Friday, June 12, 2015

Review: Sorrow Bound by David Mark

Title: Sorrow Bound
Author: David Mark
Series: Book Three in the DS Aector AcAvoy Series
Published By: Plume (June 6, 2015/Paperback Edition)
Source: Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Philippa Longman will do anything for her family.
Roisin McAvoy will do anything for her friends.
DS Aector McAvoy will do anything for his wife.
Yet each has an unknown enemy – one that will do anything to destroy them.

Sorrow Bound is a powerful police procedural thriller about how those with the biggest hearts make the easiest targets; and how the corrosive venom of evil can dissolve the bonds between good people, until all they are bound by is grief.

Having never read the other two books in this series, I was very hesitant to pick up the third fearing I would be lost and confused. I'm so happy to say that that wasn't the case at all. Instead, we are thrown right into the story with hints and reminders about previous events and characters along the way, that immediately make us feel like they are ones we have already experienced and read about before. 

Thrown into a mystery that is every bit as dark as it is mesmerizing. With non stop action from murder, black mail, to a a drug lord terrorizing those opposing him and wanting to own the city, there is very little that won't keep you on the edge of your seat and interested from the moment the pages are opened. 

This truly was an engaging read where the hero was every bit as lovable as the mystery entertaining. 

This book took me by surprise with how easy it was to get into, like, and enjoy, dark parts and all. 

And although the serial killer aspect was solved, there is an ongoing arc to the story that left one heck of a cliffy, and I truly look forward to diving right into the next book and learning more.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. While I'm not thrilled about the cliffhanger (Nooooooo!!!!), I love that you were able to pick this one up without having read the previous too and dive right into the mystery:) Looking forward to your thoughts on the next one Ali!

  2. I love this cover and that's interesting that you could pick up this book without having read the first two. I'm very curious as to the mystery.
    Great review, Ali!

  3. Wow, this book sounds intense with some great action! I'm glad you were able to jump into this series so well without having read the previous books (always nice) when that happens. Oooh, and that ending sounds like you'll be picking up more by this author. Yay!
    Glad you enjoyed it, Ali!

    Have an awesome weekend :)

    1. Thanks so much Kim, I was really happy about this read too, especially not ever having noticed the series before.

  4. Oh I LOVE a good thriller thanks Kindlemom! Have a great weekend

  5. It's so rare to come across a series where you can jump in at any time and still get a good grasp of what's going on! Definitely one to remember :)

    1. That is so true and I was nervous about doing it because normally is just isn't something I do.

  6. I might if I can squeeze them in! I have so many good books planned this summer. I hope I have time for them all!

  7. I do love a good mystery thriller and I think it's great when a book that's not the first of the series doesn't confuse you and let you get right in to the story. I'd be more inclined to read the first two books because I enjoyed this particular one rather than be forced to read it because this was so confusing. Does that make sense? Haha!

    1. It makes perfect sense and I completely agree. ;)

  8. I can understand, it's tricky to start with book 3 but I'm glad it worked for you there.

    1. I really am too and thanks for stopping by.

  9. Wow another book that sounds like it would make a good television show. Why am I not in charge of what books turn to shows? ;) I love the cover of this one!

  10. Always awesome when you're not sure about starting one and it gets you excited like that :D

    And does it make me a total wuss that that cover totally freaked me out? lol Birds and me...eeps!

    1. I hear ya, crow have scared me since seeing the Birds long ago as a child! *shudders*

  11. Did you say serial killer? I need!

  12. Oh no, no, no, no ... you didn't read the first two books? Rebel! Glad that wasn't an issue, but you know me. It sounds pretty good, though.

    1. I know! Trust me, my book OCD was creaming at me!

  13. Well I know now I cannot read it until I read all the other ones first. I hate it when I get a book for review and realize it's not the first book. It kills my reading OCD. But I am definitely going to read this series. It sounds right up my alley. Great review Ali

    1. I know, it is hard to knowingly pick up a book that is in a series not having read the others.

  14. I love when you can get into a third book of a series without a problem. Sounds really good.

  15. So glad you were able to pick this up in the middle of the series and enjoy it! I started a mystery series similarly a couple of years ago (Riley Spartz), where I started on book five and was pleasantly surprised that they could be read as stand-alones, too. They were so good that I picked up the previous installments, too. Definitely check it out if you like mystery and I'll be sure to look into this one, too! =)

    Brittany @

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely check it out!

  16. It's nice that you could pick up the third book and not feel lost. I've never been brave enough to try that and always have to start at the beginning.

    1. I usually do too which was why I was so nervous to do it with this.

  17. Go you jumping in on book three..I am glad it paid off and worked for you Ali.

  18. It is great that you took a chance and it paid off. It isn't often that you can jump in a series like that. I am often confused when I pick up a series that I have read after going to long in between books.

    1. It was nice that I could do that for sure. :)

  19. I'm always up for a good thriller, it sounds as though this one was well-written since you did not find yourself lost in a muddle of confusion. That says a lot to say the least! I'll have to look into this one, I love books that feature birds and feathers on their cover ha ha!

    1. It does say a lot about the author's writing, I agree!
