Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Title: Cinder
Author: Marissa Meyer
Series: Book One in the Lunar Chronicles
Published By: Feiwel & Friends (January 3, 2012)
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. 

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

I know what you are thinking, trust me I do. About darn freaking time you read this. Right? Right?

I absolutely love getting book recommendations from my fellow bloggers because they almost always end up being 4 or 5 star reviews for me and I am happy to report that Cinder fit right in with those 4 or 5 star reads.

I devoured this. I consumed it in one sitting and just couldn't get enough of it. In fact, I went online and read all of the prequels that were posted on Wattpad because of my love for Meyer's writing. I just wanted more Cinder and I wasn't ready for it to be over.

I would love to call this a retelling of an old classic but that isn't quite right. This wasn't just a retelling but a remake too. A very futuristic twist on a classic that was done so very well that it almost felt like a completely new story, with new characters and a whole new plot line filled with lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing and turning the pages.

The world Meyer's created is not only believable but so tangible that you can feel it and see it without hesitation. You believe it is real and something we will see in the distant future.

Cinder is not your average girl , in fact she isn't even just a  girl, she is a cyborg living in a world, while rich in technology, is still very biased and racist towards those that aren't considered all human. 

And if that wasn't bad enough she gets some other surprises about her heritage and origins along the way.

I really really liked this. I truly did and even though my expectations were high and I was expecting to be disappointed because of it, I am pleased to say, I wasn't, not at all. 

If you love retellings but want more than just a new version of a story or a small tweak of what you already love, then these are the books you need to pick up. They will blow you away with the originality mixed in with the old.

Meyer's has done a fantastic job and I can't wait to pick up the next one.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Great, I'm happy you loved it, I also like it so much :)

    great review :D


    You are in for such a ride with this series, let me tell you. The next book, Scarlet, I actually wasn't thaaaat keen on. It was good, but I liked Cinder better but THEN the third book, Cress. OMG THAT BOOK. It was the most epic thing. Seriously. Words cannot describe it!

    1. Good to know, I will totally be prepared for it now. :)

  3. When I saw your review I went "WHAT? She has not yet read this book? HOW is that even possible?"
    Haha! I'm glad that you loved it though, Ali. Cinder was so great as a character and I completely agree about the setting and the world Meyer has created. I can't wait for you to read Scarlet! It's my favorite (I think because I've rated all the books 5 stars!).
    Lovely review!

  4. I confess-I still need to read this series! I bought all the books and plan to do a massive back-to-back read. I'm so glad Cinder was al you hoped for. Lovely review, Ali :)

    1. I have them all too Kim, glad I am not the only one behind. :)

  5. YAAAAAAAY!!! So glad you finally had a chance to get to this one Ali! And I'm even more glad that it wasn't a disappointment at all given how high your expectations were going in. I'm that way with the His Fair Assassin series - I desperately want to read it but I'm nervous at the same time:) Can't wait to see what you think of Scarlet!

    1. Thanks Jenny and I think you will love His Fair Assassins, high expectations and all. ;)

  6. Great review. I need to start this series too. I love the cover and plot. It seems really interesting.

  7. Girl, I can't believe you waited to so long! Just wait till you meet Wolf. *sawwwooooon*

    1. Wolf? Gah! Now you have me wanting to read the rest now!

  8. I own all three books that are out right now but I haven't started :( I really really want and seeing your review, I know I need to asap!

  9. SO HAPPY YOU LOVED CINDER, now you can read the following books in the series too. Great review too.

    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

  10. Wow great storyline thanks for sharing Kindlemom :)

  11. It really is a good time to get caught up on this series. I just know I will love it.

  12. When this first came out it seemed like many thought it was just a little too weird and maybe not for them (myself included) but it really is fantastic and even my sister read it and loved it. So glad you finally were able to read it!

    1. Glad you read it and liked it too Candace. It is different but in a really good way.

  13. What took you so long to read this, Ali?! *g* I'm one to talk! I actually did read it, but didn't like it at all (retellings just don't work for me), so it's best that I shut up. I'm glad you liked it as much as you did and I hope you'll review the other books as well. Perhaps you'll covince me to give them another chance.

  14. I am so happy to see that you enjoyed this one, love! This author is one of my favorites in this demographic. I love her world, I love her characters, and I love her complex plot full of awesomeness. I can't wait to hear your thoughts of Scarlet and Cress!!!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Happy to hear that, I have high hopes for the next two as well. :)

  15. Sounds amazing and what an eye-catching cover!

  16. LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one who was way slow on this. It's still on my tbr pile but I do want to get to it. It sounds so good!

    1. I hope you can get to it soon as well and that you love it too.

  17. Squee..yep about darn time! You know the best part? This series only gets better. Cannot wait to see what you think. Now catch up before the next release:)

  18. I want to read this so bad :( oh my gosh now I feel like I have to

  19. Whoop! So glad you loved it. This was a book I was so reluctant to read, but got sucked in. And the series gets better and better.

    1. I'm excited to continue it since I keep hearing everyone say that. :)

  20. Oh yes I really enjoyed this one, it was a fun read but I know I need to read book 2 now too.

    1. We can challenge each other to read it then Melliane.

  21. I cannot believe there is a book out there that I have read before you Ali ;). I am soooo glad you liked this! The series just gets better! This series is going right up there with Harry Potter for me. I LOVE it! Of course there will never be a book to replace Harry Potter (for me) ;)

    1. Oh gosh if that is the case then I really need to start reading the other two!

  22. I am sad to say I've not gotten around to this book either and I know I'd love it. I might have to end up getting it on audio. Wonderful review!

  23. I couldn't stop reading this. :O The world-building was so interesting and the characters captivating! Even the stepmother ahah! The only think I did not enjoy was the romance...I mean, it was okay...but not impressive :P
    So glad you finally read it ^^

    1. The romance could have been better for sure. I am hoping the next has a little more.

  24. glad you liked this book, i have cinder and scarlet to read in my language :) cant wait to read it *.*
