Sunday, June 30, 2013

Indie Book of the Week: Ctrl Z by Danika Stone

This weeks Indie Book of the Week goes to a very interesting, very different read by author Danika Stone. Her book Ctrl Z is a very unique suspenseful romantic read. One I found myself easily getting caught up in. 

Title: Ctrl Z 
Author: Danika Stone
Series: Stand Alone (with possible sequel)
Published: March 1, 2013
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Thriller

Book Description:
Indigo Sykes has spent years trying to forget where she came from. She has a degree, a new life, and a quiet existence. Everything she ever wanted... But all of this comes to a screeching halt when an unexpected meeting with computer hacker, Jude Alden, changes her plans. Romance blooms between the mismatched duo, even while entanglements from Indigo’s past threaten to pull the two of them apart. 

Dogged by a history of running, Indigo’s hard-won security is shattered when Jude’s illegal activity drags both of them into a dangerous game. As the net of hacking and underworld crime tightens around Jude and Indigo’s dark history is exposed, the two of them must find a way out or risk bringing the consequences down on them both.

About the Author:
Danika Stone is an artist with a graduate degree in Education, whose involvement in the Arts and New Media, has spanned a decade and a half. Danika has written for various publications and her non-fiction writing has appeared in several academic books. Passionate about Fine Arts, Danika has maintained her ties to the Arts community, merging the fields of writing, technology and artwork through technology-inspired art projects. Her thesis: 21st Century Learning and the Impact on Student Engagement (2012) investigated instructional practice as a means to invoke self-determination and participation in students, while her current artistic practice involves using digital tools to address the ethical questions posed by emergent technologies. 

No longer content with the rigid separation of non-fiction writing and her artwork, Danika returned to her roots in the arts community as she began researching her first novel: Intaglio. These connections to the modern art scene, along with her personal experiences and numerous friendships with contemporary artists, are the inspiration behind this story. 

My Thoughts and Review:
When I started this one I was definitely in the mood for something with a little more action, a whole lot of mystery and if it was a thriller with some romance thrown in for good measure, all the better. That was pretty much what I got.

Not only did it give me something different but it was something I could read in one sitting  which was nice. I love long books but it is always nice when you can get a quick suspense filled read in a matter of hours instead of days.

The story line was pretty engaging and moved quickly and kept me turning the pages to find out more. The only real downfall of this book was that there weren't a whole lot of surprises and not really as much mystery as I was hoping it would have. The writing was good though and with the ending I can only imagine that a sequel could be in the works at least, it would be nice to see one.

I loved that both Indigo and Jude were far from perfect and they each had their own secrets they were hiding not only from each other but from the whole world and yet even though they were both very different people from very different back grounds, their worlds collided and they were both the better for it. 

I am a sucker for two damaged people coming together as we all know and I love watching them grow together and separate and this had a little bit of both of that in it. 

I think this was a fun read that can easily be read in one sitting and that any lovers of romantic suspense will enjoy. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author. I was not compensated for this review*


  1. I love damaged characters too, that way we can see growth. Love hacker themes and mystery. This sounds like a fun escape even if the mystery was weak. Great review!

  2. @Kim, thanks!!

    I know that you mean Heidi, I avoid long books for the most part for that reason too but I still have a few 500 plusers that are part of series and ones I love!

  3. Because I am an idiot, I had to press ctrl +z on my keyboard to see what would happen. ;) Anyway, I definitely agree - sometimes it's really great to be able to read something in one go. I'm glad you enjoyed this one overall! Lovely review. :)

  4. That's too bad there wasn't more mystery to it but it still sounds good!

  5. lmfao @ Sam's comment. Anyway, The title sounds familiar. I sounds good. I like when an author can write such a good book without making 500 freaking page.

  6. I have been enjoying a few romantic thrillers lately. I guess it something different from what I typically read and has proved refreshing. This sounds pretty good, though I am sorry it didn't have more of the element of surprise. Greater review.

  7. I love fast paced exciting books, this one looks different. Mystery, thriller and romance? yes please.
