Friday, September 4, 2015

Blog Tour Book Review, Treasured by Thursday by Catherine Bybee

I'm excited to be a part of this tour, not only is this another one of Bybee's amazing reads, but it is also the last in her Weekend Bride series, a series I have loved from the very beginning. 

Release Date: September 18, 2015
Published By: Montlake Romance

Series: Book Seven in the Weekend Bride Series

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
The seventh and final tale in the dazzling, heartwarming, pulse-racing Weekday Brides series.

Gabriella Masini: She’s a woman haunted by her past, with the scars to prove it. She believes that fairy tales are for other people. An elite matchmaker at Alliance, she’s great at crunching numbers, but something doesn’t add up with her latest prospective client: a billionaire bad boy with his own secrets. When Gabi refuses to be his temporary wife, Hunter forces her hand with an offer she can’t refuse. But marriage to a man like that could never last…or could it?

Hunter Blackwell: Only his bank account is bigger than his ruthless ability to obtain anything he wants. These days, he has a secret reason to settle down, at least for a while—and he thinks the sensual and sassy Gabi will fit the bill perfectly. But when their marriage of convenience becomes downright dangerous, Hunter must decide how far to take his vow to honor and protect Gabi forever. 

About the Author:

New York Times Bestselling Author
USA Today Bestselling Author
Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author
Amazon #1 Bestselling Author
#1 IndieReader Bestselling Author

RONE Award Winner 2012
Not Quite Dating
Married by Monday

RONE award Winner 2013
Not Quite Enough

Winner of the More Than Magic Award for Paranormal romance 2011
Silent Vows

Finalist RT Award in Contemporary Romance 
Fiance by Friday

New York Times bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating from high school, she moved to Southern California with hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned the International Bestselling Not Quite series, the MacCoinnich Time Travel series as well as the Internationally Bestselling Weekday Brides series.

Here books have been translated in over half a dozen languages.


It is always with a heavy heart that you have to say goodbye to a much beloved series. Very bittersweet when you are both excited for the last read and dreading it because, after it, there is nothing else left. No more lovable characters. No more swoon worthy romances and friendships to rival all others, no more anything.

So it was with a touch of sadness that I went into Treasured by Thursday by also a whole lot of excitement as well. 

Excited to get Gabi, Valentino's sister from the last book's story and of course Hunter's, after all, who can resist a bad boy with a reputation to match?

Heartwarming, endearing, and full of wonderful moments, this truly was an ending that was every bit as satisfying as I was hoping as the lives of all the characters from the series came together full circle.

This truly has been such a fun series and one that I am so glad I took a chance on. Bybee knows how to write a swoon worthy romance filled with sexual tension, chemistry, and those heart pounding moments that all us romance junkies live for.

It is definitely bittersweet saying goodbye to this series and all of it's fabulous characters. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review. An ARC Copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

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  1. Oh it's the best when a series ends on a good note - Glad you enjoyed this one!

  2. I'm glad this ended well for you, Ali! I've had this series on my TBR pile ever since you mentioned how much you enjoyed them. I love the sound of the romances and the characters. I must read them ASAP!

  3. I didn't know much about this series until this tour came along Ali, and now I definitely need to go back and binge read it in its entirety!!! Swoon-worthy romance for the win!

  4. she does write feel good lovey books. Tugs your heartstrings in the right places.

  5. Bittersweet may be, but no less fantastic! So glad you enjoyed this series :) Have an amazing weekend!

  6. It's like saying goodbye to your closest friends :'(

  7. Hey Ali, I know exactly what you mean by bittersweet. Great review and wow what a cover I love it.

  8. I always love and hate to see a series end. I mean b/c you won't be anticipating the next book, and b/c you won't be anticipating the next book. LOL So glad that this one ends well. I might have to try the series.

  9. I know, I think there should be at least two hours every day extra for those that like to read. ;)

  10. Oh man. I still have these on my tbr pile. Darn not having enough hours in the day. lol

    1. I hope you can get to it and that you like it. ;)

  11. Chemistry and tension? Sounds like a winner to me!

  12. Ali, I can definitely relate on this! After reading the end of the Lux series and really any other series when I reach the end I always feel bittersweet snd but at the same time as you said, EXCITED to see the ending but still not wanting it to end! So glad you loved this one but sorry it was bittersweet. ♡

  13. I'm actually looking forward to reading this series. It sounds cute and fun.

  14. This sounds awesome. Entering under the name of Virginia

  15. I actually recently read and reviewed a paranormal read by this author and saw her bride ones when I was on Amazon. I love how much you enjoyed these! I hate finishing a very beloved series so I know how you feel :)

    1. Oo I had no idea she had a paranormal read out there, I will definitely have to try them as well.
