Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blog Tour, Book Review and Tour Wide Giveaway: Dreamscape by Christie Rich

Title: Dreamscape
Author: Christie Rich
Series: Book One in the Netherworld Series
Genre: YA Fantasy
Published: July 9, 2013 by Tarser Publishing
Tour Provided By: CBB Book Promotions

 Book Description:

Every night before Amelia falls asleep she makes a wish to dream of him – the man who calls her to their beautiful private oasis, her sanctuary where she is free of her greedy landlord’s threats. But tonight, he will not call Amelia to him. Tonight, another man will step into her world to claim her. Tonight, Amelia’s shattering reality will crumble - and disappear into the Dreamscape…along with her freedom. When Amelia dreams tonight, her nightmare becomes her new world where Seth is her captor and anything is possible…except escape. Seth needs Amelia to break the curse that binds him to the Dreamscape. He must convince her that she was made to free him, that she was made to join him. For if he fails, he will never escape his prison, and he will lose Earth to the Netherworld where the evil Erobos wait to consume the human realm and everything in it. If he fails, Seth will lose the one thing that matters to him: Amelia.

About Christie Rich:

I grew up daydreaming about fairytales, and my love for discovering new worlds has never died. I am not one of those writers who always knew I would write. I thought that was what other people did until one day, a few years ago, I took a challenge from a friend and typed my first words. My journey has been wonderful, and I cannot imagine a day where I would ever give up writing. My love for reading is what fueled my imagination in the first place and still does. When I am not writing or reading, I enjoy family time with my husband and two children. My family and I live in a quiet community in Northern Utah, and I am so thankful for the rich life I have been blessed with.

Find the author: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads

My Thoughts and Review:
It is very rare that I come across a book in the fantasy genre that draws me in so completely as this one did so when I do find them, I want to get the word out as much as I can. I hate to admit it but it is hard to please me when it comes to the fantasy world. I like the genre but for some reason I have terrible luck in it. I very rarely find exactly what I am looking for. I find that most books are either way too far fetched, too under detailed or so overly detailed that I find my mind wandering while I am trying to trudge through it. That was not the case in this one at all. 

Ms. Rich manages to combine the right amount of detail to paint a very vivid description of the Dreamscape without it being overbearing, boring or just way too much and yet, she leaves it open for new discoveries along the way to keep the story line engaging and entertaining. She truly created a beautiful yet dark and oppressive world and I loved every minute inside of it.

Not only does she know how to paint a picture for the world she has created but she managed to create some pretty fantastic, loveable characters as well. I was immediately drawn to both Amelia and Seth and wanted to know everything about them, if I am being completely honest, I really just wanted to know more about Seth. Darn Seth and all his charming ways. I fell in love with him right away and I just couldn't help myself. The way he cared for Amelia and loved her was swoon worthy. Yes he didn't go about it in the right way but, hey, no one is perfect.

I do have to say that Amelia and Seth's relationship was a huge draw to me. I loved their interactions as they got to know one another, trust one another and fight together to save the world.

I had no idea that this novel was going to be based on mythology and not just any old tale but the very fascinating take on Eros, the Erobos, the Oneiroi and the Netherworld. The dream world and all its counter worlds were never overwhelming as they slowly came into focus and became alive as the story thrived and breathed. The Dreamscapre was like no other world I have ever encountered nor do I ever think I will come across such a place again.

The inhabitants, the Erobos, Seth, all of them are truly unique and wonderful in their own way. I couldn't read this one fast enough. Ms. Rich has a way of grabbing a hold of your attention and never letting go with her beautifully rich attention to detail and her ability to make you feel as if you are a part of her world.

It doesn't happen very often for me but I can say without a doubt that this new fantasy YA series is going to become a favorite and one I won't be able to resist reading as soon as they are released. I am eager to know more about the Dreamscape and what Seth and his brothers do, about Rhea and her betrayal and all that comes with this series. I will be looking forward to the next installment and waiting not so patiently for it to be here.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author, publisher or tour host. I was not compensated for this review*

Tour Wide Giveaway:
Prize #1: (US only) Necklace made by Primal Painter at http://www.lightworkerenergyart.com/ & a signed paperback copy of Dreamscape
Prize 2: (INT) $30 Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Well you see fantasy is my fave genre and I have no idea how I missed this one. It sounds like a great combination of fantasy and sexiness. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Great review :)

  2. Yay!!!!!

    Hi Ali!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review Dreamscape! I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the book, and that you want to continue the series. Thanks for spreading the word and being so great!

    Much love,


  3. I'm all for fantasy at the moment, so I'm really liking the sound of this! I generally tend to enjoy the genre, and it's great to hear that you have finally found something in it that worked for you so well. I'll have to check this out. Great review as always! :)

  4. I am very, very picky when it comes to fantasy, but such intricate (and not overwhelming) world is a definite plus. Besides, the romance seems to be my favorite kind.
    Lovely review, my friend! Thanks for putting this on my radar.

  5. Thanks so much Christie for stopping by!!

  6. Sam and Maja, this is definitely one you both will want to try out, especially if you love fantasy (and even if you don't!).

  7. YAY! I'm so excited that you loved this one! Absolutely wonderful review.
    Thanks so much for hosting a stop on the tour!

  8. Thank you for letting me be a part of it Candace!!

  9. LOL! Yeah he was a bit stalkerish but some how it worked for me. :P

  10. Wonderful review and I love the cover, I have had some success with YA fantasy lately and am adding this to my list!

  11. I have been leading more towards contemporary lately, but I do enjoy fantasy to. You review has convinced me to check this out.

  12. I sometimes really struggle with fantasy too Ali, though I have had luck with a couple lately. Normally my mind just can't wrap itself around the world and I get lost in all the world-building, I'm so glad that's not the case with this one! Lovely review:)

  13. Thanks Jenny! I think you would actually like this one as well, really, it was a pretty easy read for me, even with the fantasy element.

  14. thanks for the wonderful giveaway

  15. Congrats to Christie on the new release and thanks for sharing!

  16. congratulation for the new release..
    thx u for the giveaway ;)
