Monday, October 12, 2015

Review: Of Dreams and Rust by Sarah Fine

Title: Of Dreams and Rust
Author: Sarah Fine
Series: Book Two in the Of Metal and Wishes Duology
Published By: Margaret K. McElderrly Books (August 4, 2015)
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Retelling/Steampunk
My Rating: 5 Stars!!

Book Description:
War erupts in this bittersweet sequel to "Of Metal and Wishes", inspired by The Phantom of the Opera and called “relentlessly engrossing” by The Romantic Times.

In the year since the collapse of the slaughterhouse where Wen worked as her father’s medical assistant, she’s held all her secrets close. She works in the clinic at the weapons factory and sneaks away to nurse Bo, once the Ghost, now a boy determined to transform himself into a living machine. Their strange, fragile friendship soothes some of the ache of missing Melik, the strong-willed Noor who walked away from Wen all those months ago—but it can’t quell her fears for him.

The Noor are waging a rebellion in the west. When she overhears plans to crush Melik’s people with the powerful war machines created at the factory, Wen makes the painful decision to leave behind all she has known—including Bo—to warn them. But the farther she journeys into the warzone, the more confusing things become. A year of brutality seems to have changed Melik, and Wen has a decision to make about him and his people: How much is she willing to sacrifice to save them from complete annihilation? 

To say that Ms. Fine has outdone her self with this series is not enough. To say how eloquently written and told this sequel to Of Metal and Wishes is, is still not enough. 

To say it is a  beautiful, heartbreaking, emotional, and wonderful read that was truly worthy of the first book, still, does not do this series nor this book justice. But it is all of these things.

My heart was repeatedly stomped on, bruised, healed, ripped apart, and then mended again. Many times I smiled, laughed, loved, cried, and just felt so many things while reading this. In short, this was a true Fine novel, in all its wonderful glory.

I loved every single bit of this emotional good bye to these amazing characters and was so thankful that Fine let us take this journey with her. She is an amazing writer and it shows in all her work. I will not be forgetting this beautiful told twist on a classic that stole my heart and burrowed deep into my soul. 


  1. Oh man. I don't know if I could've read this book in its entirety. It sounds incredibly painful!

  2. Wow this sounds amazing!! I need to read the first one. I'm glad you enjoyed it, even though it sounds super emotional. I love those. :)

    1. It is but so worth it and I can really see you liking this Erin so I really do hope you try it. :D

  3. YESSSSSSS ALI!!!! I'm so glad you loved this as much as I did! I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, but I loved this one even more. My poor heart:( A lot of chocolate was consumed during the reading of this book!

    1. Ha ha YES! I had to have a stash near me as well. ;)

  4. Sounds like an emotional read, but a worthy one as well.

  5. Ok Ali, now tell us what you really think. :)
    Great review!! Happy Monday

  6. I was a bit mediocre about Of Metal and Wishes, but you've convinced me to give this one a try. It sounds absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! ♥

    1. Thanks so much Zoe and I really did love this even more than the first. There was just so much more to it in so many ways. ;)

  7. Wow, I must read this series - just two right? I've heard only amazing things about Sarah's writing and I can't wait to make some time to try one of her series. This sounds like I better be ready for some ups and downs.
    So glad you enjoyed this, Ali :)

    1. You really should read it Kim, I just know you will like it!

  8. Wow, I'm glad you loved this sequel and thought it was so well done. You don't always hear that for a second book! I really really need to read something by Sarah Fine. She's been on my wish list for awhile now.

    1. Definitely read something of her's even if it isn't this one. ;)

  9. I know this was fantastic wasn't it. Fine is just amazing.

  10. SWEET! I have the first book on my wishlist and so need to get to it. I'm def putting this one on that list. Love it when a second book is this good.

  11. Well, that settles it, I've got to read these two immediately! Like wow, it sounds so good. If I can get through all the feels ;) Great review!

  12. Killing me with this review only because I am dying to read this. I was lucky enough to read the first one for free thanks to pulse it, I hope they do the same thing for this one. Thanks for the spoiler for your review Ali

    1. Oh that would be nice if it was on there again!

  13. wow Ali it sounds like the book has conveyed a lot of powerful emotions,its always hard to say goodbye

  14. DANG! Love this review! I cannot wait to read this series!

  15. Gads 5 stars! Yikes I need to read/listen to this series Ali. I have Fated on audio, so maybe when I am done I can start this

    1. They are both great series, in fact all of her's are but I just adored this one!

  16. wow so many feelings for this one here it's impressive and you made me intrigued now!

  17. Wow, a whole 5-star rating! I feel terrible, because I still haven't read the first book :( And the second one sounds amazing! Love the review, Ali :)

  18. Dang. Those really do sound amazing! I have them on my tbr pile still. Hopefully I'll make it to them sooner rather than later :) Glad to see you had such a fantastic time with it!

  19. I love an emotional goodbye. Maybe I'll jump into these books one day. Have to see what the pricing is like. :)

  20. Oh yes! I've heard of Of Dreams and Rust, I wasn't aware that it was a retelling of the Phantom of the Opera until a recent review I read online. I love Phantom of the Opera and this series is on my TBR. Great review!

    1. I think you will love this then! Such a fun take on the tale with lots of twists. ;)

  21. This is on my pile for this month since I didn't get to it this summer. I'm anxious to see how things play out! Glad to see you loved it!

    1. Oh goodness Candace, you are going to love it!

  22. Fine sounds she writes and an emotional wringer! I have been saying I need to pick up her books for a long time. Maybe someday soon I finally will, lol

  23. I am not a steampunk fan but you make me want to try-maybe. Great review!

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