Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Review: Cracked by Eliza Crewe

I have another great creepy read full of evil and demons that is sure to get you in the Halloween mood! Don't forget to check out todays great stops with Heidi and Maya!
Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings: Jay Kristoff: Kinslayer

Maja@The Nocturnal Library : P.J. Hoover: Solstice

Also tomorrow will be featuring:
Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings: Tina Connolly: Copperhead

Maja@The Nocturnal Library : LJ Adlington: Night Witches

Title: Cracked
Author: Eliza Crewe
Series: Book One in the Soul Eater Series
Published By: Penguin Books (April 20, 2013)
Source: Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Ya Fantasy
My Rating: 3.5 to 4 Stars!!

Book Description:
Ever since my mom was murdered, I’ve been completely alone. I live in the shadows, because there’s no one like me. I have no choice because I have to fight the Hunger, the Hunger that drives me to hunt people and eat their souls. And I have to fight it if I want to stay out of the darkness.

Who am I?
I’m Meda Melange.
What am I?
I don’t know—but I’m not human.
And now, I finally have the chance to find out.

In this first book of the gripping Soul Eater trilogy, find out who Meda is and which side she will come down on in a thrilling tale of the war between good and evil.

My Thoughts and Review:
Crewe has managed to create a sharp, quick witted strong protagonist against an action packed, fast paced plot and has done it well. All against the age olde battle of good versus evil, angels against demons. 

If the constant action, sometimes gore filled plot isn't enough to pull you in, the protagonist's sarcastic snappish thoughts just might do it. Meda is a fun character, one where her thoughts and actions don't always add up, but in a very humorous good way. 

Meda wasn't the only one that won me over with her humor, snarkiness and wit, Jo did a pretty good job herself. In fact, I think Meda and Jo make a great team and I was happy to see them getting a long as best they could under the circumstances. 

I think Uri surprised me the most, I kind of have a soft spot for the little guy. He was pretty funny himself and so loyal and come on now, who can resist the boy who has a bro crush on the hero and wants to be just like him?

Crewe's take on the Knights of Templar, Crusaders, Beacons, halflings and the demons was very interesting and even somewhat unique in concept and design. I really look forward to more details in the next book.

I really enjoyed this, more so than I thought I would. In fact, I would go as far as to say I had fun while reading it. It had action, humor, romance (nothing overbearing) growth from all the characters and even though it was an age old battle between good versus evil, it had a unique spin on it as well that was well worth the read and I will definitely be happy to pick up the next book. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Don't forget to check out the month long tour of Something Wicked! Lots of great prizes, guest posts, reviews and interviews are still going on for this event, all perfect for the upcoming Halloween season!


  1. I'm planing on reading this book soon. I really love the sound of it and the main character sounds so good. I like humorous girls :) Great review :)

  2. Thanks Tanja, I hope you enjoy it as well. :)

  3. Hmmmm. How gore-filled are we talking here Ali? I don't do well with gore at all, so that makes me a little nervous. Other than that though, this sounds like a book I would love? Sarcasm and wit and growth from all the characters? Yes, please:)

  4. Te gore isn't too bad Jenny and it is mostly in the beginning!

  5. Okay, I'm DYING of curiosity now! You won me with 'snappish thoughts' because somehow I 'get' what your saying and it sounds great!

  6. I am so glad you get what I was trying to convey Candace LOL!

  7. This sounds really good and I love all the elements, Ali. I need to mark this so I can grab a copy :)

  8. Nice review. I am glad you enjoyed this. It sounds pretty good.

  9. I really am surprised by how much I liked it Ellen!

  10. Knights templar, demons, crusader? This sounds awesome! Meda sounds like a character I would like (and laugh at). Once again you're introducing me to another cool sounding book. My poor TBR pile is absolutely teetering this week! :-) Great review!
