Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blog Tour, Book Review and Giveaway: Cursed by Destiny by Cecy Robson

I can't even begin to explain to you how excited I am to be a part of this kick butt tour. For those of you that don't know I am a HUGE fan of not only Cecy's but of this amazing series as well. I would even go as far as to say it is by far my favorite out there right now. It has everything and I do mean EVERYTHING I love in a good urban fantasy. Action, love, humor, kick butt heroines, swoon worthy males and just so much more. 

This truly is one of those series that you will be kicking yourself over not trying sooner and one that I love you too will fall in love with. 

Title: Cursed By Destiny
Author: Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls, Book Three
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published By: Signet (January 7, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)

Book Description:
Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other 20-something girls—with one tiny exception: they're products of a backfired curse that has given each of them unique powers that make them, well, weird…

Celia’s a girl in trouble. Her heart is bound to Aric, but he is a pureblood were who must deny her or risk condemning his species to extinction. And that’s just her love life. She’s also been called to take down a group of demon terrorists looking to overthrow the paranormal world. (No pressure.)

In order to bring them down, Celia must ally herself to Misha, the master vampire who has made no secret of his desire for her.

And if that weren’t enough misfortune for one girl, a clairvoyant’s prediction could destroy Celia and Aric’s love for good. The only way to protect the world from unbridled supernatural terrorism is for Celia to bind herself to her destined mate. And that doesn’t appear to be Aric… 

About the Author:

Cecy (pronounced Sessy) Robson is a full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the Great Northwest. A member of Romance Writers of America, she attributes her passion for storytelling to the rough New Jersey neighborhood she was raised in. As a child, she was rarely allowed to leave the safety of her house and passed her time fantasizing about flying, fairies, and things that go bump in the night. Gifted and cursed with an overactive imagination, she began writing in May 2009. Her Weird Girls Urban Fantasy Romance series is published with Penguin Random House’s Signet Eclipse and released to stellar praise from reviewers including: Publisher’s Weekly, USA Today, and Romantic Times. THE WEIRD GIRLS: A Novella, SEALED WITH A CURSE, and A CURSED EMBRACE are now available. A CURSED MOON: A Novella, releases December 3, 2013, followed by CURSED BY DESTINY, January 7, 2014.

We all have those authors that we absolutely adore and those series that we anxiously sit on pins and needles waiting for the next book to be released. Series that when we do get them into our hot little hands we want to weep for joy because we just know we are going to be blown away. Those books that we can't help but devour in one sitting even though we try like heck to make the story last but, we can't help it, we love the storyline and the characters way too much to not devour it, no matter how hard we try to make them last. 

Cecy Robson and the Weird Girls Series are one such author and series for me. I have loved every single book, every single novella and have yet, to fail to devour them within hours of receiving them. I can't help it, I am hopelessly drawn into the beautiful world and characters that Ms. Robson has created and they have weaseled their way into my heart and I feel like they have become family. People that I love and care about desperately. People that I want to see succeed and get their happily ever after.  I want each and every character to find love and happiness and peace. I want the best for them all, with, maybe the exception of good ole Mrs. M, but even she amuses me and I can't help but like the tough ornery old bird.

With the way the last book ended you would think that I would go into this with a little apprehension, with a little nervousness, even with a little fear, expecting my heart to break,  but you know what? I didn't. I didn't because I completely and wholeheartedly trust Ms. Robson to give me a good story. To make me laugh along the way, cheer at their triumphs and cry at their failures and yes, maybe even break my heart a little along the way. I know without a doubt, that she loves these characters as much as I do and no matter what happens in this book, I trust her, I really do. 

So it was with excitement and happiness that I opened the pages of this and dove right in and let me tell you, I loved this from page one all the way to the ending.

Once again Robson had me completely captivated and eagerly turning the pages. Celia is just as kick butt as always and maybe even more so now after the events in the last book. This girl is strong with a capital S but she is also loyal, loving and kind. Everything I want to be some day when I finally grow up. 

She had a lot of rough challenges in this and by the end of the book I felt a little raw and worked over emotional wise but I loved every single minute of it and I wouldn't change a thing because I know everything that happened will only make her stronger and more fierce than ever. And with another new person to take care of, I know Celia will only strive harder to get what she wants and to protect those she loves.

