Sunday, December 8, 2013

Book Spotlight, Excerpt and Review: Grimnirs by Ednah Walters

Title: Grimnirs
Author: Ednah Walters
Series: Novella (#2.5) in the Runes Series
Genre: YA Fantasy
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Tour Organization
Presented By: As You Wish Tours

Book Description:
Straight out of the psych ward, Cora just wants her life to be normal. She doesn’t want to see souls or the reapers collecting them. The guy she’s loved from a distance for years moves away without saying goodbye. So yes, she’s nursing a serious heartbreak. It’s no wonder love is the last thing on her mind when Echo storms into her life. 

The chemistry between them is mind-blowing.The connection defies logic. Even better, the souls leave her alone when he is around.

Too bad Echo is the poster boy for everything she hates in a guy—hot, beautiful,and cocky. He is also a soul reaper. A Grimnir.
The very beings she wants out of her life. Maybe normal is overrated because Cora wants it all. Answers. Love. A life.

About the Author:

EDNAH WALTERS grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and dreaming of one day writing her own stories. She is a stay-at-home mother of five humans and two American short-hair cats (one of which has ADHD) and a husband. When she is not writing, she’s at the gym doing Zumba or doing things with her family, reading, traveling or online chatting with fans.

Ednah is the author of The Guardian Legacy series, a YA fantasy series about children of the fallen angels, who fight demons and protect mankind. AWAKENED, the prequel was released by Pill Hill Press in September 2010 with rave reviews. BETRAYED, book one in the series was released by her new publisher Spencer Hill Press in June 2012 and HUNTED, the third installment, will be released April 2013. She’s working on the next book in the series, FORGOTTEN. Visit her at

Ednah also writes YA paranormal romance. RUNES is the first book in her new series. IMMORTALS is book 2. She is presently working on book 3, GRIMNIRS (Release date TBA). Read more about this series and the world she's created here

Under the pseudonym E. B. Walters, Ednah writes contemporary romance. SLOW BURN, the first contemporary romance with suspense, was released in April 2011. It is the first book in the Fitzgerald family series. Since then she has published four more books in this series. She's presently working on book six. You can visit her online at or


“You, doll-face. Why are you having a shitty day?”

I glared ahead. “Because you are screwing with my head. How come you keep saying things I don’t remember?”

“I told you. The Norns put a whammy on you.”


“Deities of destiny. Mean, bitter hags. They control the destiny of all beings—Mortals, Immortals, even the gods. Interestingly, I just found out why they targeted you and erased your memories.”

“Why?” Not that I believed his rambling.

“Say please.”

I was tempted to ignore him, but something weird had happened to me and I wanted answers. I eased the car into a parking spot across from my school, switched off the engine, and turned to look at Echo. He was dressed in all leather again today. I realized that what I’d assumed was a leather shirt was actually a vest of some kind. Once again, he wore fingerless gloves and silver Gothic rings with weird markings.

“Please,” I said through clenched teeth.

He touched his lips. “I want a kiss, too.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Why are you such a tool all the time? You think this is fun for me? Not remembering things? Waking up one morning and seeing souls? Ending up in a psych ward, where they pumped me full of drugs, then coming home only to be met by you, a reaper?”

“Grimnir,” he corrected then frowned. “Are those the fake memories the Norns gave you? Psych ward? That’s just wrong.”

“I was in a psych ward,” I snapped.

He raised his hands. “Okay. No need to be snippy.”

“I’m not—”

He covered my mouth then smirked when I bit his hand. I bore down until I tasted blood. He didn’t even wince. His grin broadened instead.

“Drink my blood, doll-face. Bond with me for eternity.”

The thought was scary. I pushed his hand away and wiped my mouth. “Ew. Can your blood do that?”

He laughed.

“Will you be serious for even a second?” I asked.

“Don’t you want to be mine forever?”

“Ew, no.” I made a face. “I don’t even like you.”

I absolutely love this series and even though I knew this next book would not be about Torin and Raine I was eager to learn more about Eirik and of course to learn what happened to Cora during the second book. 

I won't go into too much detail about that because I don't want to give any spoilers away for the next book but I knew that Cora's story had to be an interesting one and I wanted every juicy detail and also, if I am being completely truthful here, I just wanted more of the world Ms. Walters created because I can't seem to get enough of it and I will take what I can get, Torin or no Torin. 

And just when I think I couldn't possibly enjoy this series more..Walters goes and throws another twist into the storyline and did I mention another hottie to drool over? Echo. Yes Echo.

Move over Torin, you have competition!

I should be hanging my head in shame. I mean really, another cocky, smart mouthed bad boy that I just can't resist? I really am shameless. But there you have it, Walters knows how to write 'em so you fall in love with them, arrogant or not. And oh boy did I love Echo!!

He is everything I would hate in person but everything I seem to love in a book boyfriend. I know, I know, I am a walking contradiction. I can't help it. I love the sexual tension they create, I love their possessiveness, the heart of gold buried deep down and that when they do finally love, it is full force unstoppable would do anything for you type of love. 

I love that we got more background on Grimnirs, Valkyries, Immortals, Norns and even the gods. This wasn't a middle book syndrome kind of story. It packed full of action, romance and lots of answers to all those questions we had in the first two books and even though Raine and Torin weren't the focus of this one, they had big enough roles in it to sooth the loss of them not being the main characters. I love Cora even more now that we got this intimate glimpse into her life, her thoughts and her feelings. I already loved her as a secondary characters but she rocked as a main.

We also get a whole lot of Andris (who I am just loving more and more as this series goes), Ingrid and Lavina and while there wasn't as much of Eirik as I was hoping for (appearances at the beginning and end of the story mainly) I did get enough of him to know that I want a book all his own. I want more of his family history, background, his training and his powers. Not to mention that I want him to finally be loved by someone. I couldn't help but feel for him by the end of the story and want more for him. 

All in all, this was a fabulous addition to the series and just proves that Walters knows what she is doing and she is doing it well. This is one series that I will continue to read until Ms. Walters has nothing more to write. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I don't know how you keep reviewing these series I've never even heard of! You're much braver than me in that you're not afraid to explore indie authors.
    I have such a soft spot for reapers, I think this would be a great one for me. You seem to be attached to the characters.
    Sorry I've been MIA, Ali. :)

  2. I have Runes, I love the plot of it and so many people seemed to enjoy it. It sounds like there was more background building and an exciting storyline with memorable characters!

  3. No worries Maja, I think you would like this one!!

    Thanks Lily for stopping by, I hope you give Runes a try.

  4. Yeah, I want to start this series. I remember thinking I'd like the first book, but haven't got around to it. If only I could read 300+ books a year. :)

  5. Awesome review! I love this series so much to and each book just seems to get better. I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy Cora's story, and ECHO - OMG - hottie heaven and I just want to be the filling in an Echo and Torin sandwich :) - I am loving Andris to. Can't wait for more of this series from Ednah.

  6. I need to read this series, I keep hearing your praise and wondering why I haven't made time for it. I'm totally going to fall for Echo, I just know it. I have a thing for bad boys. :-) Awesome review!

  7. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting. :)
