Thursday, May 28, 2015

Review and Giveaway: A Field Guide to Awkward Silences by Alexandra Petri

Title: A Field Guide to Awkward Silences
Author: Alexandra Petri
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: NAL (June 2, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Essay Collection
My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Book Description:
Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri turns her satirical eye on her own life in this hilarious new memoir...

Most twentysomethings spend a lot of time avoiding awkwardness.

Not Alexandra Petri.

Afraid of rejection? Alexandra Petri has auditioned for America’s Next Top Model. Afraid of looking like an idiot? Alexandra Petri lost Jeopardy! by answering “Who is that dude?” on national TV. Afraid of bad jokes? Alexandra Petri won an international pun championship.

Petri has been a debutante, reenacted the Civil War, and fended off suitors at a Star Wars convention while wearing a Jabba the Hutt suit. One time, she let some cult members she met on the street baptize her, just to be polite. She’s a connoisseur of the kind of awkwardness that most people spend whole lifetimes trying to avoid. If John Hodgman and Amy Sedaris had a baby…they would never let Petri babysit it.

But Petri is here to tell you: Everything you fear is not so bad. Trust her. She’s tried it. And in the course of her misadventures, she’s learned that there are worse things out there than awkwardness—and that interesting things start to happen when you stop caring what people think. 

About the Author:

Alexandra Petri is a columnist and blogger for the Washington Post, as well as a playwright, stand-up comedian, and an International Pun Champion.  She lives in Washington, D.C. 

Visit her online:

Twitter @petridishes

Every once in awhile we need something fun, quirky, and just out there. Something to have a good time. Something original, carefree, and will leave us laughing because it truly is ridiculous in all the best ways.

A Field Guide to Awkward Silences is one such read.

Entertaining, sometimes bizarre, always fun, relatable, (because come on, how many of us have never been in an awkward situation?), and a laugh in every chapter, it is a book that is hard not to like, nod your head in agreement in many situations, and roll your eyes in so many because really, is this person for real? 

Well written and a great escape read to try in a lazy afternoon, to cleanse the palate and just have a fun time, A Field Guide to Awkward Silences will be that escape, the hilarious laugh out loud story that will keep you on your toes and keep a smile on your face. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I definitely love books that just make you nod and go, "Yup. I know how it feels." And this book is funny too, so bonus points! :) I'll probably add this to my TBR now. Awesome review, Ali!

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

    1. Thanks so much Aimee, I hope you end up having fun with this one too. ;D

  2. It sounds like the perfect read in between heavy readings. I like the humour and how retrospective it is.

  3. This sounds different from the books you typically read. Different is always good especially when you're in a slump. It does sound funny. Must check it out!

  4. I love memoirs and this one looks really good, thanks for the review and the giveaway Kindlemom!!!

  5. Oooomg, the awesomeness of that title! This sounds exactly like the kind of read I'd love!

  6. We do need those every now and then don't we?

  7. The blur and her socks alone make me smile! This sounds fun and quirky which is a nice change - so I'm curious for sure! I'm glad you enjoyed the story, Ali :)

    Hey- do I spy you reading The Shadow Revolution?? Yay - I hope you enjoy it too :)

    1. Yes it was a fun read Kim and definitely quirky!
      And yes, I'm so excited!!

  8. Just a heads up- someone didn't finish the rafflecopter. It doesn't include WHO to follow on twitter. I follow you and the author so I clicked I did. Cause I WANT to read this book!!!!! I love the sound of it so much!

    1. Oh darn, thanks for letting me know Candace!

  9. You can't not love original & quirky :) This sounds like a great read! And I absolutely adore that cover!!!

  10. I always manage to find myself in awkward situations so this sounds awesome! :)

  11. This sounds like a funny story. I think we've all been in awkward situations, but most of us don't go looking for them. I'm someone who can feel embarrassed by a book!

    1. Me too! I get embarrassed for other people even. ;)

  12. you're right it's nice to have a fun book like that from time to time!

  13. I love a fun, quirky read sometimes. The author pic is hilarious. :D

  14. I love it when a book makes me laugh :)
