Saturday, September 6, 2014

Review: Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher

Title: Mud Vein
Author: Tarryn Fisher
Series: Stand Alone
Published: April 5, 2014
Source: Purchased
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
When reclusive novelist Senna Richards wakes up on her thirty-third birthday, everything has changed. Caged behind an electrical fence, locked in a house in the middle of the snow, Senna is left to decode the clues to find out why she was taken. If she wants her freedom, she has to take a close look at her past. But, her past has a heartbeat... and her kidnapper is nowhere to be found. With her survival hanging by a thread, Senna soon realizes this is a game. A dangerous one. Only the truth can set her free.

This book.

This. Freaking. Book.

Oh goodness the feels.

I can't even begin to explain to you how this book will completely mess with not only your mind but every single emotion you could possibly have as well.

This isn't going to be an easy review because the truth is, this isn't an easy read to describe and it really is one of those reads that the less you know about it, the better it will be for you. 

It is a crazy messed up ride that you will absolutely love every single minute of.

It isn't erotica or even sexual no matter what the cover portrays so get that right out of your mind from the get go. This isn't a dirty read, if anything it is somewhat of a thriller and like I mentioned, it will be quite the ride.

Something else you really need to know? This isn't New Adult, the main characters are in their 30's and as far from new adults as they can get. They have established careers and goals and are so very grown up. 

I don't want to go into too much detail because this really is a book that you just need to experience for yourself. It will make you think and feel and maybe even go a little crazy but you really will love every minute of it. It messes with you in an entirely great way. 

Fisher is a talented author and her work needs to be read, it demands it. It grabs you and refuses to let go even long after the book has been put down. I can't wait to dive head first into another one of her novels.

(A huge thanks to Christy from Christy's Love of Books for once again picking a wonderful book for me to read this month. She rocks!)

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. This is exciting! I've always heard about Fisher's penchant for making readers' feeling go up and down, up and down, like a thrilling roller coaster, but have yet to experience it. I think I'll probably go with this rather than her other one, which I DNFed because the writing just wasn't for me. Your rating gives me the feels!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Definitely try this one, it was amazing and I think it is dark enough you will love it. :)

  2. Wow, what a crazy premise! I just bookmarked it and I'll be looking for it :)

    1. Yay! I think you will really like it. It is so different from what I was expecting.

  3. Okay. I'm convinced! Admittedly, that is the first thing that came to mind when I saw that cover the first time. "Oh great. Another new adult. Pass." But reading your review changed my mind. :)

    1. No, no it definitely isn't any of those things I promise!

  4. Oh yes I remeber seeing nice things about this one so I'm glad you had a great time as well.

  5. I've had this on my Kindle for so long now, your review is making me want to start it. I have a ridiculous TBR right now, but I definitely want to make a priority to get to this.

    1. You really should because it is fabulous and so unexpected.

  6. I'm so thrilled that you loved this one! I haven't read it mostly because of the fact that the main characters are over 30 and I'm afraid I'll have hard time connecting with them. But now I think I'll go for this. Great review :)

    1. You won't have a hard time connecting with them at all, trust me on this one!

  7. LOL this one is on my list because of Christy too! Glad to see it gave you the feels :D

    1. That darn Christy! ;) Glad you have it to read soon as well. ;)

  8. Euuh, okay? I was sure it was erotice, dirty and NA. LOL, well thanks for the clarification, Aly! :)

  9. Oh god i'm so thrilled you like this one! I've been a fan of Tarryn Fischer for like ever so when this one came out I rushed to read it and couldn't handle it. I had to take breaks reading this one because I became to emotionally invested. Florence and The Machine is one of my favourite bands but whenever "Landscape" came on randomly in my playlist I had to take a moment. This book definetly made it's mark on me. I loved it and am beyond thrilled you enjoyed it,too!

  10. I'm with Lily about the song 'Landscape'. I'm super duper happy you loved this!

  11. I love that cover, but the book sounds like it would be tough to read. Like Saw, but without the violence and torture?

    1. Believe it or not I have never seen that movie so I'm not sure.

  12. Yep Christy convinced me to get this one too. I haven't read it yet but her review was what told me it was one I had to get. I had thought it was NA and probably had sex so I was glad to hear it definitely isn't. I can't wait to read it!

  13. It is fabulous, I bet it will surprise you as well. :)

  14. Why have I not read this yet? I bought a copy a LOOONG time ago because it's not NA. Gah! I suck!!

  15. Nope not either which I think you will love about it Heidi. :)

  16. I'm going to have to take a second look at this one - I thought it was all the things you mentioned it NOT being lol. So, a mind bending mystery that really works sounds great. Thanks for getting that clear. Wonderful review and so glad you enjoyed Mud Vein, Ali :)

    1. I know, I wish the author would change the cover but it does make sense once you read the book. ;)

  17. I bought this because Christy made me..LOL I am glad you enjoyed it, I was worried after Liz's review, but I am so ready for this twisted tale!

    1. Darn that Christy, she can be pretty, persuasive. ;)
      You will love this Kim!

  18. lmao oh wow oops I actually thought this was an erotica for a very long time >.> maybe I should take a closer look at it after all

  19. You know, I saw this and immediately thought it was erotica. I am so glad to read your review and now I am so intrigued. You convinced me to definitely going to have to check this one out

  20. I've heard amazing things about this book, but I assumed it was erotica too (not that I completely rule that out, but it's not a go-to genre for me). I'll have to check this one out!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Definitely not erotica and I bet you like it every bit as much as I did. :)
