Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Review: The Girl in the Picture by Alexandra Monir

Title: The Girl in the Picture
Author: Alexandra Monir
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Delacorte Press (November 15, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Mystery/Thriller
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
Nicole Morgan has been labeled many things — the geeky music girl, the shy sidekick to Miss Popularity, and the girl with the scar. Now only one name haunts her through the halls of Oyster Bay Prep.

The Girl in the Picture.

After high school heartthrob Chace Porter is found dead in the woods near the school, the police are in search of the girl whose picture with Chace is the only clue found amongst his personal belongings. A girl who no one knew was even close to Chace–and whose dormmate, Lana Rivera, was Chace's girlfriend.

Nicole is that girl and now she's the primary suspect in his murder.

But what really happened that night? Were Nicole and Chace dating behind Lana’s back; were he and Lana over? Could either of them have killed him?

Told in alternating points of view, that of our suspect, Nicole Morgan, and her former best friend and roommate, Lana Rivera, readers will piece together the story of a starcrossed love, a fractured friendship–and what really happened the night Chace was killed.

After really like the author's stand alone book Suspicion last year, it was about time I picked something else of her's up and when I saw that her latest was going to be a YA mystery with just a touch of paranormal mixed in, I knew it was going to be the next read for me. 

This was an enjoyable read and the paranormal mixed in very nicely with the mystery aspect and truly created an imaginative story that was easily read in one sitting. 

Told in alternating point of view of both Lana and Nicole and spanned over the space of a year, this was nicely done and plotted out. I loved the added bonus of our glimpses of Chace as well. It added an extra depth and layer to the story that both brought on an air of mystery as well and a paranormal element that was a nice touch.

This ended up being a fun read that I'm glad I took the time for.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I like the alternating povs..and the guessing Ali. Great review :)

  2. I had fun with Suspicion last year too Ali, so I'll have to give this a try!

    1. I liked that one a bit more but really, this wasn't bad at all either. ;)

  3. I would not have guessed at a paranormal element from the synopsis!

    1. I didn't either and it is barely there but still is present. ;)

  4. I'm glad this was such a fun one for you! Excellent review. :)

  5. Glad this was a fun read for you!! Great review!!

  6. I go through periods of that too Heidi so I completely understand.

  7. I like paranormal and a touch of mystery so this might be a good one for me. Thanks for the review.

  8. I haven't read anything by this author but I think I'll start with Suspicion first. This one isn't really grabbing my interest.

  9. Lots of books lately are named 'The girl who . . . " I just finished Girl on the Train and DNF'd 'The Girl Who Lied.' This sounds really great, thanks for posting it.

    1. You're right, I didn't notice that but, yep, you're right Tyler, how funny!

  10. thanks for sharing - I didn't know about this one. I like more realistic suspense books, but I'm glad the paranormal parts worked.

  11. I love all kinds of mysteries, Young adult included. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  12. Sounds like a good mystery. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ali.

  13. I love these kinds of books! Great review :)

  14. never heard of this one, paranormal mixed with mystery sounds interesting. Will have to look it up.

  15. It's nice when the story spans a good bit of time like that. :)

  16. Great review! Glad this was fun and enjoyable -- alternating POV can be difficult!

    1. It can be tricky, especially with more than two. ;)

  17. The girl.., seems like a incredibly popular title these days, I'm glad it was fun and enjoyable!!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex
