Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Release Day Review: The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris

Title: The Fine Art Of Pretending
Author: Rachel Harris
Series: Book One in the Series of the Same Name
Published By: Spencer Hill (September 30, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Desription:
According to the guys at Fairfield Academy, there are two types of girls: the kind you hook up with, and the kind you're friends with. Seventeen-year-old Alyssa Reed is the second type. And she hates it. With just one year left to change her rank, she devises a plan to become the first type by homecoming, and she sets her sights on the perfect date—Justin Carter, Fairfield Academy’s biggest hottie and most notorious player.

With 57 days until the dance, Aly launches Operation Sex Appeal and sheds her tomboy image. The only thing left is for Justin actually to notice her. Enter best friend Brandon Taylor, the school’s second biggest hottie, and now Aly’s pretend boyfriend. With his help, elevating from “funny friend” to “tempting vixen” is only a matter of time.

But when everything goes according to plan, the inevitable “break up” leaves their friendship in shambles, and Aly and Brandon with feelings they can’t explain. And the fake couple discovers pretending can sometimes cost you the one thing you never expected to want.

I knew from the moment I opened the first page and read it that Aly and I were going to be great friends. I love when a first chapter, a first page, can capture me right away and I feel that instant connection with a character. It is so rare when it happens, which makes it all the better and memorable when it does.

I wasn't wrong about that first page either. As Aly's tale unfolded I grew to love her and Brandon more and more. There is just something that is so hard for me to resist when it comes to a sweet slow burning friends to lovers story. In fact, I CAN'T resist them and seldom even try.

Throw in Harris' ability to draw a person in with her incredible writing abilities and you have a story that I completely was wrapped up in and didn't want to end.

This was such a heartwarming adorable read. This book will be one of my favorites of the year simply because it made me smile and even get teary eyed while reading it and lately, it has taken a lot for me to do that, especially in this genre.  For me to be able to walk away with this one a happier, more relaxed person, with a warm fuzzy feeling inside should be enough for anyone to pick this up too.

Simply put, this was stinkin' adorable and I loved every minute of it and can't wait for the next book to be out. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I so rarely read contemporary romances, but I love it when they're sweet, and I especially adore the friends to lovers trope. I have yet to read anything by Harris but she sounds like a fabulous writer. Most of my friends adore her work.
    Lovely review as always, Ali!

  2. It's nice now I want to be friend with Ali too. I love to have a character like that. I didn't know about this one but the cover is really cute. Great review!

  3. This one sounds like a really cute read! You've totally sold me on this book, I hadn't even considered it before. I hope I can get my hands on this book seen, I need a cute contemporary romance in my life right now.

    1. This book is seriously adorable and needs to be read by everyone. :)

  4. Is this a new cover? I could've sworn I saw a different cover for this before!

    It sounds cuuuuute :)

  5. I'm so glad you loved this, Ali. I'm going to purchase a copy later and I'm excited to read it. I absolutely love Rachel Harris. She is the queen of cute books for me. :)
    Gorgeous review!

  6. I haven't had the opportunity to read any of Rachel Harris' books (shame, shame, shame). This one sounds like a good starting point. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Ali.

  7. "For me to be able to walk away with this one a happier, more relaxed person, with a warm fuzzy feeling inside should be enough for anyone to pick this up too."

    SOLD ALI! That's all I need to know about this one. All the books I've read lately have been dark and gritty, so I'm ready for the warm fuzzies:)

  8. Sounds like this might be a good choice for me to read, after I get through that big pile of dark/horror books I'm working on right now lol.

  9. An insta-connection with the protagonist is usually a good sign, as is being hooked from the first word of page 1. Then, you go and throw out 'fav book of the year' and I can no longer resist one-clicking this title. Beautiful review!

  10. Great Review Kindlemom, it's a rare and beautiful thing when you become friends with the characters from the get go. Glad this one did it for you!!

  11. I saw this.on NG & found the cover to be cute. I'm gearing up for a cute read myself, need to break my fantasy streak

    1. Yep we all need these cute fluffy breaks once in a while.

  12. This will be perfect for that Heidi!

  13. Replies
    1. I really do and it really does help a story go from good to great. ;)

  14. I have heard so much about this one and I truly love that cover. It's so easy to love the book when you connect with the character right away. Amazing review :)

  15. Aws love ones like that. Smiling is a very good thing :) I have one of hers on my tbr pile I think. I'll need to go searching :)

  16. aw, this does sound really cute! Thanks for sharing.

  17. GREAT review! Yayyy! I am so glad you liked it! I cannot wait to read it.

  18. I haven't read any of her books yet but this sounds amazing!

  19. aww yay for adorable books and characters you can actually connect with!

  20. Aww sounds cute! Can't wait to read this one! :D

  21. You had me at "sweet slow burning friends to lovers story." I am going to ask my local bookseller if they have copies. I'm fairly easy to convince. ;D So excited to read this now! You've got me pumped. ;)

    1. Yay! I hope they have it and you are able to read it!

  22. I actually haven't read a novel by Harris yet but am so glad to see you loved this as much as you did! I've seen this cover around quite a bit and it's adorable but now you've sold me on the story inside as well. Great review, dear! :)

  23. I'm a BIG fan of adorable heartwarming reads so I know I need to get my hands on this one. Lovely review!

    1. You really do, I know you will love it just as much as I did. :D

  24. Slow burning friends to lovers story. YOU KNOW that is something I am going to love. Oh I am very excited for this one!

    Great Review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs
