Great list! I'm really excited for new Kasie West and I really need to check out that Rachel Caine series, it sounds awesome!

    1. It is a good one so I really hope that you do!

  8. You got some great reads! I'm starting to make my summer reading list and I just surpassed 50. Work has been really busy so I'm waaay behind on my reading. Goodreads keeps yelling at me with the _ books behind. I also can't wait for Now I Rise, West's new contemp book, and I'm curious to see how Ash and Quill ends.

    1. Wow 50, you are awesome. I've been trying like crazy to catch up on some of my TBR pile but I can't help adding all those wonderful new books too. Good luck with your pile, I hope over summer you get a lot of reading time!

  9. Oooh love this post! I can't wait for the latest Rachel Caine book too - this book is going to be an awesome setting! And I am so going to check out your UF rec - my favorite UF series just ended so I am on the hunt ♥

    1. I can give you a ton more if you want. ;) I have a lot of favorites LOL!

  10. I haven't read these authors so I'll have to take a look at those books.

  11. The grave Ransom books look good, and The Great Library books look fun too (and several bloggers have said they're great), I just haven't tried em yet. And I LOVE that cover of rituals!

    1. All of them are so good and I love how different they all are from one another, I think that might be the very best part. ;)

  12. The love triangle is off putting but with the history of it it makes sense to me so I can deal with it I think. As for the Caine series, you would love it Heidi, YA-ness and all.

  13. I just started reading And I Rise. It's ah-mazing! You'll love it.

    I haven't read any of the other books on your list, but now I have some more to add to my TBR. ;)

  14. Pfft. We can be THOSE bloggers together. We get to sit at the cool kids table. :D I can't wait to read Now I Rise & Lucky in Love.

  15. I still need to read And I Darken and the Great Library series - though I did finally get a copy of the first one.

  16. Whatever Reisz writes, I'm sure I'll read!

    And I'm one of those too so happy
    To be in the same club with you, Ali

  17. Oh my! These are lovely selection.

  18. OOh Kindlemom, my aching TBR pile thanks you LOL

  19. I have yet to read West...I got my first of hers in Feb and I so need t check out that Caine series!!

    1. Yes to both of them, truly. I really hope you end up liking both West and Caine.

  20. Love Wests books as well but I am behind on them. I also need to finish Rachel Cains Morganville Vampires series. Just 2-3 more to go. Looks like you have some good ones coming up. I am looking forward to Ravenheart by Dannika Dark. I got the ARC tonight. It comes out later on in May, I am counting that as Summer. :)

    1. Congrats on getting the ARC, love when that happens! I still haven't finished her Morganville series, I should but I sort of lost interest in it I think.

  21. I'm excited for Soman's new trilogy for The School of Good and Evil series.

    1. Oh we have those books but I've yet to read them. Good to know it is such a good series!

  22. Definitely need to read Kiersten White's books. I like what I've read of hers so far. And I definitely need to get on the Kelley Armstrong train, her stuff sounds so good!

    1. Yes to both of those, they both are really good!
