Monday, October 21, 2013

Something Wicked Returns With Guest Post and Giveaway From Author Susannah Sandlin!

For those of you that don't know Susannah I have to say, it is a huge shame because not only is she one of the sweetest people I have ever talked to on the internet but she is one hell of a writer as well.

I fell in love with her writing after reading the first book in her Penton Legacy series Redemption and have been in love with her writing and characters every since. All of her characters are memorable, fun and down right sexy. The woman can write a sexy vamp like no other. 

The fourth book in the series will be out in May and in honor of that she shared a special guest post with us that is all about the boys of Penton. And if that wasn't already fabulous enough, she so generously offered up a book of the winner's choose from her series! And if you already have all her books (because, hello, they are fabulous!) then you can pick some awesome swag instead. How cool is that?

Don't forget to check out today's other stop for the tour along the way!
Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings: Fiona Paul: Belladonna

And those over the next few days!

Oct. 22nd

Tanja@Ja citam, a ti? :Kimberly Sabatini:Touching the Surface  

Oct. 23rd:
Ali@My Guilty Obsession: Kelly Sheridan: Mortality Series

Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings:April Tucholke: Between the Devil and the
Deep Blue Sea

J.A.@J.A. Garland: Dysus Dreamer by J.A. Garland

But first let me introduce you to the first book in her series, Redemption. And also a little bit about Susannah as well. 

Published: June 12, 2012
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Book One in the Penton Legacy

Book Description:
For vampire Aidan Murphy, life has never been so desperate. The vaccine used to treat a global pandemic has rendered human blood deadly to his kind, leaving them on the brink of starvation and civil war.

In tiny Penton, Alabama, Aidan establishes a peaceful community of vampires and unvaccinated human donors. He dares to hope they can survive—until his estranged brother descends upon Penton and begins killing the humans. Determined to save his town, Aidan kidnaps an unsuspecting human doctor—and finds himself falling in love for the first time in nearly four centuries. 

Dr. Krystal Harris thought she was coming to Penton for a job interview, but Aidan Murphy has other plans. Infuriated by his high-handed scheme to imprison her in the small town, Krys can't ignore the attraction between them. But is it love? Or does her dangerous, charismatic captor want only to bend her to his will?

About the Author:

Susannah Sandlin is the author of paranormal romance set in the Deep South, where there are always things that go bump in the night! A journalist by day, Susannah grew up in Alabama reading the gothic novels of Susan Howatch, and always fancied herself living in Cornwall (although she’s never actually been there). Details, details. She also is a fan of Stephen King. The combination of Howatch and King probably explains a lot. Currently a resident of Auburn, Alabama, Susannah has also lived in Illinois, Texas, California, and Louisiana. Her novel Redemption won the paranormal romance category in the 2011 Chicago North RWA Fire and Ice contest, and is the first of three in a series that debuts this year.

The Wickedly Secret Sneak-Peek: When Characters Collide

Susannah Sandlin

I have a vampire paranormal romance series, The Penton Legacy, filled with sexy vampires, evil geniuses, evil idiots (why, of course there are evil idiots!), damaged heroes, and the people who love them. They all live in the unlikely hamlet of Penton, Alabama, in an old, abandoned cotton mill town that master vampire Aidan Murphy bought up for his fanged followers and their willingly bonded humans.

(The real Penton, Alabama, lies about thirty miles from me, near the Alabama-Georgia state line—wouldn’t the locals be shocked to know about their vampalicious neighbors?)

Then I destroyed their world. Not only were vampires starving because a pandemic vaccine poisoned the blood of vaccinated humans, but the vampire leaders were corrupt old SOBs who wanted to tear down what Aidan had built. So they did. They burned Penton down. They set off bombs. They killed people.

And yet Penton is trying to survive and rebuild. So I’ve found myself as I write the fourth book of the series (coming next May!), thinking about how the town of Penton might logically move forward. The starvation and unrest within the vampire world continues to grow, and the solutions that have been devised so far haven’t yielded results as fast as people had hoped.

