Monday, October 17, 2016

Blog Tour Review and Tour Wide Giveaway: Of Flame and Light by Cecy Robson

I'm so excited to be a part of this tour. As many of you know I am a huge fan of Cecy's and it is always a pleasure to not only work with her but to read her work and her latest and greatest in the Weird Girls was (as always) so much darn fun and I'm so happy to tell you about it today, Taran has always been a favorite of mine and I was so excited to see another book from her point of view. You guys, you are in for a treat!

Release Date: October 18, 2016
Series: Book Seven in the Weird Girls Series

Book Description:
Taran Wird holds the unique ability to conjure fire and lightning. She is mated to Gemini, Second in Command to the Squaw Valley Pack of the Lake Tahoe Region, and the sole werewolf to possess the ability to split into two wolves. And although they are mates, Taran's insecurities have driven them apart.  

Devastated by an injury that left her with a zombie-like limb, Taran struggles to regain command over her magic. But when her arm and her power turn against her, lashing out on those she most loves, she knows she can no longer carry this burden alone. Not that she likes the alternative. 

The only way to regain control of her magic is to align and learn from the local coven of witches―the very ones who sought to banish her when she and her three unique sisters first moved to the mystical region. But although Taran is trying, the teachings don't come easy, and the tasks leave her weak and emotionally shattered. 

Yet Taran must learn and learn fast. Time is running out. The fire she once mastered so easily has become her greatest adversary and is now slowly burning her alive . . . 

About the Author:

CECY (pronounced Sessy) ROBSON is the new adult and contemporary romance author of the Shattered Past series, the O’Brien Family novels and upcoming Carolina Beach novels, as well as the award-winning author of the Weird Girls urban fantasy romance series. A 2016 double nominated RITA® finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, Cecy is a recovering Jersey girl living in the South who enjoys carbs way too much, and exercise way too little. Gifted and cursed with an overactive imagination, you can typically find her on her laptop silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.

The Weird Girls series is by far one of my ultimate favorite series and I was so sad when Celia and Aric's story was over. When I found out Cecy was going to give us more books, but this time in the point of view of the other sisters, I, like most fans, were beyond thrilled. There was no way any of us was ready for this fantastic series to be over. 

To have the feisty sarcastic Taran star in the first book, was amazing and I couldn't have picked a better sister to start with. And now having the second book, also be told in her point of view, as her story continues, is again, so fabulous. Her first book,  Of Flame and Promise just about broke my heart. As much as this series can make me smile and laugh out loud, it also has the ability to rip my heart out and stomp on it a few times before callously trying to shove it back in my chest again and the last book wasn't any different. 

I thought, like always, that I was prepared for the emotions that would surge through me while reading, but of course, in classic Cecy fashion, I was wrong and not prepared for them at all. 

While Taran's first book coincides with the events in books four and five, this book is after all of that and not only gives us more insight into how Celia and Aric are doing (yay!!!) but also the others in the pack as well and once again, we get all the old characters we've known and loved from the beginning.

I didn't know what to think about this book, not the writing because that is always fantastic but about Taran herself. She has always been a hot head and it's one of the things I love about her but she is also very much lost after everything that has happenned to her. She is angry and bitter and pushes those she needs and loves the most away and it was really hard to see her doing it. I felt so much for her and couldn't help not only feeling sorry for her but a bit angry too because I knew there was so much she wasn't seeing, so much she choose to ignore and pretend wasn't happening or was that wasn't. 

All in all though, in classic Cecy style, Taran came around and she grew so much throughout this story and it was wonderful to see. With the ending the way it was, I'm so excited for the next book. 

This was a wonderful installment to the series and one I'm so very thankful we got.

*An ARC copy of this was provided by the tour host. All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or tour host. I was not compensated for this review.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loved it too! T is definitely my favorite of the sisters. Shocking, right? :P

  2. I had fun with this too Ali, and adore Taran despite her struggles :)

  3. Taran is one of my favorites! I so need to catch up with this series!!

  4. Glad this was another great addition to the series!! Hope the next is just as good. Great review!!

    1. Thank you, if I know Cecy at all though, I'm sure it will be. ;)

  5. Lovely review. Thank you for hosting OF FLAME AND LIGHT today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours

  6. Thanks for the giveaway and review, Ali!

    1. Of course, thanks for stopping by and checking them out Tyler!

  7. I'm so happy you loved OF FLAME AND LIGHT, Ali. Thank you for joining the tour and for this lovely feature and review!

  8. Oh very great book and great giveaway darling!

    I want invite you to my Velvet Ink Giveaway!

  9. So exciting when that happens and you get more from a favorite series. These are still on my one day list. :D

    1. I really hope you do try them Anna, I think you would like them, lots of heat and chemistry. ;)

  10. Oh I want both the book and the purse ;-)
    thanks for the chance Kindlemom!!!

  11. Every time I see this series pop up, I say "I really need to find and read this series!" Thanks for the reminder, Ali. I'll be sure to pick it up. It sounds really interesting and fun!

    1. It is a really good series so I really do hope that you give it a try and like it.

  12. Thanks so much for your review, and for hosting this awesome Giveaway!!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  13. I've had these on my TBR list, I just need to actually get to them because your reviews have me drooling.

    Simply Angela

  14. I still need to start this series and you have me wanting to get to it! This sounds good and that giveaway is perfect for me. :D

    1. Woo hoo! I'm so happy to hear that. I hope you love them but I have a feeling you will. ;)

  15. Happy to hear that Heidi, I did love her journey too.

  16. I read the first book when I was reviewing for Romantic Times, but I need to continue on. That's great there are more books in the sister's point of views!

    1. Oh glad you read the first one, definitely continue, they just get better and better. ;)

  17. Doesn't look too bad, though I wish humans on covers would be less photoshoped, know what I mean? :/

  18. I need to catch up on this series. I've only read book one, but I have the next two sitting on my shelf. Hopefully, I'll read them soon. Great review!

  19. What a fabulous giveaway!! I know how much you enjoy this series and this sounds like another great addition to it. I must try this one day as I'm sure I'll love ti too. Thanks for the great review and giveaway, Ali :)

  20. I so need to get back into this series! I've only read the first novella- and loved it and started the first book. For some reason I had to put it down- not because I didn't like it -and I just never picked it back up. This one sounds amazing as all of them always do to me. Great review!

    1. I seriously think you will love this series Lorna, it is just the type you love to read. :)

  21. I still haven't read a book by this author. Sucks to be me.

    I'm glad it's everything you hoped for. :)

  22. How have I never heard of the Weird Girls series?! Definitely looking into these books now. Great review!

    1. Thank you and definitely try this series, it really is a favorite.
