Monday, January 19, 2015

Review: Amour Amour by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Title: Amour Amour
Author(s): Krista & Becca Ritchie
Series: Stand Alone
Published: December 12, 2015
Source: Borrowed
Genre: NA Contemporary
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Love is a circus

"Every day,” he says lowly, “I hold a person’s life in my hands. The circus is based one-hundred percent off trust. I give it all to someone, and they give it all to me.”

The best aerial technique won’t land 21-year-old Thora James her dream role in Amour—a sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip. Thora knows she’s out of her element the second she meets Amour’s leading performer. Confident, charming and devilishly captivating, 26-year-old Nikolai Kotova lives up to his nickname as the “God of Russia.”

When Thora unknowingly walks into the crosshairs of Nikolai’s after-show, her audition process begins way too soon. Unprofessional. That’s what Nik calls their “non-existent” relationship. It’s not like Thora can avoid him. For one, they may be partners in the future--acrobatic partners, that is. But getting closer to Nik means diving deeper into sin city and into his dizzying world. 

Thora wants to perform with him, but when someone like Nikolai attracts the spotlight wherever he goes—Thora fears that she’s destined to be just background to his spellbinding show.

I am going to be upfront from the very beginning and tell you that what I loved most about this story, other than the beautiful messages behind it, was Nik. 

I have loved a lot of book boyfriends in my time but none of them compares to Nik. His strength, compassion, loyalty, love, support, and down right goodness towards those he cares about.

His strength, his loyalty and his undying support for Thora was in fact the very best part of this story. Everyone should have someone like him in their life. Those people that better us, not because they are near and love us, but because they believe in us and they help us achieve our dreams. They fight with us and our dreams become their dreams and they become within grasp simply because we know someone else has faith is us. Someone believes in us. Someone else is our cheerleader, our biggest advocate and there when we need to be lifted back up because our failures weigh us down. Someone that lets us see the light when it is so very dark and bleak. 

Not only was this story about going after the things that you want, even when others are bringing you down and telling you that you can't achieve them, it is about family. A strong family. A crazy family but one that is built with love all the same. The Kotova's are one of my most favorite families now. I loved every single one of them. No matter what, no matter their differences or choices or arguments, when it came down to it, they had each others back's and they cared about each other and fought for each other. What more could you ask for in a family?

I have so much love for this book that I can't even name everything. From the great cast of characters (I am looking at you John!) to the ones that you wanted to reach through the pages and shake (I am looking at you Shay!) to the ones you wanted to hug and call your own (I am looking at you Kotovas).

I never thought there could be so much depth to a book about the circus. A story about what it really means to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Something called family.  

Circus is love, circus is family. 


  1. I love when a book boyfriend rally makes the whole book. I love these authors but I heard so-so things about this book. But you convinced me.

    1. I haven't read all of their books so this might not have been as good as others but I really loved it.

  2. Nik is definitely one of my top book boyfriends too! I loved the fact that he was so selfless and always putting Thora and his family's needs before his own. Great review :)

  3. I love family drama, I guess because I'm older I relate to that more than the usual love story. I'll add this to my wishlist, thanks!

  4. My list of 2015 book boyfriends is looking pretty sad at the moment, so I think Nik would be a breath of fresh air. The circus angle is neat, and I have a weakness for stories with strong family relationships.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    1. Definitely add this one then, I bet he makes your list. ;)

  5. I need to read this Ali!!!! I think I'm going to fall madly in love with Nik (I practically halfway there just after your review) and I can't wait to meet the entire Kotova family. I love books that have a strong emphasis on family, born or made:)

  6. Yay! I'm so glad you loved this one. I loved Nik so much too for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. He was just so swoony. These girls write some fantastic heroes. I'm hoping we get a John + Timo book one of these days! Great review, Ali!

  7. Wow, this sounds like it packed some wonderful details in - I'm swooning over Nik already! I need him in my life, lol. I love it when books have great families and The Kotova's sound like a great addition to the story. I need to hunt this down - Circus, Sin City, Book boyfriend, great heroine - I'm in :)

    1. It definitely has a wonderful setting and family dynamic!

  8. You make Nik sounds like a character one shouldn't miss out on getting to know. You've got me curious, at least.

  9. Wow, you have me wanting to grab this one ASAP! It sounds amazing!

  10. Woot! So excited you are going to try it!

  11. I love books with great characters, so this sounds fantastic for that! And Nik sounds quite wonderful.

  12. Wow Kindlemom, this is definitely going on my wish list. What a super storyline and review!

  13. I keep adding this and removing it from my list..but then you go and talk up Nik and now I am thinking I need to read this..fantastic review Ali

    1. I hope you do read it! And I did that a few times as well before I finally picked it up (thanks to Christy!) so it is definitely worth it.

  14. *throws confetti* This makes me super happy. I'm telling you, you need to continue the Addicted series by these ladies. If you love Nik ... whoa, baby. Wait until you get to know those guys better. lol

    (I'm not cleaning the confetti up)

  15. This sounds so fantastic! What a great review! Your love for the book shows in your review. Great job Ali.

  16. It's always so nice when you discover a character like Nick, that you love so much! YOu made me intrigued about him now. Thanks for the enthousiams of your review, I want to try now lol

    1. I hope you do Melliane, I bet you really like it. :)

  17. That's always great when a book makes you fall in love with the guy. It's rare that happens to me. Nik sounds special. There aren't enough guys out there like him that are so supportive. (In fiction or real life)

    Aren't all families a little crazy? You've made this book sound really good and I don't read contemporary or new adult haha

    1. Well then I did my job well. :P

      Nik is fabulous and if you wanted to start somewhere with the genre, this is a great place to do it.

  18. Dang, this sounds like a fantastic book! Plus, I've never read one about the circus. Wonderful review, I think I definitely want to read this one.

    1. Yay and thanks Natalie. I really do hope you add this to your pile. :)

  19. I have read in another review that there is not much of the actual circus. But, from yours, it does sound like there is enough. :) So I want to read it! Actually bought it some time ago aha. Anyway, great detailed review, Ali <3

    1. It isn't all about the circus but there are lots of mentions, practice of moves and others stuff circus related. ;)

    2. Hey, I read this one two days ago! Enjoyed :D It was a little too long and slow but, gosh, the secondary characters were so developped! I'll be posting my review maybe tomorrow. :P

    3. Yay! Glad you read and liked it! The secondary characters were the best!

  20. Okay, you totally sold me when you said none of your book boyfriends compares to Nik. I am such a book boyfriend ho, so I am going definitely going to have to meet Nik. Another great review as always!

  21. Nik sounds amazing! I love book boyfriends who are loyal and supportive. All of the other characters seem great, too :) I haven't read a book by Krista and Becca Richie, and I think I'll start by reading this one-hopefully soon. Amazing review! :)

    1. Thanks so much! And I think this is a great place to start. :)
