Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog Tour and Book Review: Not Quite Enough by Catherine Bybee

Title: Not Quite Enough
Author: Catherine Bybee
Series: Book Three in the Not Quite Series
Published: October 8, 2013 (Montlake Publishing)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
Monica Mann has made it her life’s work to save lives. After an earthquake and tsunami hit the shores of Jamaica, she volunteers her trauma skills with Borderless Nurses. Calculating and methodical, Monica creates order out of whatever chaos she finds.

Until she finds the perpetually barefoot, impossibly masculine Trent Fairchild. No one can pin him down. No, really. He's a pilot and manages a small fleet of choppers on his adopted island home. Hopelessly drawn to one another, they manage to slip away from the wreckage to get a little closer. And they get a lot closer than expected when aftershocks from the earthquake trap them in a life-or-death scenario. Paradise has brought them together. Now will it tear them apart?

Author Bio:

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating high school, she moved to Southern California in hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned novels Wife by Wednesday, Married by Monday, and Not Quite Dating. Bybee lives with her husband and two teenage sons in Southern California.



The Not Quite Series, Book Three

Montlake Romance, Contemporary

October 08, 2013, First Edition

Paperback & Kindle

“Bybee’s gift for creating unforgettable romances cannot be ignored.”


Monica Mann has made it her life’s work to save lives. After an earthquake and tsunami hit the shores of Jamaica, she volunteers her trauma skills with Borderless Nurses. Calculating and methodical, Monica creates order out of whatever chaos she finds.

Until she finds the perpetually barefoot, impossibly masculine Trent Fairchild. No one can pin him down. No, really. He’s a pilot and manages a small fleet of choppers on his adopted island home. Hopelessly drawn to one another, they manage to slip away from the wreckage to get a little closer. And they get a lot closer than expected when aftershocks from the earthquake trap them in their own life-or-death scenario. Paradise has brought them together. Now will it tear them apart?







Monica glanced up at the gray skies and frowned. “So, Trent,” she began again. “Are you the only one shuffling the foreign medical staff around the island?”

He shook his head. “There are a few others. Why?”

He kept his eyes on where he walked and avoided her questioning gaze.

“Just wondering.”

He didn’t buy that. “Just wondering?”

“Seems like anyone could drive me to the clinic.”

He walked her behind the hospital and up a short path to where his helicopter waited. “Anyone could drive you.”

She hesitated when she saw her ride. “I thought you said you were driving me.”

“I am. After a short flight to where my car is parked.”

She turned a full circle. “Can’t we just drive?”

Trent moved in front of her and removed his sunglasses. “It’s a short flight back to the airport, then a thirty minute drive. That’s if the roads are cleared.”

“Can’t we just—” Her ice blue eyes never left his.

“I didn’t kill you the first time, Monica. I won’t this time either.”

She swallowed.

“It was better thinking you volunteered to take me instead of being the only person capable of it.”

Actual fear hid behind her eyes. “Why’s that?”

“I prefer flirting to flying.”

A slow, easy smile met his lips. He knew then irrevocably that Monica thought about him at some point during her short stint on the island.

He replaced his sunglasses and reached for her hands. “How about a little of both?”

My Thoughts and Review:
I have been waiting for Monica's story since the very first book and I am so pleased with the way Ms. Bybee handled it. I knew that whatever happened to Monica, whatever man was brought into her life, it had to be someone fabulous and worthy of her, after all, Monica is an angel. Okay, okay, not an angel in the literal sense but pretty darn close. And the good thing is, Bybee portrayed her exactly how I have always seen her. Feisty, smart, brave and at times, a down right hero. 

I loved the the Doctor's Without Borders side of the story. It really showed what I always knew, that Monica was a strong capable woman and she needed a strong capable man to be her partner in life. No one else would do.

It is a good thing Trent was in the picture because he was everything Monica needed and then some.

I think what I love most about this series is the sweetness of the family (and extended family). Their love, support and loyalty to one another is just what a family should be. They might not always agree or get along but they are always there for each other. It would be hard not to love them.

I have no idea if Ms. Bybee plans on extending the series or if this was it but I do know that if it was it, I would be thrilled with the way it ended. I love that we got more of Jessie, Jack, Dean, Katie, Savannah and Danny. I love that I could be completely happy if there never was another book, another story because Bybee ended it all so beautifully. Although, truth be told I would love another book just because I have become such a big fan of her work and the characters that she has created.

This once again so so well done, so laid out and flowed so nicely. I breezed through this in a matter or hours and loved every minute of it.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author, publisher or tour host. I was not compensated for this review.*

Tour Wide Giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It's great when a character meets your expectations in such a way. Monica sounds really great, and the series does too. :)
    Great review, and thanks for sharing the excerpt.

  2. I have never heard of this series nor this author but it sounds so good. I love it when characters turn out to be exactly as you expected them. Amazing review :)

  3. Wow, such a wonderful and heartfelt review. Thanks so much. I too loved Monica from book one and coulnd't let her go.

    I do plan on continuing the series, starting with Dr. Eddy and then perhaps I'll move on to Trent's brothers. I'm 'not quite sure' (pun intended) where, or how the stories will go until I actually write them.

    Thanks again and happy reading.

  4. That is great news Catherine, I am so excited!!

  5. This sounds fab! I love the setting and the sound of the characters. Sounds like a good one to ward away the winter blues.

  6. "Feisty, smart, brave and at times, a down right hero." Wow, Monica sounds amazing! I clearly need to meet her. I'm glad you're enjoying this series, I'll have to check it out. Lovely review, and thanks for sharing the excerpt!

  7. Great blog post! I think what appeals to me so much about Catherine Bybee's writing is the familial relationships and friendships between the characters. These are not just families by blood but families of the heart. Catherine captures these relationships beautifully!

  8. Loved the guest post, and from the synopsis to your review I am interested. This sounds like a contemporary I would really enjoy..and Trent sounds interesting!

  9. This is another series that is new to me, but definitely sounds like something I would like. My virtual TBR pile looks like I take one step forward and ten steps back. I am a virtual hoarder. Thank God for Kindles, otherwise I might wind up on television in intervention :)

  10. I have this book! I cannot wait to read it myself, it does sound wonderful!
