Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Summer Reading List, Recommendations, and What Will You Be Reading?

With school about two weeks shy of being out and summer break just over the horizon, I thought this year it would be fun to actually have a place where I not only get some good recommendations for what to read, but also make a list of those books I want to (finally in some cases) get to. 

After seeing Rummanah Aasi's Summer Reading Plan, I decided she was brilliant and I too needed a list, because, after all who doesn't like checking things off a list?

So this is where I will be posting all those books I finally want to read this year but the fact is, most of them, the ones I always say I'm going to finally read, I can't remember. Call it an over taxed brain, or lack of sleep or maybe I'm just getting old, but I can't for the life of me, remember all the books I want to read this summer. So, that is where you, dear blogging friends, come in to play. Help me remember! Or better yet, just recommend me something that you've recently loved and I just must read. Sadly, more than likely I probably already own it somewhere on my kindle or bookshelf and have got forgotten about it. I should be embarrassed about that, but I'm not because there are worse things I could be spending my  money on and hoarding than books right? 

What I know I want to try this summer? This series by none other than writing duo Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I've heard so many great things about it, I think it is about time I try it.

My good friend Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings recommended me this book and when I was first approached to read and review it I turned it down because quite frankly it looked sad and I was so not in the mood for sad. But after she assured me it was so worth it, I know I want to read it now and have plans for it this summer.

This book doesn't even come out until almost the end of summer but it is the last in a series I've absolutely adored so I know I will be reading it as soon as it releases in August and I can't wait. It will be bittersweet to say the least.

I always say I'm going to finish this series and yet, I never make time for it. Well I think this summer is finally the summer I do it. At least keep your fingers crossed for me that I do. I loved the first book so I do't know what my problem is other than the love triangle maybe?

Yep, still not finished with this series but I'm almost there! Really only like, what four books to go. I can do it right? Plus if I'm being honest, I miss Rachel and Jinks!

I was thinking of starting this trilogy but I don't know. I'm afraid that I might have outgrown this genre for the most part so, if any of you have read it and loved it, let me know and I just might try it after all. 

And that is all that I can remember thinking I really wanted to try and I know, I know there are more. Gah! So this is where you come in, please recommend me something or if you remember me saying I wanted to try something you reviewed or read, let me know because seriously people, I'm drawing a blank and I so want a check list this summer. :D


  1. Ohhh good luck with these! I just ordered a copy of The Garden of Small Beginnings. Can't wait to read this.

    1. All the reviews for it so far have been so good. I hope we both like it. ;)

  2. Wow what a fantastic summer of reading you have planned. I'll be sure to stop by with recommendations when I hear a good read out there especially YAs.
    Happy Summer Reading

    1. Thanks Debbie, I'm all for adult reads as well. ;)

  3. Yes to Illuminae and Gemina! I love this book and I can't wait for the third one. It's seriously one series I'm actually keeping up with. I need to do a re-read of these before the last one though.

    I recommend A Murder in Time - I'm currently reading A Twist in Time and loving it.


  4. All of those look good. There are a few authors there that I haven't read before. I just ordered a few books from Amazon and am now waiting for them to come. So I'll have a few more reviews on my blog next month.

    1. Can't wait to see what you got and what you thought about them. :D

  5. Illuminae and Garden of Small Begins are musts. Oh I am with you on Rituals! I enjoyed the Darkest Mind, but never finished the trilogy.

    1. I find myself doing that more and more lately, especially in YA. Maybe I am burnt out on the genre a bit?

  6. Thanks for the shout-out, Ali! Having a list makes me focused and it holds me responsible for reading the titles. I've still have yet to read the Raven Cycle which I said I was going to do but never got around to it. I still need to do that!

    As for recs, definitely read Illuminae and Gemina. You will fly through them and be ready when the last book comes out in the fall. I'm really enjoying the Darker Shade of Magic series and it's great on audio too if you don't have time for the physical book. I also have Heidi's rec for Garden of Small Beginnings.

    1. Lists really do help don't they? Definitely read about the Raven Boys, I love them and miss them!

  7. I'm going to read A Garden of Small Beginnings after Heidi's recommendation, too. I stopped reading Kelley Armstrong's Omens when I found out there was a love triangle. I could've gone with it, but it looks like it was still going on in book 5! I don't know, maybe I should try it out again, because I was enjoying it. I do hate love triangles, though!

    1. There is one but it is part of the legend and honestly, Kelley makes it work. ;)

  8. Illuminae was good (and I thought Gemina was even better) so yay for those! And I've been really enjoying the Kelley Armstrong I've read, so I will definitely be reading more of her stuff. The Unravel Me books always catch my eye too, must be those awesome covers. :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to those the most I think and with book three around the corner it is a good time to start them. I hope you try the Cainville series, it really is fabulous.

  9. Great idea! I've put together a list, too. I'm one that loves to check things off and get the satisfaction of the list growing smaller. I've read the Illuminae and loved it. The others are familiar, but alas other than seeing great reviews on them or the series, I can't help there.

    Good luck! :)

    1. *high fives you* Hopefully we can both check a lot of books off our lists this summer. ;)

  10. I hope your's is as well Heidi!

  11. I recommend The Mageri Series by Dannika Dark. Or her Seven series. She also had a new series out(2books so far) called Crossbreed series. Can you tell she's my favorite author? Mageri being my favorite. Also Relentless series by Karen Lynch is so good. YA UF/PNR. Boundary Magic books by Melissa F. Olson is good too. Ashes to Ashes series by Amber Lynn Natusch or her Caged series. Experiment in Terror series by Karina Halle. All great. I could go on and on :)

    1. I always forget about Halle and she is a favorite of mine so I don't even know why. I will definitely check all of these out. Thank you so much Lorna for all the recommendations!!

  12. There are some really great books there. Some are on my TBR and some that I've read. I'm trying to get caught up on my review books. I'm like 10 behind right now, and I still have a ton of library and purchased books to get to also.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I have a few ARCs I will be reading as well so I know that feeling. ;)

  13. A great list you have there. I do hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading.

  14. The pressure of remembering is so bad! Hope you have fun with these. I need to catch up with Armstrong and try out Harrison.

    1. I agree and definitely try Harrison her books are really good, especially if you want UF.

  15. I really hope you read The Garden of Small Beginnings, it was really good :) great selection for the summer.

  16. I want Rituals! I liked Illumine and the last Rachel Morgan book!

    1. Me too, I can't wait for it to come out. I wish there were ARCs of it somewhere.

  17. You will definitely love Illuminae, I just finished gemina recently and it was great!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. So glad they both were great and the second wasn't lacking. I think that is why I've waited so long to start them, I didn't want the second to be a disappointment. That happens way too often anymore.

  18. You should definitely read Ilumminae!! (Than Gemina!) Totally worth it and only a little sad at time but mostly crazy and amazing haha. And I've had The Darkest Mind on my TBR for so long now...hope you enjoy your books, it's a fantastic list!

    1. Thank you! I hope you do as well and maybe we will both get to Darkest Mind LOL!

  19. You definitely need to take Heidi's advice & rad Garden. It's REALLY good. And yay, get back to Rachel.

    1. I definitely am going to read that one. For some reason my request is still pending but if not then I will grab it from the library. ;)

  20. What a great idea! I think I need to do this, too. As you know, I've been getting into Historical Romances, lately. And the HR book I just finished, Lord of Scoundrels, was so surprisingly good! The cover is atrocious, but the writing was on point. If you ever want to delve into HR, that would be an A+ book to start with!