I really loved Aric in this, he really redeemed himself from the last book and my heart broke for hi for some many different reasons. 

Once again the wolf boys have captured my heart, I love Koda, Gem, Bren, Danny and Liam. They are just seriously good guys that you would love to have on your side.

Emma, Shayna and Taran are as kick butt as ever and they too are growing into pretty fierce strong warriors and fighters. I love them even more in this book because of it. How they are there for Celia when she needs them in whatever capacity that might be.

Misha, ah Misha, I can't help but have a spot spot for the little blood sucker. Yes he is a pain in the butt sometimes and yes he is a pervert and okay, he pushes Celia a little too much sometimes but I love him. I just can't resist his charm and the goodness I see in him.  Even the Catholic “school girls” are starting to wear on me!

This book was probably my favorite yet but also more serious than the others. Things are getting dangerous and complicated and I really really just want the next book NOW. It is going to be a super long wait for it and I will be at the edge of my seat waiting. 

Robson has once again created a master piece filled with longing, suspense, action, romance, danger, humor, friendship, family bond (in all forms) and kick butt heroines and heros that will work their way into your heart and mind and refuse to leave and that will be okay because you won't want them too.

I will be thinking about this one long after I have put it down, long after the review has been written and long after it's release. I hope you write fast Ms. Robson because I am so ready for the next!

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Cecy is offering this fabulous prize pack for one lucky US resident! The prize pack includes one signed copy of Cursed By Destiny, a lip balm, magnet and a bookmark!! 

There will be multiple blogs offering the same giveaway, for a chance to make it fair to everyone and for more people to win we are asking only one winner per blog tour please although you are more than welcome to enter each giveaway to increase your chances of winning. If you are the winner of two prize packs, another winner will be chosen instead for the second so you will only receive one prize pack and a second person will have a chance to win one as well. 

Thanks everyone for understanding!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



    Pity I don't live in the US or I'd be all over this giveaway

  2. Sorry Krazzyme, I hope you do give this series a try wither way because it really is fabulous!

  3. "I know without a doubt, that she loves these characters as much as I do and no matter what happens in this book, I trust her, I really do. "

    LOVE that Ali! There are certain authors out there who I no doubt enjoy, but I don't always trust if that makes sense. They have a history of killing off characters or beating them down so thoroughly before building them back up that it's hard for me to make it through their stories. Not always a bad thing, I just go in knowing I need to be prepared for anything. I love authors like Cecy though, who you trust whole-heartedly to not give you more than you can handle:)

  4. I am currently reading book 1 your reviews are so cute and exciting, I hope I will love the sister's just as much!

  5. I'm with you, Ali! I loved this one so much! Plotwise, the previous book was my favorite, but this one felt altogether more rounded. Cecy writes excellent UF, and I don't say that lightly.

  6. Lily you will love them!!

    I know Maja! I love her too and it really does take a lot for me to say that.

    I agree Heidi, the ending was rough, makes me anxious for the next one!

  7. OMG...my review doesn't post till right around release date but I am already anxious for the next book. Robson kills me with these endings. Anytime you want to dish about it, instant message me on facebook. My poor hubby is tired of hearing about it!

  8. Oh I will Kim but not until I feel better, my brain is much right now LOL!

  9. Bwahahaha .... the good ole Catholics girls. How I do love them. I am so dying for the next book.

  10. Awesome review! This sounds like something I would really enjoy. I am adding it to my never ending list now :)

  11. Me too Christy!

    And Ellen, this really is one you need to read, it is fantastic!!

  12. Oh I SO want to read this series! I have heard so many wonderful things about it!

  13. Oh Candace, you are in for a treat with this one!!

  14. I can't wait to catch up in this series! I'm hoping to do it over the holidays. Every one of my favorite bloggers, you included, loves this series, so I know I'm going to be in love with it too. Glad you enjoyed this so much, and that you have a place in your heart for so many of these characters. I can tell they're really well written. Wonderful review!

  15. Yay Lauren. so happy to hear that!
