Monday, October 26, 2015

Release Day Review: Dead Girl Running by Ann M. Noser

Title: Dead Girl Running
Author: Ann M. Noser
Series: Book One in The New Order Series
Published By: Curiosity Quills (October 26, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: NA Dystopian
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Eight years ago, SILVIA WOOD's father died in an industrial accident. After suffering through years of Psychotherapy Services and Mandated Medications for depression and multiple suicide attempts, she longs to work in Botanical Sciences. When the Occupation Exam determines she must work in Mortuary Sciences instead, she wonders if the New Order assigned her to the morgue to push her over the edge.

To appease her disappointed mother, Silvia enters the Race for Citizen Glory, in an attempt to stand out in the crowd of Equals. After she begins training with "golden boy" LIAM HARMAN, she discovers he also lost his father in the same accident that ruined her childhood. Then Silvia meets and falls for Liam's older cousin, whose paranoid intensity makes her question what really happened to her father. As the race nears, Silvia realizes that she's not only running for glory, she's running for her life.

Ann Noser wowed me with her debut novel and her very original take on the paranormal world. So when I heard that her new book was going to be a blend of some of my favorite genres, I knew I had to try it.

And I wasn't wrong in thinking that this would be another original take on something done before. 

It was imaginative, fun, fast paced and full of surprises. It once again showed that Noser does know how to write and because of it, she can make her characters jump off the pages and come to life, which is exactly what she did in Dead Girl Running.

I loved all the conspiracies and the mystery behind The New Order and of course the death of her father and 52 others. There was so much that was hidden and as it all slowly unraveled, I found that I had a hard time putting this down.

I won't lie, the ending was a killer and now I'm dying to get my hands on book two. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Today's stops:

Heidi@ Rainy Day Ramblings: Bitterroot by Heather Hildenbrand and S.M. Reine: Guest Post and Giveaway

And My Love of Reading Keeps Growing with Author Hillary Monahan


  1. I love it when books tackle a blend of genres. It always makes for such a fun reading experience especially if it's done well. Hope you find book 2 soon! :)
    Lovely review, Ali!

  2. I really want to read this Ali, but of course I'm worried about the killer ending! I get so stressed out with cliffhangers, it's ridiculous. Definitely going to wait until book 2 is out, but it's going on the list for sure.

    1. So happy to hear that Jenny because I really think you will like this one. :)

  3. Thanks for the review! I'll get to work now! (Haha--I have started both writing and research. I just need more hours in the day, just like everyone else.) :)

    1. I hear you but I'm super excited you are starting it!!!

  4. I love that this was full of surprises. I have this book and I can't wait ti read it!

  5. Replies
    1. Yes but it wasn't too terrible, just really made me want the next book!

  6. it's nice to find a new good series like that! I didn't know about it

  7. I love your review. I enjoy books with original takes on things that have been done before. This sounds great.

  8. This sounds like an edge of your seat read. I will have to look it up. Happy Monday.

  9. Wow, this sounds like it has some great mashups of genres that I like. I noticed its NA - does it have a strong romantic vibe as well, or more dystopian - thriller?
    Thanks for the great review - you're adding to my tbr pile again - lol :)

    Oh - my local library has Nevermore book series by Kelly Creagh and I'm tempted to binge read them - do you think I would like these. I remember your reviews were really great for them?? :)

    1. The romance is very light, almost non-existent. ;)

      Yes, I think you would like the Nevermore series! Very gritty in a good way. ;)

  10. I'm still burnout out with dystopian novels, Ali, but this one has me intrigued. Looks like I need to look it up and consider picking it up.

    1. This isn't hard core dystopian at all if that helps. ;)

  11. Wonderful angle indeed, Ali, I think I'll be adding this one too. Wishing you a happy Monday :)

  12. Oh you have me curious. Usually killer endings make me cautious but you have me wanting to know what that is about! This sounds fab!

    1. Thanks Melissa, it was killer but really only because I wanted more!

  13. Wow it sounds really good Ali, thanks for putting it on my radar!

  14. Oooh sounds like a nice read! Thanks for sharing.

  15. I feel like it is so rare to find something original anymore. I like the blending of genres too. Great review!!

  16. Cliff hangers scare me haha! But this does sound amazing with the mixed genres and the interesting plot. Thanks for bring it on my radar :)

  17. I love when mysteries slowwwwwwwly reveal the secrets. That's one of the most important things for me, and usually leaves me glued to the pages. Great review! :)

  18. So glad you enjoyed this one! For a mystery novel, it's great that it kept you on your toes, and I bet that slow reveal was frustrating as hell. Lol.

  19. I have this on my TBR!!! I love the cover and the premise :D THE NEW ORDER, do you mean the government or conspiracy theory that has been brewing for a few years now, the one related to the Petrodollar? If it is... COUNT ME IN. I WANT TO READ ALL ABOUT THIS.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  20. The ending was killer I emailed Ann and wanted to know how long till the next

    1. LOL great idea Kim! I know she is writing as fast as she can. :)

  21. An original take. Man those are hard to find these days! Awesome that she delivered :D

  22. I love blending genres too, but I'm always hesitant about New Adult. The mystery angle does make me curious though. I'm sensing a cliffhanger. Why do authors do that to us?

    1. Because they like to torture us! No it does work, makes me want the next book for sure. ;)

  23. Great review! It sounds as though the book left you quite satisfied, but wanting at the same time; I do love when books do that, I hope the wait isn't too long for you

  24. I haven't been into dystopian so much anymore but I don't know, this sounds pretty good!

    1. I haven't either but this was really good and honestly didn't feel too heavy like most dystopians.

  25. This is a new author for me, I will have to try her out. I like the mix of genres.

  26. I haven't heard of this book before but it sounds really good. Glad to see you enjoyed it, this is definitely one I will try myself.

    1. Happy to hear that and if you do I really hope you like it!!

  27. I had to go look and see what the other books was. It looks good too. Glad this was such a good read for you! The author sounds like she really does go for what's unique and I do like that :)

    1. She does and you're right, it is a lot of fun.

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