Wednesday, February 11, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I am super excited about this weeks choice because I adored the first book and it ended on a killer cliffhanger and I am dying (DYING) to know what happens next.

Release Date: April 28, 2015
Series: Book Two in the Taking Series

Book Description:

Romantic and action-packed, The Replaced is the gripping second installment in the Taking trilogy.

Kyra hasn't been the same since she returned from her mysterious five-year disappearance. Now, on the run from the NSA, Kyra is forced to hide out with others who, like her, have been Returned. Yet she is determined to find Tyler, the boy she loves who was also abducted—all because of her. When her group intercepts a message that Tyler might still be alive but is in the hands of a shadowy government organization that experiments on the Returned, Kyra knows it's a risk to go after him. What if it's a trap? And worse, what if the returned Tyler isn't the same boy she lost? 

Perfect for fans of The Fifth Wave and the Body Finder series, The Replaced is both chilling and explosive, with creepy, otherworldly elements and twisty, psychological thrills that will have you questioning what exactly it means to be human.


  1. I had never even heard of that series, but it sounds awesome.

    1. You should check it out, you might love it. :)

  2. Oh yes, I'm waiting on this one too Ali! I thoroughly enjoyed The Taking last year and can't wait to find out how things are going to play out for Kira and Tyler. And I want some answers as to what's happened to them!

    1. Me too! More than anything I am hoping we get some kind of answers to what happened.

  3. After that ending in The Taking, I'm feeling pretty grabby hands as well for this! I need to know what happens next, and if Tyler is okay. I can't wait to find out more about the Others too!

    1. Yes that ending was bad! I really hope Tyler is fine or I will be ticked! :P

  4. I was not a fan of The Taking because I was just weirded out by the romance, but I know a lot of people are excited about this one. I hope it will live up to your expectations, Ali! :)

  5. I've never read anything by this author. I hope you enjoy reading this one. Thanks for stopping by My WoW

  6. This does look like a good one :)

  7. I'm hoping to read the first book and this one together. It sounds like my kind of thing and I meant to get to The Taking last year and didn't. Great pick!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    1. Thanks Tressa, I hope you like them both as well!

  8. Haven't tried this series yet but if you loved it then I'm sure I will too :D

  9. Oh Wow this looks fantastic. I would gobble it up just from the fab cover. Thanks for putting this on my radar Ali!!

  10. YES! I love the cover and this is one I am looking forward to.

    1. Yay! It is always nice to see others are excited about the same books as well. :)

  11. Enjoy, Ali. I haven't read the first one. Boo.

  12. I couldn't finish The Taking because the romance weirded me out a little but I am glad you were able to enjoy it! :D I hope the sequel is just as awesome as you want it to be, Ali!! :D

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. I have heard people say that about it and I never looked at it that way, does that make me the weirdo? :P

  13. Its funny how WoWs can be great reminders about series. ;)

  14. I've never read the first book, but that's awesome you loved it so much. Bummer about the big cliffy though. Not fun!

    1. Cliffhangers are never fun but yay for it almost being here!

  15. I really want to read the first book but since you say it ends on a killer cliffhanger I'd better wait until I have that one too. lol :D

  16. I still need to read the first book. Sounds good.

    1. I really liked it but I know not everyone did.

  17. Hmm not sure it's for me but I'm curious

  18. I haven't read the 1st book. I read The Pledge, but never got around to finishing the series. Damn, I'm a slacker.

    1. Nah, it happens. It is so hard to keep up on all the new releases. ;)

  19. Oh man those cliffhangers are so mean! lol April will be here before we know. :D

  20. I hadn't heard of this series, but it sounds very action packed and now that the second book is out I won't have to be afraid of that cliffhanger. (unless there's another one) I hope they don't do the boy returns not himself thing though.

    1. I know, I hope there isn't another cliffy but I bet there will be and yes, the boy thing must work out!

  21. Interesting cover! Not sure this is for me, but it does look good :)

  22. I just snagged book 1 like a week ago! If all goes well this one will be on my list too ;)

  23. I still need to read the first book! I might have to wait until this is out so I won't feel the cliffie pain. :-)

    1. I am hoping this won't end on a cliffy but I bet it will. ;)