The Penton vampires needed help, I decided, and who better to lend assistance than some of the characters from Storm Force, a standalone book written in the same world and published this past summer? Storm Force is about a counterterrorism team of human Army Rangers and shape-shifters that was formed in part by Aidan Murphy from the Penton series. Why not a little quid pro quo?

Partially combining the casts of these two books has given me a chance to bring two of my all-time favorite characters face to face. And oh-em-gee, wouldn’t you like to know the first thing Robin Ashton says to Mirren Kincaid?

So let’s have a face-off. In the battle of Mirren versus Robin, vampire versus shifter, who’s your money on?

Robin Ashton is a waif of a girl, barely over five feet tall, wiry and wicked. She has a mouth that would make a sailor cringe and isn’t exactly known for her tact. In fact, she’s impatient, sarcastic, and has absolutely no filter between brain and mouth. (She’s also incredibly loyal and protective.) She’s able to shift into a golden eagle and is not only shifter strong but, in her bird form, an excellent tracker. She has a kind of undefined sexual relationship with her Omega teammate Nik Dimitrou.

Mirren Kincaid is a bear of a vampire warrior, six-eight, muscular, and fond of beheading enemies with his sword Faolain (which he has kept, along with his chain mail and battle ax, since his human days as a galloglass warrior in medieval Scotland). Mirren is, to put it bluntly, a foul-mouthed grouch. And he has a brutal side, having worked first as a mercenary and then as an executioner for the vampire tribunal. Now he’s gone straight and heads up security in Penton. But Mirren is not an easy man, and he is a bitter enemy to have. His mate is Gloriana Cummings, and only Glory can truly handle the man she simply calls “vampire.”

I will say up front, to those of you who might be familiar with the series, that this is British vampire Cage Reynolds’ book, and there will be NO romantic overtones between Mirren and Robin. None. Nada. Cage? Well, Cage is in WAY over his head.

But, oh, don’t think Robin and Mirren won’t butt heads. A lot. A whole lot.

Who’s your money on—the fierce little shifter or the big bad vampire?

Leave a comment for a chance to win your choice of the Penton Legacy books (Redemption, Absolution, Omega) or Storm Force. If you already have them, you can request an author swag pack instead!

Winner's choice of any one e-book from the Penton Legacy Series (open internationally)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Okay, first of all, damaged heroes and the people who love them? *sigh* Story of my life.
    I love the sound of Penton, the worldbuilding seems to be absolutely fascinating, what with the pandemic vaccine and all.
    And I totally love it when two series (or in this case, a series and a standalone) overlap.
    Thanks for sharing, I'm very interested in learning more about this world.

  2. I haven't heard of this author nor this book and it's such a shame. I'm missing a lot. Also I'm with Maja - damaged heroes *Sigh*. I really like the sound of this.
    Thanks for the giveaway Ali!
    PS. Finally it's time for my stops ;)

  3. I think you both will like this series and if not, she has another series that is just as fabulous!

  4. My money's on the fierce little shifter, fiesty things come in small packages and often get underestimated. I think she'll surprise the vampire:) This sounds like a series that's right up my alley as I just happen to love vampire paranormal romances and damaged heroes. WIN!

  5. I remember you writing reviews on these :D the series does sound very good. I do love my vampires.

  6. Now this sounds like a GREAT series! I've actually been craving more vampire books. These characters sound amazing! And I have no idea who would be the winner in that one... I guess I'll say the shifter.

  7. Yay! I hope more of you give this series a try!!

  8. I have mad love for this series and author, romantic paranormal suspense is one of my favorite genres and Sandlin knows how to write them!

  9. She does know how to write!

    I hope everyone gives this series a try, it really is fantastic!

  10. I know, I KNOW! I need to read this series. I'm sure I'll love it, but I just need to squeeze it in. I already love her other series.

  11. I need to read these series! I love when an author combines the characters from two of their series. I seriously fangirl out. Can't wait to catch up on these so I can get to this book. Thanks for featuring it!

  12. Sounds like another interesting series. I haven't heard of this author or series before, so I glad to find out about it.
