Wednesday, September 2, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I absolutely loved book one in this series and in fact, I just love this author so I'm super excited for book two to be out this November. Time travel. forbidden love, what's not to love?

Book Description:

Ever since she used the Firebird, her parents' invention, to cross into alternate dimensions, Marguerite has caught the attention of enemies who will do anything to force her into helping them dominate the multiverse—even hurting the people she loves. She resists until her boyfriend, Paul, is attacked and his consciousness scattered across multiple dimensions. 

Marguerite has no choice but to search for each splinter of Paul’s soul. The hunt sends her racing through a war-torn San Francisco, the criminal underworld of New York City, and a glittering Paris where another Marguerite hides a shocking secret. Each world brings Marguerite one step closer to rescuing Paul. But with each trial she faces, she begins to question the destiny she thought they shared. 

The second book in the Firebird trilogy, Ten Thousand Skies Above You features Claudia Gray’s lush, romantic language and smart, exciting action, and will have readers clamoring for the next book. 


  1. I have the first book of this series sitting on my shelf. I'll probably wait until this one is released before I read it.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. I still need to read the first book but the covers on both are gorgeous!

  3. I haven't read the first book, but I hope you'll enjoy this nonetheless!

  4. This series has such pretty covers! I haven't read the first book yet, but I have it sitting on my shelf. :D

  5. YES YES YES YES ALI!!!! I can't wait for this book, I really enjoyed the first one. And that cover? *dies of the pretty*

    1. It is gorgeous! It is on Edelweiss right now Jenny!

  6. As usual, I'm running behind yet another series. I like Claudia Gray, I don't know how I didn't get to this one yet. Oh, well. Time does as time pleases.

  7. I have the first one, I SO need to read it! I love these covers!

  8. I may not have completely loved the first book of this series, but there were so man in that book that I really, really liked. Which means... yes, I AM SO FRICKING EXCITED FOR THIS ONE. Give this pretty to me pleaaaaase!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. It definitely wasn't perfect but it was a lot of fun!

  9. I wasn't a big fan of her vampire series, but I have teen girls who raved about the first book in this series. They have persuaded me to pick it up. I already have this one on order for the library.

    1. I never finished her vamp series but I have liked her other books a lot. ;)

  10. Oh love the premise and that cover is fab! Thanks Ali

  11. I have to admit, I'm not the biggest YA reader, but this does sound amazeballs!

  12. I haven't read the first book in this series, but I do hope that you enjoy reading this one!
    Thank you for stopping by My WoW.

  13. Replies
    1. I haven't read this one yet, but I'm hoping it will be good. ;)

  14. These covers are so so pretty. I need to read the first one! haha

  15. I'll admit I wasn't a huge fan of the first book (the love triangle ruined it for me unfortunately) but I'm definitely excited to see what the 2nd book has in store. :)

  16. One day I'll have to try a book by this author!

  17. This is another author I would like to try, I love the cover :)

    1. You should try one of her standalone books, I bet you like her. ;)

  18. I have never heard of this series or author. But it does sound really good! I am glad you are enjoying this series :)

  19. Sounds great!! I still need to read the first sometime. :)

    1. It sure does sound like one I would like :D I may have to bump it up on my to read list.

    2. I'll have to check out Goodreads and see when you start it so I know how you liked it when you are done. ;)

  20. Isn't this cover gorgeous! I need to read the first books till, but the story is one I'm excited to get to for sure. Hope you get your hands on a copy soon, Ali! :)

    1. Thanks Kim and I hope you like the first book!

  21. Sounds interesting....the cover is awesome.
