Thursday, August 28, 2014

Review: The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan

Title: The Dolls
Author: Kiki Sullivan
Series: Book One in the Dolls Series

Published By: Balzer & Bray (September 2, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 2.5 Stars

Book Description:
Eveny Cheval just moved back to Louisiana after spending her childhood in New York with her aunt Bea. Eveny hasn’t seen her hometown since her mother’s suicide fourteen years ago, and her memories couldn’t have prepared her for what she encounters. Because pristine, perfectly manicured Carrefour has a dark side full of intrigue, betrayal, and lies—and Eveny quickly finds herself at the center of it all.

Enter Peregrine Marceau, Chloe St. Pierre, and their group of rich, sexy friends known as the Dolls. From sipping champagne at lunch to hooking up with the hottest boys, Peregrine and Chloe have everything—including an explanation for what’s going on in Carrefour. And Eveny doesn’t trust them one bit.

But after murder strikes and Eveny discovers that everything she believes about herself, her family, and her life is a lie, she must turn to the Dolls for answers. Something’s wrong in paradise, and it’s up to Eveny, Chloe, and Peregrine to save Carrefour and make it right.

Like a moth to a flame I am drawn to stories about the supernatural and in particular about witches. I have loved them since I was a little girl and I will continue to love them. Sadly, like the moth, I sometimes get burned. Thankfully, this wasn't one of those times.

My intuition paid off and you know what? I really liked this one. It wasn't perfect but it had mystery and intrigue and best of all, magic, the voodoo kind. Okay, not voodoo but zandara which is close enough right?

Okay yes, there are  cliches, awful ones in fact. Popular rich beautiful girls that rule the school, hot guy she has a crush one, cute sweet boy she hardly notices, creepy vibes throughout the town, all that jazz but sometimes those cliches come together and work and for me, this time they did. They won't work for everyone, in fact maybe few but they did for me.

If I had to compare this to another story I would say it comes close to having the same vibe as the Beautiful Creatures series, but not quite, it has that whole down south rich gothic feel to it with a hint of wrongness and magic in the air and of course the huge creepy vibe going on.

Even with all the wrongness, this was still right. Still mysterious and magical and I couldn't help but get wrapped up in the story. This isn’t a great work of literature or even a stand out blow you away read but it was engaging and let me completely forget everything for a few hours and get whisked away to another town and place and I have to give it kudos for that alone. This was intriguing enough that I won't hesitate to pick up the second book and see where the story goes from here because it really was interesting and fun and yes, slightly creepy. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Sometimes cliches do come together and work for me too, it's rare but definitely possible, especially in YA. I love the Beautiful Creatures comparison. Honestly I hadn't heard about this book before your review and now I'm interested to check it out. Thanks for putting it on my radar!

  2. it sounds ok even if not awesome but well it's sad it's that much cliché too...

    1. That is true, it was a little sad to see some many in one book.

  3. I completely understand. ;) It does have a fun cover though.

  4. This was one of my WoW picks a few months ago, but when it became available on EW I refrained from downloading a copy. I'm glad I did because I think I would be really annoyed with all the cliches. Can't stand those one bit!
    Thanks for the honest review, Ali! :)

  5. It's a shame this book was full of common YA cliches, but it's definitely true that sometimes those cliches are woven together well and still manage to be entertaining. I'm glad that was the case here Ali, even if this one didn't really knock your socks off!

    1. I agree and it does happen. I honestly would probably pick up a book two just out of curiosity.

  6. Oh, wow, I had no idea there was voodoo in this one, b that's pretty much all I need to know. I'm a simple creature, sometimes. :)
    Plus, a story that has that gorgeous gothic feel has to be at least good. I love that sort of thing.

    1. I really do too and this was rather unusual and unique even with all the cliches.

  7. This is the best 2.5 review I've ever read, brava on that Kindlemom!!

  8. I like the Southern gothic feel but it sounds like this just doesn't quite have enough WOW factor. If it falls in my lap I'd definitely give it a shot but I won't rush out to buy it.

    1. That is how I feel about if there is a second book. I won't rush to get it but I will read it. :)

  9. The tagline on that one drew my attention. I love it. Glad to hear it lived up to its cover!

  10. I bet you will like this one Heidi.

  11. be completely honest, the reviews I've read for this one haven't been especially glowing, but I'm glad that - even if it wasn't perfect - that it was at least enjoyable. :) The cliches sound like they'd bother me, but the mystery sounds decent. Thanks for sharing, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

  12. Those clichés would drive me crazy, I think. Have read so many negative reviews for this one that I think that this time the beautiful cover won't compel me in reading it. heh

  13. Well that cover is something else! I don't know if this is the one for me but glad you were able to find an escape in it even if it wasn't perfect :)

  14. Oh, bummer it wasn't a batter read, that cover alone had me totally hooked, lol!

    1. I know! Just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover. ;)

  15. I'm going to hold off on this although the cover art is gorgeous! Ill wait for the sequel and see if it evolves fromthecliches. Hopefully the next one is more The Craft & less BC.

    Happy long weekend!

    1. I think that sounds like a fabulous plan Braine and I do think I will be reading it. ;)

  16. Despite the issues, I can see you enjoyed it even if you didn't love it. Sometimes books are quirky like that :)

    1. They really can be and even though this was crazy I would pick up the second book.

  17. I am sorry this wasn't a love for you but the cover is fabulous!

  18. I've yet to read a witch book that worked for me. It's nice to know that despite having cliches and issues with this one, you still ended up enjoying it. Glad your risk paid off. I'd surely keep this book in mind. :)

    1. You haven't? Gah we need to change that! There are some fabulous ones out there!
      Have you read the series by Kim Harrison?

  19. Nice review. I'd been contemplating this but still wasn't sure about it. Even though you seemed to enjoy it overall, this doesn't seem like an amazing read. My TBR is big enough as it is, so I think I will skip this one.

  20. I am sorry this one wasn't better, but glad that it wasn't totally bad. Thanks for the honest review.

  21. 2.5 stars! Not bad :P On a whole you liked it waaaay better than I ever did. I think in my review for this one I ripped it a new one haha.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  22. I was originally planning to buy this one, but I've seen so many reviews recently that say it's disappointing. I'm glad it at least had some mystery, but the cliches sound frustrating. I'm still not sure if I'll pick this one up. Thanks for the honest review! :)

    1. They were a little at times but then some times they worked too.
