Thursday, December 19, 2013

Review: Going Rogue by Robin Benway

Title: Going Rogue
Author: Robin Benway
Series: Book Two in the Also Known As Series
Published By: Walker Children's (January 14, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Mystery/Action
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Being permanently based in a local New York City high school as an undercover operative has its moments, good and bad, for 16-year-old safecracker Maggie Silver. Pros: More quality time with her former mark-turned-boyfriend Jesse Oliver and insanely cool best friend, Roux. Getting to spend quality time with her semi-retired and international spy honorary uncle, Angelo. Cons: High school and the accompanying cliques, bad lunches, and frustratingly simple locker combinations. But when Maggie's parents are falsely accused of stealing priceless gold coins, Maggie uses her safecracking skills to try and clear their names. Too bad it only serves to put her and everyone she loves in danger. Maggie and her "new team" flee to Paris where they must come up with a plan to defeat their former allies.

I fell in love with Benway's writing after reading Also Known As, it was such a fun read.  When I saw Going Rogue I snatched it up because I knew it was going to be another great read and I was really looking forward to jumping right back into Maggie's world full of espionage, adventure and even a little danger. 

This was exactly what I needed when I needed it. Something fun and exciting with great characters, a little romance, a whole lot of spy action, and laugh out loud moments. I wasn't prepared to love this as much as the first and in fact, was shocked to learn that I loved it even more.

Maggie has grown quite a bit, not only as a spy but as a friend and daughter as well. She has finally gotten everything that she wanted and never even knew she needed and she wasn't about to let any of it go. She was going to stand and fight for it and fight for it she did. 

I was so very happy to see all of the same lovable characters in the first book also in this one. It just wouldn't be the same if Angelo, Roux and Jesse weren't by Maggie's side helping and supporting her. I even love her parents. Unlike most YA books out there they are very much present, very much supportive and very much a part of her life. They have a great loving relationship and it is so nice to see that in a young adult book these days.  

I can not even begin to express just how much fun this read was. Maggie as well as all the secondary characters really make this story what it is. The introduction of new characters, Ames, Elodie, and Ryo was brilliantly done and I found myself falling in love with them just as much as I loved Angelo, Jesse and Roux. 

There is never a dull moment to be had and so much is happening that you just can't get enough. And even with the nonstop action and fun, it is never overwhelming or just too much, in fact, I was super sad when I finally got to the last page, I wasn't quite ready for this one to end and I am keeping my fingers crossed that this was only the beginning of more adventures to come.

Benway has created a lovable cast of characters, a fast paced plot and one heck of a fun ride that will leave you smiling and craving more. 

(All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.)


  1. This sounds like the perfect read for me right now Ali! I'm in the mood for something that's just plain fun. I love that her parents are involved in her life, it's so nice to have them loving and present just like you said. Definitely going to check out book one now, thanks for the recommendation!

  2. I know I've been seeing Also Known As around a while back, but it never really had my attention. Well, both books have my FULL attention now. Like Jenny, I'm almost desperate for something light and fun and contantly eventful.
    Thank you for the lovely review, Ali!

  3. These are the perfect reads for the girls!

  4. I've been wanting to read Also Known As and you've renewed my excitement for it! I've been all about the fun reads!

  5. This sounds like such a fun read and who doesn't love a little spy action. Awesome review Ali, this is the perfect read for in-between so its going on my list!!

  6. This is exactly what I've been in the mood for lately. I've been avoiding some of my dystopia/horror review books, and instead picking up books like this.

    Btw, when I tried coming to your blog, I got this message from McAfee: "When we visited this site, we found it exhibited one or more risky behaviors." So just what kind of risky behavior are you up to, Ali? Hmm? lol

  7. LOL! I have no idea Christy! I guess I will have to look into that. ;)

  8. heh i don't remember ever reading a fun spy novel but I am always glad to hear that the main character is actually growing through the books :) I am going to have to look this one up.

  9. This sounds like something I would really enjoy. I am adding it to my never ending list :)
    Great review!!
