Thursday, May 11, 2017

Review: White Hot by Ilona Andrews

Title: White Hot
Author: Ilona Andrews
Series: Book Two in the Hidden Legacy Trilogy
Published By: Avon (May 30, 2017)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
The Hidden Legacy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews continues as Nevada and Rogan navigate a world where magic is the norm…and their relationship burns hot

Nevada Baylor has a unique and secret skill—she knows when people are lying—and she's used that magic (along with plain, hard work) to keep her colorful and close-knit family's detective agency afloat. But her new case pits her against the shadowy forces that almost destroyed the city of Houston once before, bringing Nevada back into contact with Connor "Mad" Rogan.

Rogan is a billionaire Prime—the highest rank of magic user—and as unreadable as ever, despite Nevada’s “talent.” But there’s no hiding the sparks between them. Now that the stakes are even higher, both professionally and personally, and their foes are unimaginably powerful, Rogan and Nevada will find that nothing burns like ice … 

I'm starting to think that there is nothing that the writing duo that is the Andrews, can't do.

Magic, sexual tension, murders, secrets, action, a kick butt heroine and a heart stopping, heart pounding (sometimes) hero? You betcha, this book has it and then some. 

The Andrew's Kate Daniels series has always been one of my most favorite UF series but for whatever reason I've never really branched out with their writing, but this year I decided it was time to let the tree grow and see where those branches would take me. I'm so very glad I did because I can say without hesitation, that I've found a new trilogy to love from them. I'm actually so sad that this will only be a trilogy because after finishing this, I can already tell, I will want more than just three books. 

I don't even know where to begin to describe this series. It's 

It has the right blend of fantasy and romance with a whole lot of mystery and danger. It truly is unbelievably hard to put down. There is a reason that this series as a whole, is rated as well as it is and talked about as much as it it. It is just so much darn fun. I just can't even. Read the series, you won't regret it for a moment. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. YES! This series and this writing duo is just the best! I had a complete blast reading this one too, especially after 2 years of waiting! Nevada and Connor are so OTP!!

    1. I'm so glad I just barely had started it, waiting that long would have been torture!

  2. I so need to jump on these books. I only see good things. Glad you enjoyed this one!! Great review!!

    1. They really are so good Grace and since they are finally almost all out, it is the perfect time to read them.

  3. Replies
    1. A trilogy and book three will be out in July. ;)

  4. Look at you reading a big girl book ;-) LOL
    Thanks for the great review Kindlemom I have been wanting to read these two forever!!

    1. LOL! I read then more than you think. ;) I just seldom review them for some reason.

  5. Yay!! *throws confetti* I can't wait to read this - I'm counting the days. So glad you loved it, Ali. :)

    PS: I see your reading Owl, isn't it fun?!!

    1. It is! I can't believe I waited so long to start them!

  6. I'm waiting until the third book comes out so I can do a binge read. I have to say I always cringe whenever I see the book covers. They're horrible!

    1. Ugh, me too, they are all awful but this one is the WORST! Kind of embarrassing actually even if the cover makes sense with a scene in the book, it is still *shudders*.

  7. I am at 68% and cannot wait to crawl under the covers and finish this tonight Ali!!

    1. Isn't it good? I hope you have book three as well because you're going to want it!

  8. I think I need to start reading her books.

  9. Woot! I'm reading it next. After my slow ass gets through the two I'm currently reading. Ohh I see you're reading Owl and the Japanese Circus. I want to read that too!

    1. You will love it and I hope you grabbed book three because you are going to want it.
      I'm really liking Owl, I just started book two and like it as well. It's a fun series and something new so you know. ;)

  10. Yay! I'm glad you loved this too! Totally agree with everything! I'm glad the wait was worth it ;) Awesome review!

    1. It definitely was. Have you read book three yet? So good too!

  11. I read this right away when I got approved because I just couldn't resist. I need to re-read before I write my review, but I totally agree, this series is just so much fun! I can't wait for the next book! :)

    1. LOL I did too and then the third. :P So good. I'm sad there won't be anymore books.

  12. If you give this 5 stars and say it's hot, I'm gonna read it!!

  13. I am so excited for this!! I barely remember the first one but I remember loving the sexual tension so I'm looking forward to this one and am glad you thought it was hot. ;) Wonderful review!

  14. I'm still not caught up with KD but I plan on binging on the Clean Sweep series. I'm in a serious romance slump lately so I'll be shelving this for later. :)

    Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Hopefully you will love it and Thank You so much!!

  15. OMG! You're so lucky! Now I can't wait for May 30 to finally come. It's great to know that it's as great as the first book. I'm super duper excited now. Great review!

  16. This lady never stops writing. So many series and I haven't read a single one. I really need to start don't I! Putting me to shame, haha. Great review. And great to be back commenting on your blog too, long time! :)

    1. You really should try something of their's, it really all is very good. ;) It is so nice to see you!!

  17. I'm very excited to get this book. I'm waiting for the audio (because I have to listen to their stuff. I love Renee Raudman). I just relistened to Burn for Me to get ready.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Trust me, you'll love it and the next one too. ;)

  18. They really are an amazing duo. I still need to start these. *flails* Yay for it being so dang good!

  19. I miss this authors writing, really need to get more of her books. Super awesome to hear you are enjoying this one

    1. They really are a great writing pair aren't they? Glad you like them too. ;)
