Monday, January 27, 2014

Blog Tour Book Review and Guest Post: Single By Saturday by Catherine Bybee

Title: Single By Saturday
Author: Catherine Bybee
Series: Book Four in the Weekday Brides Series
Published By: Montlake Romance (January 7, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
She enjoyed her fake marriage…until she fell in love with her brother-in-law.

Catherine Bybee serves up excitement and dizzying romance in Single by Saturday, the sequel to Fiancé by Friday and the latest entry in her bestselling Weekday Brides series.

Karen Jones: The petite blonde married a Hollywood star, yet she’s the one who spends every day playing a part: the part of a happy wife. A year ago, she agreed to wed a famous actor to diffuse rumors about his personal life. Now, her divorce sits just around the corner, along with a five million dollar payout. However, as she prepares to exit her fake marriage gracefully, her drop-dead-gorgeous brother-in-law walks through the door…and into her heart.

Zach Gardner: Dark-haired, blue-eyed hunk Zach crashes Michael and Karen’s fancy one-year anniversary party, determined to meet the wife his brother hid from their family. But sparks fly the moment he and Karen see each other. When the famous couple decides to visit the whole Gardner clan, Karen must keep Michael’s secret under wraps in front of his questioning relatives…including Zach, the man who could be the real love of her life.

About the Author:



This man was gorgeous, and if she were one to believe in instant attraction, her body responded to him with a fierceness she didn’t think possible. Maybe this was what the women gazing at Michael experienced that she did not. This wild thrill of discovery that led to possibilities only the big screen could fulfill.

Instead of letting her imagination get the best of her, Karen flattened a hand over her stomach and attempted to act unaffected. “Do I know you?”

The sex personified blue-eyed man stepped toward her. It took effort for her to hold her ground.

Sensing her unease, he held still, looked around the both of them as if noticing the caterers running about and guests arriving behind him, and said simply, “Zach Gardner.”

The smile on her face stayed. The name tickled at the edges of her consciousness. Memories flashed behind the veil of her mind until she narrowed her focus. “Michael’s brother?” she whispered.

Zach gave a small nod and swept his eyes down her frame. When his eyes met hers again, he masked whatever he’d been thinking, then he smiled and said, “And you’re the wife none of us have met.”

Not a lot shook Karen. She’d managed the role of Michael’s wife under the ever-present scrutiny of paparazzi, producers, actors, and fans . . . but the man standing in front of her did what no one else could. He made her question her decision to marry.

I love all of Catherine Bybee's work, but I must say, I think this is my new favorite, not just in the series but out of all her books.  I just fell in love with it. The writing, the story, the tender moments, the trust, faith, the love and friendship, the characters relationships with one another, all of it. 

I don't think I could of asked for a better read in romance nor a better read for this time of year to spice it up and get my heart pumping. 

I knew I wanted more of Karen and Micheal’s story after their appearance in Fiance by Friday but I wasn't expecting how much I would fall in love with both of them. And Zach, let's not forget adorable sexy Zach. 

I can't go into too many details but this read was rich in detail, romance, steamy hot sexual tension, love, friendship and learning to be a better person and help those around you. I really truly enjoyed every single minute of this and highly recommend this series to anyone that loves this genre. 

Not only can this be read as a stand alone but for those that do follow the series, we always get to see old familiar faces as well and see how they are doing, which is always so nice when as author does that.

I will continue to pick up Bybee's books without hesitation in the future because I know I will always get a heartfelt read that will make me sigh in happiness and put a smile on my face.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I have heard of this author and her stories before but I still haven't read any. It sounds like a really great read and now I'm curious about that fake marriage. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one so much. Great review, Ali :)

    1. Thanks Tanja! While each one acts as a stand alone, I would definitely read them all, so much info about the characters is in there!

  2. Steamy sexual tension you say Ali? Yes, please! I almost like the sexual tension more than the actual sexy times in the book because there's just so much anticipation that comes with it. I think I'd really enjoy this book, and I love the simplicity of the cover. So pretty:)

  3. I think I have been missing out, her books sound absolutely wonderful. Being a big fan of romance, I will need to pick one up... hum thought I might one a physical copy of one of her books, will have to snoop around.

    1. If you love romance then you really do need to try this series and author Lily!

  4. I haven't read any of her books but you sure made this sound appealing!

  5. More often than not, I need exactly the type of romance you described. I've never heard of these, but you make a very strong case in their favor.
    Thanks for the lovely post, Ali!

  6. Ahhh, this sounds this a fun series, definitely what I've been in the mood for!

  7. What a fun series! Great review! I love the cover :)

  8. I'm glad to hear this can be read as a standalone, because I love the sound of this, but I'm not sure I have time to catch up on a new series before I read it. This sounds like such a fun premise, and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Love the excerpt too, thanks for sharing!

    1. This was definitely my favorite so far so it would be a good place to start if you don't have time for them all!

  9. This sounds right up my alley. I love that they work as standalone too. I may just grab this one since it was your favorite!

    1. I think you would really like this author Kim!

  10. Great review. This sounds like a fun series and something I'd enjoy. I like that it can be read as a standalone also.
