Saturday, June 27, 2015

Blogging Break!

Hello lovelies!

Summer is here and with it, I have decided that now would be a great time to take a small, week long break from the blog. You know how much I love you all but with company here, the 4th around the corner and plans to travel, I thought it best I didn't try to stress myself out and try to keep up when I should be relaxing and enjoying my family instead, so, a break it is for me.

I will also have limited access to the internet so that also means I won't be around as much commenting on blogs I visit, but, I will do my best to visit when I can and play catch up when I get back. ;) 

Hopefully I will be back and in full swing feeling refreshed and ready to dive right back in!

I hope you all have a safe and Happy Independence Day for those that celebrate here in the states. I truly love this time of year with all the fun summer plans, BBQs, and time spent with family. 

I know that I'm going to try, once again, to concentrate on my TBR pile this summer and hopefully get to those books I keep telling myself I will get to, some of them are long overdue for a read.

Stay safe and have fun this week!! 


  1. I'm going to miss you and your posts, Ali, but you deserve the break! Go get some of that sunshine! :)
    Enjoy the break with your friends and family.

  2. Oh sure, I actually come on here to check on you and you're gone. Whatever. :P Seriously though, have a great break!

  3. Have a great time on your break. Happy July 4th! :)

    1. Thank you so much and Happy (and safe) 4th to you as well!

  4. Enjoy your break, Ali :) Happy 4th to you and yours! BBQ, eat, drink & be merry <3 My birthday is on the 3rd, so I very much intend to do the same :)

    1. Happy early birthday Ramona, I hope it is a fabulous one!!

  5. Hope u have a bunch of awesome things planned for the 4th! It's my friend's birthday so we're throwing her a surprise party. Gonna miss u but looking forward to more posts when u come back :D

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

  6. I understand the need for a break. Have a great break and have fun! And, of course read all the books! :)

    1. Thanks so much Jazmen and you have a nice week as well!

  7. Hey! I'm also on a week-long vacation next week, so let's you and I have fun. :) I'll be around though.

    Have a wonderful week, Ali!

    1. *high fives you* I hope you have an amazing time as well!!

  8. I hope you have a fantastic time! It is too hard for me to blog in the summer ;). Just too much stuff going on. Enjoy! Happy Summer Ali :)

    1. Now that my kids are older, it is definitely harder!
      Enjoy your summer Becca!!

  9. Have a nice vacation! I hope it's fun and relaxing, and you get some nice books read too. ;)


    1. Thanks so much Lauren and I hope you have a very nice week as well!

  10. Have fun with friends and family on your break.

  11. I totally support blogging breaks! I mean, I'll miss you and everything, but it's worth it if you'll have a lot of fun with people you love and come back with a fresher, more invigorated mind. Have a nice vacation, darling! :D

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Thanks so much Faye!! I hope you have a great week as well. :D

  12. Have a wonderful break and Happy 4th of July :)

  13. Have a great time, Ali!! Hope you get a little napping and reading in between company and the holiday :D

  14. Enjoy your time off! You deserve it. Have a happy 4th, Ali!

  15. Yay break!!!! I could use one too:) Enjoy your time with friends and family Ali, I'll look forward to having you back next week!

  16. I hope you have a fantastic break with your family and friends, Ali!! I'll miss your posts, but look forward to you coming back.! :)

  17. You have a great and well deserved blogging break!!
    Miss you already, can I fit in your suitcase ;)

  18. Aww, I hope you have an amazing blogging break, you deserve it <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  19. You'll be missed... but have a fantastic time!! Enjoy the summer!! :)

  20. Do it! It really is hard when you have family near and summer on top of it. ;)

  21. We all need a break once in awhile and the rate you blog (which is amazing), I can totally understand! Have a great time off and happy 4th of July Kindlemom! :) - Amir

  22. I hope you're having fun on your break! Have a great time relaxing and reading!

  23. I hope you had a good time. Sorry I'm late, I was 'away' for a bit too.

    1. It was nice to "get away" for awhile. Glad you are back as well! :D

  24. I hope you had a good time. Sorry I'm late, I was 'away' for a bit too.

  25. I hope you had a good time. Sorry I'm late, I was 'away' for a bit too.
