Friday, January 23, 2015

Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Title: Red Queen
Author: Victoria Aveyard
Series: Book One in the Red Queen Trilogy
Published By: Orion (February 10, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Dytopian/Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
The poverty stricken Reds are commoners, living under the rule of the Silvers, elite warriors with god-like powers.

To Mare Barrow, a 17-year-old Red girl from The Stilts, it looks like nothing will ever change.

Mare finds herself working in the Silver Palace, at the centre of
those she hates the most. She quickly discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy Silver control.

But power is a dangerous game. And in this world divided by blood, who will win?

I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that I would the girl to love fantasy. I have struggled with it so much in the past that it just wasn't my go to genre but I have to say, with the last year and all the excellent books I have read, this one included, I am so a fantasy girl now. 

This book once again, took me by surprise. It grabbed me by the arms and hurdled me into the world that Aveyard created and while I was hesitant to go there, I must say, after being there, I didn't want to leave.

This was another one of those books that grabs you and refuses to let go. With conspiracies, action, a very slight hint of romance, and paranormal activity up the wazoo, you don't want to be let go, instead, you findn yourself the one that is grabbing onto the pages, hanging on for dear life, screaming your head off at the wild ride and loving every single minute of it and begging for it to never end.

I can't even begin to tell you what it was that grabbed me so much other than maybe it was just the whole darn thing. The characters, the story, the plot, the action, the adventure, the lies, the society, the forbidden love, the jealousy, Just. All. Of. It.

This was on my must read list for 2015 and I am so happy that it was because it deserves the praise that is going around about it. The four and five star reviews, the glowing recommendations, the kind words, the gushing of the author's talent, again, all. Of. It.

This is Aveyard's debut and holy crap was it a hit. It wasn't a splash into the genre, it was a freaking tidal wave and I am so excited to see what book two holds.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Oh man that sounds awesome. Love that you've gotten hooked by fantasy. Always kind of amazes me when an author (or a couple) manage to sway me like that :)

  2. I love that you enjoyed this one so much. I am looking forward to reading this one too.

    1. Thanks! I hope you love it as much as I did. :)

  3. This book is on my wishlist. It sounds amazing. Thanks for the review, now I really can't wait to get it!

  4. I'm so happy right now! :) You have no idea. It's not just because you loved this book, which I cannot wait to read. But also because you found your fantasy inner self! :) That's so amazing. Great review, Ali :)

    1. My fantasy inner self, HA! I love it. Thanks Tanja!

  5. SQUEEEEEEEEEE! I'm so happy you're loving this. I'm a little disappointed that people are not enjoying this book as much. Yeah, it might not be the most original book, but it's got some fantastic twists and turns that had me screaming!
    Fabulous review, Ali! :)

    1. I agree. There was just something about it that completely sucked me in.

  6. I'm not a fantasy reader myself, so I'm going to take your recommendation very seriously because we're alike when it comes to this genre. :)

  7. "I have struggled with it so much in the past that it just wasn't my go to genre but I have to say, with the last year and all the excellent books I have read, this one included, I am so a fantasy girl now."

    YOU AND ME BOTH ALI!!!! I've fallen madly in love with so many fantasy books this past year, and now they're the first thing I look for when adding to my TBR list. SO glad you loved this one as much as I did, it just blew me away:)

    1. *high fives Jenny* Yay for great books that can make you change your mind about a genre!

  8. Welcome to the dark side Kindlemom ;)
    Great review and I've heard a lot about this novel, even though it's out of my genre comfort zone I may have to add this to my aching pile

  9. Lol tidal wide! Not sure I'm ready to take a plunge yet but I'm definitely interested in seeing where this series goes :D

    1. :D I hope you do eventually it really was wonderful. :)

  10. Yay - Welcome to the enchanted world of fantasy, Ali!! It just takes the right books to hook you in. I'm SO happy this was a great read for you. I'm over the top now to get to my copy, and the paranormal aspect ... I'm very curious now. Your enthusiasm makes me smile. :)

    Happy Friday!!

    1. Ahh thanks Kim! I hope you love it just as much as I did but I have a feeling you will. :)

  11. So glad you are reading and loving this as well!

  12. aww Ali glad you now enjoy fantasy, i enjoy it myself, but lately haven't read it as much as I use to a shame really. I do want to read this one, the world sounds fun :D

    1. This is fabulous and I hope you do read it, especially since I know how much you love the genre.

  13. All right, I'll pick it up again soon; your review convinced me. I had started it sometime ago, but found the beginning meh. :P Glad you loved!!

  14. Damn, another one I passed. The blurb made me thing Red Rising and I was honestly afraid of a knock-off. Guess I show read it. Or perhaps I'll until after the 2nd book is out.

    1. There are some similarities but not a copy cat by any means. ;)

  15. Gah! I'm so kicking myself for skipping this one. I saw YA and auto-ignored it because I don't read much YA anymore. Obviously it's another mistake!!

    1. Hopefully you can add it to your pile still. ;)

  16. I have heard nothing but good things about this one, and it sounds so gripping! The forbidden love and conspiracy aspects are definitely intriguing. Awesome review :)

    1. You will like this one it just about has everything in it.

  17. This is one I keep meaning to read but never get to it. Guess I will have to make it a priority now!

  18. Oh that's great that you were surprised that much by the novel. I love to read books like that! I fell in love with the cover, and I'm quite curious. thanks for the review!

    1. I bet you like this as much as I do Melliane. I think this is your kind of read. ;)

  19. Another rave review for this one- I've only read a few, so that's great. I am curious about this one, and I never would have thought I'd be that curious by fantasy either!

  20. Oh I'm so so glad that you enjoyed this one. I myself aren't really one for fantasy either but I'm really am looking forward to this one immensely. So glad to hear to see another great review! :)

  21. Wonderful review, I struggled with this in the beginning..I kept comparing it to recent reads like Golden Son but somewhere in the middle it sunk it's hooks in me, and that last 1/3 woot!

  22. YAY for you turning into a fantasy girl! I do love my fantasy. :)
    I'm glad this was amazing for you. I have heard the author puts you through a lot but that it's really worth it.

  23. Ooooooh glad to see you are loving this book, lovely review

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I absolutely loved this book too! I'm going to be reviewing it later this week, but I think you're totally right that it was just the whole package that made it amazing!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I am so glad you read and loved this too. I can't wait to see your review!

  26. Yay! I'm glad to hear you've been converted to fantasy! I really wanted to read this book, but so far the reviews have been so mixed. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! (Now I just have to get my hands on it somehow.) I have a weakness for powers and forbidden love. (as you probably know)

    1. Yep and you will definitely like this one. ;)

  27. I'm reading this one now and loving it! I am so happy to see such a high rating from you. I think I'm really going to adore this when I'm done. Fantastic review!

    1. Yay! Isn't it fabulous? So much fun! I can't wait for book two.

  28. Oh YAY! This one has been on my list just from premise intrigue and cover lust, but if it can turn a non-fantasy fan into a devotee, then I DEFINITELY will be reading it. Thanks!
