Monday, June 15, 2015

Blog Tour Book Review and Excerpt: Jesse's Girl by Miranda Kinnealy

Welcome to my stop on the Jesse's Girl Blog Tour!

I am so excited to be a part of this tour because Miranda is truly one of my favorite YA contemporary authors. Her Hundred Oaks series is just fabulous and if you haven't read it yet, you need to !

Series: Hundred Oaks

Published By: SourceFire Books (July 7, 2015)

Book Description:
Practice Makes Perfect.

Everyone at Hundred Oaks High knows that career mentoring day is a joke. So when Maya Henry said she wanted to be a rock star, she never imagined she’d get to shadow *the* Jesse Scott, Nashville’s teen idol.

But spending the day with Jesse is far from a dream come true. He’s as gorgeous as his music, but seeing all that he’s accomplished is just a reminder of everything Maya’s lost: her trust, her boyfriend, their band, and any chance to play the music she craves. Not to mention that Jesse’s pushy and opinionated. He made it on his own, and he thinks Maya’s playing back up to other people’s dreams. Does she have what it takes to follow her heart—and go solo?

About the Author:

Growing up in Tennessee, Miranda Kenneally dreamed of becoming an Atlanta Brave, a country singer (cliché!), or a UN interpreter. Instead she writes, and works for the State Department in Washington, D.C., where George W. Bush once used her shoulder as an armrest. Miranda loves Twitter, Star Trek and her husband.

Ever since first reading Catching Jordan so many years ago, I have loved this series, Miranda's writing ability and the world and characters that she has created. I vowed there and then that I would read anything that she has to offer us readers because she really is just that good.

Her latest is no different. Once again we are thrown back into the life of Hundred Oaks, with familiar faces as well as some new ones but this time, this time we get a sexy, cowboy rock star to keep us interested and to shake some things up. And if that wasn't enough we also get Sam's younger spunky rock n' roll sister, Maya and when you bring these two together, things really do get interesting.

I first have to say that I love, loved, all the scenes where Sam and Jordan made an appearance! I adore this couple and to see where they are now, two years later from their last appearance, many years later from Catching Jordan, was just so very much fun and I could kiss Miranda for giving us these scenes. 

Now back to Jesse and Maya. Oh boy these two were pretty electric together. Couldn't be more opposite nor more the same if they tried. I loved their dynamic together and the friendship that they formed before anything else. The non insta-love of it all was so nice to get. Add in the music aspect,their maturity (they actually talked through problems!), friendship (Dale was a fun character!), and understanding of one another truly made this different from a lot of YA books out there right now and even from others in her series and I truly enjoyed that about it.

This was another cute, fun, and enjoyable read from Miranda and a great addition to the series. So happy I read it and got to experience it.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review> A big thanks to SourceFire books for the ARC copy of this read!*


  1. This is such an adorable book! My first read by Miranda Kenneally and now I'm off to find Sam and Jordan's story as well. The music, cameo's, and family just added to Jesse's and Maya's romance.
    I'm glad you liked this one too, Ali :)

    1. Oh goodness you need to read Sam and Jordan's story, it is one of my favorites Kim!

  2. What's this? The two of them TALKED through their problems? I can hardly believe it! I've loved everything of Miranda's I've read, so I have little doubt I'm going to love Maya and Jesse as well:) Can't wait to read!

    1. I know, a startling concept for YA right? :P
      Thanks so much Jenny I do hope you love this!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you loved this, Ali. I'm excited to get to it myself. I think I'm going to love it too since I've loved all of the author's book.
    Like Jenny, I'm so happy to hear they communicated.
    Lovely review!

    1. If you already love the author then you will definitely like this one as well Nick. Can't wait to see what you think!

  4. Well, the MCs name is Maya so I obviously have to read this, right? There aren't many books with characters named like me. Seriously now, I actually own the first two books, but I haven't read them. I should, finally, especially since they remind me of the Dairy Queen trilogy, which I loved.

  5. Cute cover and title. It sounds fun Thanks Kindlemom

    1. It was a fun and cute read Debbie. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I had no doubts that you would enjoy Miranda's book, Ali. I just love her characters and writing. I downloaded my ARC from NG and I can't wait to settle down and read it. Can't wait to dive back to Hundred Oaks and I'm going to be sad when this series is over.

  7. I've really enjoyed the books of hers I've read. I'm glad this was great as well!

  8. Eccentricity and good communication - wow, these two actually sound like a couple I might grow to love :D A wonderful review, as ever. Thanks for putting this on my rather, I did read Catching Jordan and loved it!

    1. If you read Catching Jordan then you really should read this one too, it is so much fun seeing Jordan and Sam again.

  9. I really need to read these, I know you and Christy adore them. I did buy them for my oldest though.

    1. Glad you at least have them, I do think you would like them.

  10. I really have to read this author. I hardly ever stumble across a negative review.

    1. She is fantastic, I do hope you give her work a try!

  11. Yes they are by far my favorite characters. You will love them in this, their constant bickering is hilarious!

  12. Do you know that from your review I now HAVE TO RUSH to add it to my shelf? Yes. I'm about to right now. Tank you tank you! And I so agree that instalove is hated amoung many nook lovers including me. I like the slowly burning romance, friendship, banter, and then romance. Awesome review girlie!:)

    1. So happy to hear you say that! I hope you do read and love this!

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  15. Hey, I've seen this book around so much (or maybe was it that I constantly stared at it when going on NetGalley) but I never made the link Miranda Keneally and Catching Jordan. I guess I have to kind of finish the series now. :P Great review!!

    1. Yep, definitely read it. If you liked the first one you will like this one too. ;)

  16. EEEEEE, I ma so excited to read this book. I love music books.

  17. This sounds adorable. I need to read this!

  18. Oh it's always so nice to have a sweet book like that. I didn't know about this one but glad to see you had a great time with it.

  19. This sounds so good. I love sweet books, they make me happy :)

  20. What the hell man ... the page reloaded while I was in the middle of typing my comment. Redo ..... This is one of my ARCs I'm actually looking forward to. Any yay for more Sam and Jordan - my favorite HO couple.

    1. Gah! Sorry Christy. *kicks blogger* You'll like this one. ;)

  21. Really want to read some of this authors books, they all look so bloody cute!

  22. That cover! I love it. You know I'm not much of a YA reader but hers really have me curious. I have Catching Jordan on my list as well. I think it was the cover on that one too initially then seeing reviews :D

  23. I can't deny how much I love books that dig deep into the issues of the heart, this sounds like a book that promises just that. I love the cover art too, it's charming and quaint :)

    1. I really do too even though they can be emotional reads, they are always worth it to me. ;) Thanks for stopping by! :D

  24. Sadly, it's been such a long time that I can barely recall Sam and Jordan's story. Sigh. I love that they made an appearance though, and that the author has been sticking to a well trusted , successful formula. :)

    1. I do love it when author's bring past characters in and you can see where they are, it's a lot of fun. :D

  25. I do so love Mirandas books. I'm glad this one was just as good as her others. I have it coming up for review soon. I can't wait to read it.

    Great review Ali! I hope you are enjoying your 4th of july blogging break! ;)
