Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday!

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Cambria Hebert .

This is a fun weekly question she asks other bloggers in the hopes that we will all get to know one another a little better.

This question this week is:
Who is your favorite heroine?
Gah! I couldn't imagine a harder question and I really really had to sit and ponder over this one for awhile. Not because I couldn't think of a favorite but because I had too many favorites.
Good thing Cambria said we can choose more than one!

As most of you know, I love a character that is strong and can take care of themselves while still knowing that once in a while you still have to have some back up and that it is okay to ask for help when you need it.

So I think that makes my first choice so easy to list. 

Rose Hathaway. Now here is a true kick butt woman that has her head on straight and knows how to get a job done, all the while still letting love in and never losing sight of what is most important to her, no matter the consequences.
I love her witty and sarcastic sense of humor. She truly had some of the best one liners in a series I have ever read.
She never had it easy either but she always did what needed to be done regardless.
I was so sad to see this series end. I truly loved every book and character.
Next on my list is actually a character and series that I bet a lot of you aren't familiar with
 Yuki from the Spirit Guide series by E.J. Stevens.

Now here is a girl that doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She is strong and loving and once again has some of the best one liners in a series. She knows who she is and isn't willing to change for anyone. She has some amazing friends too in this series who are all equally as great.
This is just one of those amazing series that is just super fun to read. I always have a smile on my face while reading one of E.J.'s books. I love that they are without all the harsh language and situations that some YA books have and still, this manages to be a wonderful series.

If you haven't tried this series yet, do it. You won't be sorry.

Next on my list is 

Cat Crawfield from the Night Huntress series (if you didn't know who she was by the picture, shame on you!).
Once again I have a theme going here. She is sarcastic and fierce and still manages to be loving. And the fact that she gets to come home to Bones every night, well that doesn't hurt either.

So there you have it, my top three choices. 
I seriously could have been here all day thinking of others and I know after posting this someone else will come to mind and I will be kicking myself for not listing them too but for now, I am happy with these three choices.

So, who are some of your favorite heroines and why?
I would love to hear them!


  1. Thanks Heidi! I am so glad to have it back!!

    Sorry you didn't like She Smells the Dead, it does get better as the series goes but yeah, it might not be for everyone. :)

  2. Ha! The only heroine I'm familiar with is Rose. I will definitely have to check out these other two independent ladies. Thanks for adding to my TBR list! LOL

  3. oh my goodness. I haven't read about kat yet...... LOL. I seriously NEED this book.
    You made some great choices here! I haven't vampire academy yet and this post makes me wonder why. LOL.
    My TBR pile is growing!!!
    thanks for taking part in TMST!

  4. LOL sorry Erin!! :P

    Cambria you should try VA I think you will like it. The first book isn't the best in the series by far but it gets better and better with each book until you get addicted!

  5. I have not ready either of these. Very intreguing. I will have to check these books out. I have heard a lot about Vampire Academy. I have to take the plunge!!!

    My TMST: http://sosimplesara.blogspot.com/2012/03/tell-me-something-tuesday-favorite.html

  6. If you try VA I hope you like it Sara!

  7. I totally agree! Rose is pure awesomeness. I love how fierce she is! And how she's just so strong! Great post! I haven't read the other books, I need to check them out! They all sound like awesome heroines as well XD
