Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday!

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Cambria Hebert .

This is a fun weekly question she asks other bloggers in the hopes that we will all get to know one another a little better.

This question this week is:
Have you ever participated in a Book Club, Buddy Read, or Read Along? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?

As always, great question and one I can happily answer yes too!

 I have actually done quite a few group reads through Goodreads and have met some amazing bloggers and reviewers there, many of whom I still am friends with. I have also met some really great authors that way too.

I love doing buddy reads because it is nice being able to talk to someone about the book you are reading. Someone who is there (in a way) experiencing it for the first time with you.
 I love watching someone else get excited about a read as much as I do.

It just makes the read that much more fun. Plus I love getting all of the different perspectives and views on what happened and the theories on what may happen. Group discussions are always a fun way to get a new view on something and sometimes you see something in a whole new way that you never would have noticed or saw on your own.

Plus who doesn't love sharing something with someone else? Especially something that you both feel passionate about? 

So what about you?
Have you ever participated in a Buddy Read? Did you like it? Would you do it again?

I would love to hear (or rather read) your answers and thoughts too!


  1. I love this post! The pictures just make it so fun to read!! I agree that hearing everyone else's perspective on a book makes it so much more interesting bc likely they take something else away from their reading experience than I did and then i feel like i get a better reading experience after i talk with friends! Thank you so much for joining in TMST!! I hope to see on the Masquerade read a long!!

  2. Thanks Cambria!!

    I would love to participate in the Masquerade Read Along! It will be a lot of fun!!

    You know I adore your books!!

  3. Thanks for reminding me about the sign ups Heidi and I agree, I am so glad I got to meet you and the others too!

  4. Great answer. I have the same love for sharing my passion of reading with others. :)

  5. I get so much more from reading when I can share it with someone else. I have not taken part in a "buddy read", but have had read-alongs.

