Saturday, November 3, 2012

Reaping Me Softly Blog Tour and Book Review!

I want to thank ATOMR Tours for letting me be a part of this tour! This was such a great read that I know any lover of YA paranormal will absolutely love! And of course if the synopsis doesn't lure you in, the cover is sure to!

Title: Reaping Me Soflty
Author: Kate Evangelista
Series: Book One 
Genre: YA Paranormal
Published: Oct. 30, 2012 by Omnific Publishing

Ever since a near-death-experience on the operating table, seventeen-year-old Arianne Wilson can see dead people. Just as she’s learned to accept her new-found talents, she discovers that the boy she’s had a crush on since freshman year, Niko Clark, is a Reaper.

At last they have something in common, but that doesn’t mean life is getting any easier. All while facing merciless bullying from the most powerful girl in school, Arianne’s world is turned upside down after Niko accidentally reaps the soul of someone she loves. This sends them both into a spiral that threatens to end Arianne’s life. But will Niko break his own Reaper’s code to save her? And what would the consequences be if he did?

About the Author:
 When Kate Evangelista was told she had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D., Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God, sitting in front of her computer, writing.

My Thoughts and Review: 
I don't know what it is lately with reaper books but every single one I have picked up in the last few months I have absolutely loved, this one is no different. I have no idea if reapers are the new “it” thing or not but I am certainly not complaining.

This is Kate's first book that I have read even though I bought her debut when it first came out because of all the wonderful teasers I read and the glowing reviews. So I was pretty sure that this one wouldn't be any different and just as good as her first.

I loved that Death himself was a character in this. That we got to see his dark side and his loving parental side as well and of course a darker side too. I mean, we can't have Death without some darkness right? He was a fun secondary character that I really hope we get more of in the next book as well.

Arianne was a great character. I really enjoyed her upbeat personality and how she saw the good in everyone. She seemed to take things in stride without getting too emotional. She had a lot to deal with, being able to see dead people, being in love with a reaper, being bullied by the mean girl at school, having a sister that was seriously ill. She soldiers through it all with a smile on her face for the most part.

There was some mystery behind her being bullied that I was afraid we would never learn the cause of and when we did, well it seriously surprised me. I won't lie though, I didn't love that part of the book but it seemed fitting and made sense for the most part.

I loved Niko and Ben, again both wonderful characters. Niko was a sweet reaper and I loved that we got his point of view throughout the story as well. I am really loving that more and more authors are doing that in their books. It is so nice to get both characters thoughts and feelings.

This was a pretty fast read even though a lot happens through out the story. I honestly thought this was well done and with the ending it had, it will definitely make me pick up the second book in the series.

I think this one deserves 4 very solid Stars!


  1. I haven't read a lot of reaper books, from what I have read, some are good and some not so much. I guess it depends on the characters and stuff. I'm glad you really enjoyed it though!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Candace!! :D

  3. It is a cliffhanger for sure Heidi. Leave the next one wide open for possibilities though.
    I know you hate cliffhangers but I think you would like this one. Maybe wait until the next one is out before starting it?
