Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Review: Naturals by Tiffany Truitt

Title: Naturals
Author: Tiffany Truitt
Series: Book Two in the Lost Souls Series
Published By: Entangled (April 2, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Tess is finally safe from the reach of the Council, now that she is living in the Middlelands with the rebel Isolationists. With James having returned to Templeton, she easily falls back into her friendship with Henry, though her newfound knowledge of Robert’s chosen one status still stings. Even surrounded by people, Tess has never felt more alone. So she’s thrilled when James returns to the settlement, demanding to see Tess — until she finds out that it’s because her sister, Louisa, has been recruited into Tess’s old position at Templeton, and that the dangerously sadistic chosen one George has taken an interest in her.

My Thoughts and Review:
I was so ready to jump into this one after finishing the first book. I just had to see where the author would take Tess next. I needed to know if James was okay and where he was and what he was doing. I needed to know more about Robert and Henry and the resistance. I needed to know more about the Isolationists and all they stood for. To put it simply, I just needed more.

This takes place just two days after the first ended. Tess, Robert and Henry as well as their guides are still traveling through the woods to their new home. I was happy to see that Tess isn't wallowing in having to say goodbye to James, but instead set on becoming that girl she has finally discovered. That inner strength still there that she didn't even know she possessed. 

I don't want to go into too much detail but I will say that this book was full of really wonderful characters, all of them flawed in one way or another and yet, all of them perfect too, well not perfect per se but perfect for the story and perfect for Tess, Henry, Robert, James, Lockwood, Eric, Susan, McNair, I really enjoyed all of them, warts and all, in fact I enjoyed this whole story and completely devoured it. I dare say I loved it more than the first.

And can we talk about that ending? Actually, no, we can't talk about that ending because I don't want to give anything away but, I will say, I didn't see that one coming. At. All. And, holy crap! I can't wait for book three. I need book three, like now. Sigh. It is going to be a long wait.

*All opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was in no way compensated for this review*


  1. I remember when I added the first to my wishlist when it first came out and I've seen some mixed reviews, but I'm definitely curious and I'm so glad you're enjoying the series! I want to know the ending!

  2. I hope you are having a great time on vacation Candace!!

    I can't wait for the next book so I really hope you give this series a try!

  3. cliffhanger endings suck .,, that is all :)

    I really should pick up this series

  4. I love unpredictable endings, but I hope it isn't too much of a cliffhanger! I'm really not keen on those. It's great to see that you enjoyed this even more than the first. Great review as always! :)

  5. LOL @ KrazzyMe!

    @Sam, it was really good and the ending really wasn't too bad, just suspenseful, which really, isn't a bad thing!

  6. Ah! I absolutely love when I can't see an ending coming. I haven't read the first book yet because of the mixed reviews, but I think I might give the series a try. Awesome review!

  7. I can't wait to give these books a try! I loved your review of the first one, and I'm glad the sequel surprised you, though it sounds like that ending may have been a cliffie? If so, at least it didn't bother you too much. :-) Awesome review!

  8. Yep, there was Lauren but it was in a good way. Not too bad at all.

  9. I love the cover for this book. Maybe I just want her hair. :D I've want to read this series for awhile, but it keeps getting pushed back. I'm glad you like it though!

  10. OMG, I didn't see that ending coming either. I really liked this book to, but now I really want the next one because I have to know what happens and I really hoping things go well with James. Great review!

  11. I remember your lovely review of book one and the fact that you loved this one just as much (plus, that very effective ending) makes me want to jump into this series as soon as I can.
    Like, when I find the time to read. *cries*

  12. I know, I know! There are so many great books out and only so many hours in a day!!
