Thursday, January 30, 2014

Review: Alienated by Melissa Landers

Title: Alienated
Author: Melissa Landers
Series: Book One in the Alienated Series
Published By: Disney Hyperion (February 4, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 3.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Two years ago, the aliens made contact. Now Cara Sweeney is going to be sharing a bathroom with one of them. 

Handpicked to host the first-ever L’eihr exchange student, Cara thinks her future is set. Not only does she get a free ride to her dream college, she’ll have inside information about the mysterious L’eihrs that every journalist would kill for. Cara’s blog following is about to skyrocket.

Still, Cara isn’t sure what to think when she meets Aelyx. Humans and L’eihrs have nearly identical DNA, but cold, infuriatingly brilliant Aelyx couldn’t seem more alien. She’s certain about one thing, though: no human boy is this good-looking.

But when Cara's classmates get swept up by anti-L'eihr paranoia, Midtown High School suddenly isn't safe anymore. Threatening notes appear in Cara's locker, and a police officer has to escort her and Aelyx to class. 

Cara finds support in the last person she expected. She realizes that Aelyx isn’t just her only friend; she's fallen hard for him. But Aelyx has been hiding the truth about the purpose of his exchange, and its potentially deadly consequences. Soon Cara will be in for the fight of her life—not just for herself and the boy she loves, but for the future of her planet.

I'm not huge on sci fi but even so I had to pick this one up, the cover alone was just something I couldn't ignore. Throw in the fact that the synopsis sounded like star crossed lovers and the simple fact that this is a debut novel and you have something nearly impossible to resist. 

Did I mention that I am glad I picked this up, because I am and let me tell you, I wasn't so sure if I was going to love this even with all those pluses above I mentioned. I mean aliens? Yeah, you just never know what you are going to be in for.

I really enjoyed this. Even though there are aliens, more than anything it is a love story. A story about two people that overcome their differences (which, let's fact it are pretty huge) and learn to not only look past all the prejudices and become friends, but also to become more than friends, to really care about the other in a way they never thought possible, even when that means losing some of the people in their lives that they care about the most, just so they can be together.

I didn't go into this knowing it wasn't a stand alone and although there is no mention anywhere (yet) that there will be a sequel, with the way it ended it only leaves me to believe that there will be one, which I am happy about because I think there is more story to tell about Aelyx's planet and world and even with what will happen to Earth later on. 

This was a good read, one that lets you completely get away and just have some fun reading something purely for enjoyment, some romance and a plot unlike others out there right now.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I have no idea why I downloaded this, because, to tell you the truth, I'm not at all sure I'll like it. But I do love the intercultural message it conveys so that makes me at least a little bit hopeful.
    Great review, Ali!

    1. I hope you do give it a chance Maja, you just never know.

  2. Great review. I have this to read also. It sounds like I'll enjoy it.

  3. YAY! We are twins indeed :) I'm so glad you enjoyed this book even though sci-fi is not your genre. Great review, Ali :)

  4. My review posts on Monday and we shared a similar opinion and rating. The next book is called Invaded and will release in 2015. Wonderful review Ali!

  5. I'm excited for this one Ali, I'm in the mood for something I can pick up solely for entertainment value and just have a good time reading. I like the setup of the romance and I think it will be fun to watch the two of them work through their initial prejudices about the other's species. Lovely review my friend!

  6. It does have a pretty cover! I have been curious about this. Aliens really are the new big thing, aren't they?

  7. aliens can be a difficult topic to accomplish I think. But I am glad that this story is about overcoming differences.

    1. It really is more about that than anything else. ;)

  8. I didn't completely love this one (though I can't remember why now!), but I did enjoy parts of it well enough. It was quite entertaining overall, and I guess I can see myself picking up the sequel provided that the reviews are decent. I'm glad you enjoyed it on the whole too. :)

    1. I didn't fall in love with it either but I would definitely give the next one a chance too Sam. Thanks for stopping by!!

  9. Just got approved for this on NetGalley myself. I am super excited to read it. Glad to hear you liked it!

    1. Congrats on getting approved, I hope you like it!

  10. The cover is awesome! Great review...It sounds good to me..thanks for sharing!

  11. Aliens and humans should NOT be mixing! Just kidding. I regret not grabbing this off of NG. I should know by now to just trust this publisher, because they haven't let me down yet. I have a feeling I'll read this, but closer to the release of the 2nd book.

    1. That is so true, they haven't let me down yet!

  12. Normally the alien stories I read are more of the malevolent invasion variety, so this sounds like a refreshing change of pace! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this even though you're not big on sci-fi. Excited to give this a try now. Lovely review!
