Sunday, October 28, 2012

Review: The Gathering Darkness by Lisa Collicutt

Title: The Gathering Darkness
Author: Lisa Collicutt
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Curiosity Quills (Sept. 22, 2012)
Source: Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Ya Fantasy/Paranormal
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Goodreads Description:
 They say "third time's the charm", and for sixteen-year-old Brooke Day, they had better be right. She’s been here before, twice in fact, and an evil demon-witch wants her dead a third time.

When Brooke is forced to leave Boston for the small town of Deadwich, she thinks her life is over. Before long, her new friends start acting strange—downright evil. But worse than that, nightmares she’s had her whole life become reality.

Enter Marcus Knight; popular, hot, and the only person Brooke can trust. Not to mention, they’ve shared the same nightmares.

With the discovery of an ancient Celtic amulet, Brooke and Marcus unravel the secrets of her past, which reveals the key to her future.

As the equinox approaches:

Darkness and light merge for the first time in a century.

Soul-mates reunite.

Magic awakens.

My Review:
I knew I wanted to read this one after reading the synopsis and I had a feeling it was going to be a bit mysterious and maybe even a but creepy but I had no idea just how creepy it was going to be!

I made the mistake of starting this right before bed. I thought I would just open it up and read the first chapter real quick and get it started.

Yeah, not a good idea. Not only was it dark outside but then I couldn't just read one chapter, not after that creeptastic scene at the Inn! Seriously, maybe I am a big chicken or something but that scene was pretty fantastic and made me want to look over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching me while I was reading, which they were by the way. But thankfully it wasn't some blood sucking witch beast but just my husband smirking at me as he watched the expression on my face turn from calm and serene to slightly horrified. I am sure it wasn't pretty.

And then of course I got to see the two hotties, Evan and Marcus that entered the scene and I couldn't just stop reading there! I mean in two chapters, I got a huge creep factor and then hotties. Who cares if it is late and I have to get up early in the morning? I sure didn't, at least not until the next morning when I had to drag my sorry self half asleep out of bed, but, it was worth it!

I loved this story. Not only did it have witches (which is by far my fav) but this was a sweet love story as well. One about reincarnation. In fact it just might be my favorite reincarnation story I have read yet.

There were so many twists and turns in this one that I sometimes felt like I was on a roller coaster or at the very least on a merry-go-round as my mind was left spinning with all the new discoveries there were chapter after chapter.

I can't believe this was a debt novel for Ms. Collicutt. It was so well crafted and played out. The characters were all likeable (and some very unlikeable) and fabulous and the storyline was very well developed and kept me turning the pages. One minute I was swooning at the incredible love story and sweet emotions between Brooke and Marcus and the next completely creeped out by the darkness and evil doings of the witches.

It is obvious from this novel that Collicutt is a very talented writer and one that I will be keeping an eye on for sure.

I give this one a very much deserved 4.5 Stars!


  1. Wow! Now that is a convincing review! I scare way easy so this would definitely have to be a daytime read. But I love reincarnation stories!

  2. Thanks Candace! I bet you will love it too. I am a pretty big chicken and it wasn't too bad, just the right amount of creepiness!

  3. Thanks for the great review! This one was already in my TBR pile, but I think I need to bump it up to the top.

  4. Okay, I'm in. Can you see me over here behind the TBR mountain. hehehe

  5. @Heidi, I think you would really like this one!

    @Sharon and emaginette, thanks so much for stopping by!

    And I hear you about that TBR pile, I swear my grows every week no matter how many books I get read.

  6. You had me at 'creepy.' lol. I just may have to check this book out.

  7. Christy I think you will really like this one! :)
