Friday, September 19, 2014

Review: Sacrifice by Brigid Kemmerer

Title: Sacrifice
Author: Brigid Kemmerer
Series: Book Five in the Elemental Series
Published By: Kensington Teen (September 30, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Book Description:
One misstep and they lose it all. For the last time.

Michael Merrick is used to pressure. 

He’s the only parent his three brothers have had for years. His power to control Earth could kill someone if he miscalculates. Now an Elemental Guide has it out for his family, and he’s all that stands in the way. 

His girlfriend, Hannah, gets that. She’s got a kid of her own, and a job as a firefighter that could end her life without a moment’s notice. 

But there are people who have had enough of Michael’s defiance, his family’s “bad luck.” Before he knows it, Michael’s enemies have turned into the Merricks’ enemies, and they’re armed for war. 

They’re not interested in surrender. But Michael isn’t the white flag type anyway. There will be blood on the ground tonight…

I have loved this series and the Merrick boys from the very beginning but Michael has always been my favorite. There is just something about his strong quiet presence throughout the story that has always appealed to me. When I saw that the very last book would be from his prospective I was thrilled.

To say I was anxious and a bit nervous going into this was understandable. We all want those beloved series and characters to get their happily ever after and we want it to be realistic and true to the storyline. WE want al of our time and investment in the books to have been worth it. To mean something in the end. To leave a lasting and yes, happy impression on our minds and hearts forever.

To say I am somewhat in shock still from all that transpired (or lack of transpiring) would be an understatement. Actually I am feeling at a bit of a loss for words, something that let's face it, rarely happens with me.

I love this series. I love the Merricks but the boys lack of appearance and support to Michael in this was, well, it was shocking.

I got everything I wanted from Michael but where was Nick, Chris, and Gabriel throughout the story? Where was their strong presence? This was their story just as much as Michael's and I guess I figured they would play a stronger role in it regardless of who was narrating. I wanted them all present at every moment but of course that was ridiculous and couldn't really happen. I couldn't be in all of their heads every moment of the story. 

Was I expecting too much? Were my hopes and dreams set too high? 


And honestly they might have been. I wouldn't say this last installment lived up to all the others, but it was good, the ending, was good just not the greatness I have come to expect from Kemmerer. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I'm sorry this wasn't a great ending to a series you love :( it sucks when that happens. It was the same for me with the last book in the Delirium series!

    1. It just could have been so much more and I was sad that all the boys weren't in it more.

  2. I'm glad that you finally got Michael's story, even though it fell short of your expectations. Series installments are always bitter sweet, and doubly so when they are somewhat disappointing. It's hard to say goodbye to all of the characters while also focusing on one in specific.

  3. I was very disappointed with this book, Ali. I've been waiting for Michael's book since the first book, but this let me down. It was so unlike the others. I was frustrated by the lack of presence of the other brothers and the romance really didn't feel like a romance. For me though, this did not feel like a series ending. I was left completely unsatisfied. I felt the book was anticlimatic. :/

    1. The romance was completely lacking, I agree. It could have been so much better.

  4. Oh this series. I have the 3 first books as I won them in a giveaway but I still need to try them.

  5. I'm like you - Michael has always been my favorite and I was so happy to hear he'd be the focus of this book. I'm about to start my copy and I'm a bit bummed to hear the rest of the Merricks aren't around as much as I'd hoped. Sorry this wasn't an amazing ending for you, but I'm glad to hear you still liked it well enough.

    1. Maybe you will like it more now that you know the brothers are so dominate in it? I don't know. It just could have been so much better.

  6. Bummer, it is so hard when a series doesn't end how you wanted, or maybe fell a little flat for you.

  7. This was it Heidi, there are no more books. :(

  8. I'm not a fan of the covers in this series but I've heard really great things so I got the first book so one day I can read them!

    1. I do hope you try them someday Candace because even with this last book not being what I wanted it to be, it was a great series overall.

  9. I've heard such great things about this series! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)

  10. I got.the first one free. I find it refreshing that this series is led by boys. I prefer them than whimsy teen girls.

    1. I actually really loved that about this series as well. I really like the male POV in YA.

  11. Last books are always so hard! I would want the others to have a bigger presence too I think since you're saying goodbye to all of them in a way. Still looks like a good one but sorry to hear it wasn't quite as strong as it could have been.

  12. Aww, sorry the ending wasn't what you expected. I did not read this series but I do own book 1 and 2 so it will happen. :) Lovely honest review!

  13. The man on that cover is super swoon worthy :). I am sorry you missed out on some of your characters. I really want to read this series.

  14. I've got this one to read also. I was really hoping it would include all the boys to. The dynamic of them all together is part of what makes them so appealing and special, so that is kind of disappointing.

    1. Agreed Ellen and sadly that dynamic just wasn't the same and I don't even know why. It just all felt off.
