Friday, October 5, 2012

Review: Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay

Title: Romeo Redeemed
Author: Stacey Jay
Series: Book Two of Two in the Juliet Immortal Series
Published By: Delacorte Books for Young Readers (Oct. 9, 2012)
Source: ARC Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Goodreads Description:
 All will be revealed for fans who have breathlessly awaited the sizzling sequel to Juliet Immortal. This time Romeo takes center stage and gets one chance, and one chance only, to redeem himself.

Cursed to live out eternity in his rotted corpse, Romeo, known for his ruthless, cutthroat ways, is given the chance to redeem himself by traveling back in time to save the life of Ariel Dragland. Unbeknownst to her, Ariel is important to both the evil Mercenaries and the love-promoting Ambassadors and holds the fate of the world in her hands. Romeo must win her heart and make her believe in love, turning her away from her darker potential before his work is discovered by the Mercenaries. While his seduction begins as yet another lie, it soon becomes his only truth. Romeo vows to protect Ariel from harm, and do whatever it takes to win her heart and soul. But when Ariel is led to believe his love is a deception, she becomes vulnerable to Mercenary manipulation, and her own inner darkness may ultimately rip them apart.

My Review:
I fell in love with Ms. Jay's writing after reading Juliet Immortal. It was just so poetic feeling and just breathtaking.

Needless to say I adored the story and was so excited to learn that we would get more Romeo, that we would get to hear more of his story and hopefully, get to see him be able to redeem himself.

I knew his story must be a good one.

I really wanted to get to know Ariel too, I knew there must be more to her story as well. We learned a lot about her through Juliet but still, I thought it would be fun to see how Romeo intended to win her over.

What I wasn't expecting was to see Juliet. I thought her story was over (or just beginning depending on how you looked at it). I didn't expect her voice to be in this one too, it was a nice surprise although a slightly confusing one considering how book one ended.

It was a nice little twist on the story though, that the story of Romeo and Juliet really were entwined and linked together, no matter the ending.

There were a lot of twists and turns that I didn't see coming in this one. Mostly though, this story was beautiful. Romeo really was redeemed in every way a man can be.

I absolutely loved every minute of this read and this series. I really will miss them all. Juliet, Romeo, Ben. Ariel, Gemma, I have loved them all.

This story ended beautifully. Very well done Ms. Jay.


  1. I had decided not to read this series because of all the mixed reviews of the first one, but if you liked it that much I may have to reconsider. I will watch for the first at the library.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I really love stories like these. Star crossed lovers and being redeemed, right up my alley!

    I hope you like it if you decide to try it Candace!!

  3. I fell you Heidi! I thought I was doing better with my TBR pile but now I realize I'm really not! I still have a mountain of books to get through for this year and the first part of January!
