Friday, August 16, 2013

Review: Quick Fix by Linda Grimes

Title: Quick Fix

Author: Linda Grimes
Series: Book Two in the In A Fix Series
Published By: Tor (August 20, 2013)
Source: Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
The second installment of the original urban fantasy series starring human chameleon Ciel Halligan

Ciel Halligan, an aura adaptor with a chameleon-like ability to step into the lives of her clients and fix their problems for them — as them — is working a job at the National Zoo with her boyfriend, Billy, and his ten-year-old sister, Molly. It's supposed to be a quick fix, giving her time to decide if it's wise to pursue the romantic relationship her charming scoundrel of a best friend wants, or if she should give Mark, the CIA spook she's crushed on since hormones first rattled her pubescent brain, a chance to step up to the plate.

Molly has already begun to show signs of being an adaptor herself. She's young for it, but she's always been precocious, so it's not impossible. What isimpossible is her taking on the form of the baby orangutan she touches — adaptors can only projecthuman auras. Until now, apparently. Worse, Molly is stuck in ape form. She can't change herself back.

Escaping from the zoo with their new baby orang, Ciel and Billy head for NYC and the only person they know can help: Ciel's brother James, a non-adaptor scientist who's determined to crack the aura adaptor genetic code. But when Billy winds up in jail, accused of attempted murder, Ciel begins to suspect Molly's unusual adapting ability is more than just a fluke. Who's been experimenting on Molly, and what do they hope to gain? And will Ciel survive to find out?

My Thoughts and Review:
Linda Grimes is a genius. It has to be said. She unerringly can combine the paranormal, witty banter,  mystery, romance and down right great chemistry between the characters into a flawless story that will have you laughing out loud one moment and swooning the next. She has managed to create one heck of a fabulous urban fantasy series like no other out there. 

Imaginative, funny, action packed and still light enough that you can devour it in hours and wish there were more long after you put the story down. The characters are everything a good character should be whether they are the main character or a secondary character, they have the ability to capture the moment and make it their own. They are strong, kick butt, loyal and down right fierce when they have to be. Not to mention they have a few rather heart stopping, heart warming moments that will leave your blood pumping and your heart racing wanting more.

If I didn't love Grimes after reading In A Fix, I surely love her after reading Quick Fix. She had me laughing out loud, smiling, rolling my eyes, swooning and on the edge of my seat all within a single chapter of the story. This woman can write and write well. 

We get more explanation into what adaptors are and not only that but we get to meet more of Ciel's family, which were a blast to meet. The romance gets ramped up and the all around action and feel of the story takes on a life in itself.

If you are looking for something completely new, entertaining, and something that will leave you smiling, this is a must read series. Truly one that stands out in the crowd. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I haven't heard of this series but Linda sounds like a great author. I hope I'll get to read it one day as I'm always looking for something new and innovative! :) Great review.

  2. Oh yay! I just got this one in the mail and was debating whether or not to read it. I think you've sold me now! I need to go back and read book one though, but I'm so glad to know this second book doesn't seem to suffer from any of the typical sequel pitfalls. Can't wait!

  3. Thanks guys, this really is a great series, so much fun!!

  4. I admit I wasn't a fan of the first book, mainly because of the whole Mark issue, and because the paranormal element felt unexplored. I will however give this one a try regardless. I need funny books right now.

    Lovely review, Ali! I'm so happy to be home.

  5. Hey Maja!!

    This does go into more detail about the adapters which is super nice and oh course, the humor is always a plus!!

  6. Hi all I love this series and have reviewed both for LibraryJournal. Maja I know how you feel about the Mark thing but I guess that's what obsessions are about right.
    Great review

  7. Oh wow, this definitely sounds like a must-read series to me! Very unique and I love witty banter!

  8. Well this is another series new to me that sounds great. I will have to add this to my list to.

    On another note - I got an eARC for M. Leighton's Everything for Us for the tour - and you are one of the bloggers quoted in the beginning - Congrats!! (from your review of Up to Me :)

  9. Thanks Debbie and Candace for stopping by!!

    Ellen, ahhh, that is awesome!! I had no idea!!

  10. *dances* I enjoyed book one and received this in the mail this I am super excited that it delivered..woot! Thanks Ali for sharing your thoughts and enjoy your weekend :)

  11. I know how you feel, I was dancing around when I saw it as well!

  12. Yay! I am glad you liked it Heidi, can't wait to read your review!!
