Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Review: Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor

Title: Maybe One Day
Author: Melissa Kantor
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Harper Teen (February 18, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Zoe and her best friend, Olivia, have always had big plans for the future, none of which included Olivia getting sick. Still, Zoe is determined to put on a brave face and be positive for her friend.

Even when she isn't sure what to say.

Even when Olivia misses months of school.

Even when Zoe starts falling for Calvin, Olivia's crush.

The one thing that keeps Zoe moving forward is knowing that Olivia will beat this, and everything will go back to the way it was before. It has to. Because the alternative is too terrifying for her to even imagine.

In this incandescent page-turner, which follows in the tradition of The Fault in Our Stars, Melissa Kantor artfully explores the idea that the worst thing to happen to you might not be something that is actually happening to you. Raw, irreverent, and honest, Zoe's unforgettable voice and story will stay with readers long after the last page is turned.

I love a really good, gut wrenching emotional read that not only makes you cry but makes you think about how very precious life, family and friends are. A thought provoking story that gets under your skin and burrows deep into your heart. They can be tough reads but ones that after you have finally turned the last page and wiped the tears off your face, you are so thankful you read because you know you are a better person because of it. 

This is Zoe's story. This is Olivia's story. This is a story about a friendship so strong and so profound that really it isn't a friendship anymore but instead, that person has become family. The best kind of family, not the one you are born into, but the one that you created and choose yourself. The kind we all wish and long for and the kind that the lucky ones that do have it, know it and hold on to with all they are worth because they know nothing else will ever compare to it. That we are better people because of it.

I loved every single minute of this story. Olivia and Zoe were wonderful. They were true friends in every sense of the word. I couldn't imagine going through what they both went through but I know that if I did have to, that I would want a friend like they had in each other to get through it. 

I don't want to go into too much detail because really this is just one of those stories that you need to read for yourself and experience it for yourself because you won't know how you will react to it all until you do. 

If you are looking for something real and raw with just the right amount of heartache and thought inducing plot, then this is something you need to read. Yes, it has a hard subject matter, the big “c” word is never an easy one to hear but it is a real one. One that affects many people, friends and families every single day and it is a great reminder about living each day to it's fullest because we never know what tomorrow will bring.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. This sounds like it's going to be an emotional read, but definitely worth the tears. I'm half looking forward to this and half dreading the waterworks, (sort of how I felt about The Fault in Our Stars). It's so wonderful to read about friendships like Zoe and Olivia's, and I can't wait to meet them. I'll make sure to bring kleenex when I do. Lovely review!

  2. Beautiful review, darling!! I completely agree with you, a tough, emotionally affecting story can be hard to read as it really gets under your skin, but in the end you're glad you picked it up, as it fills your heart with emotions and makes you reflect on certain things in your own life!

    I haven't actually heard of this book before, so I'm really glad I stopped by today (high time! I'm sorry, 9 months pregnant and constantly dealing with migraines these days!). Thank you for introducing me to this book, I'm going to add it to my TBR right away :)

    Evie @Bookish

    1. Thanks for stopping by Evie, I hope you are feeling better soon with the headaches!

  3. Awe you made me feel, I love this type of book but I have to be in the right mind set and then I do a cleansing and ball my eyes out..LOL

    1. I know it seems like I read a lot of this but I really do have to be in the right mind set as well Kim. These are never easy to read. ;)

  4. This sounds like such a stunning read Ali, but definitely one I have to be in the right mood for. Like you, I adore the books that hurt and make me cry, because like you said, I feel like a better person when all is said and done. I definitely am not ready for that type of read right now however, it's unnaturally cold out, so I need warm and fuzzy reads! I'm making note of this one for sure though:)

    1. Warm and fuzzy reads are a definitely must in the winter. ;)

  5. Even though I know many a reader who loves this, I can't do it. Looking for fun-loving, or puzzles--that's me.

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  6. I am so sorry Heidi, that must be hard for everyone. *hugs*

  7. I've seen some negative reviews of this so I'm glad to see a more positive one. I have read her before and enjoy her writing style. I might consider picking this one up at the library.

    1. I haven't read her other books so I don't know how this one compares to them but I can see not everyone liking this.

  8. This is exactly the type of read I generally avoid because I'm a wuss and all, but every once in a while, I read one to change things a bit. It takes alot of preparation... and cookies. One always needs cookies.
    Lovely review, Ali!

    1. Comfort food is always good for these type of reads.

  9. Great review. This does sound really emotional. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  10. This sounds heart wrenching, and so good

  11. I absolutely LOVED this book. I cried SO many times, it's embarrassing.It centers around friendship which is one of the things I loved most about it.I ran through an entire box of kleenex while reading it.

    1. I am so happy to hear you say that you loved this too!

  12. I just saw the trailer for TFIOS & I thought a bok that emotionally beautiful hasnt been around in a long time. Then I come and see this review. I am glad I stopped by before bed. Another for my TBR, but I need a light read in between this and my last one. Phew! Too many tears needs a good dystopian to put things on an even keel again. Or a zombie book! lol

    1. I saw that today as well, doesn't it look fabulous? I can't wait to see it!

  13. oh wow.. sounds very deep and emotional. Has been a long time since I read and it's a story about friendship, that's very interesting and different.

    1. It was definitely a good read and I loved that it was about friendship more than anything else.
