Monday, July 13, 2015

Review: The Passage by Justin Cronin

Title: The Passage
Author: Justin Cronin
Series: Book One in the Passage Trilogy
Published By: Ballantine (June 8, 2010)
Source: Won
Genre: Fantasy/Dystopian
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy—abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape—but he can’t stop society’s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world. 

I will be brutally honest, I wasn't quite sure about this read. At only ten percent in, I was ready to call it quits. It was detail oriented, confusing, and I just wasn't sure if I had the patience for it nor if I wanted to waste the time on a book so rich in detail that I feared would be hard to follow and understand.

I love it when I decide to give books just another chapter, just a few more pages, because if I hadn't, I would have missed out on a truly unique, truly complex, complicated, but oh so good, read. One that kept my mind spinning, thinking, and most importantly, turning the pages.

Cronin is the master at weaving threads, tangling them together and having them lead to something entirely other. 

Dark, sinister, and riddled with the what ifs of what could be out there and what truly happened and what was, this was such a fantastic read that was hard to put down, and with it being close to 900 pages (paperback), that is saying something. 

Rich in detail, mystery, and the unknown, this truly was an unforgettable read. 


  1. 900 pages?! Holy wow!
    I'm so glad you decided to push through with this one despite being ready to quit at first and that it wound up being an amazing read! That's always a fear that I have when I have to DNF a book which is why I usually skim to the back and see if there things I would enjoy.
    I hadn't heard of this book before, but I really like how dark it sounds.
    Great review, Ali!

    1. It was challenging but so worth it in the end.
      And, I do that too with books I really want to DNF, just in case. I do try to give them at least 30% though, which is pretty fair usually, at least I think so. :P

  2. Oh wow. I've been on the fence about reading this one for ages, mostly due to its lenght, but I should stop being such a coward and just go for it. I actually own a copy already. I had the same situation with Feed by Mira Grant. The details almost killed it for me, but it turned out to be my favorite book ever.

  3. I really loved this book--kind of reminiscent of The Stand, one of my all-time favorites. Will you be reading The Twelve? I read both a couple of years ago and am eagerly awaiting book #3!

    1. I will definitely be reading book two and three. I wanted to wait closer to the release date of book three so, hopefully soon. :D
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. This is exactly why I sometimes struggle to DNF books Ali! I can't help but wonder if I just stick it out a few more pages it will get better and then I'd be missing out on awesomeness. Clearly the case here. So glad you kept going and it paid off!

    1. I definitely know what you mean Jenny, it is hard sometimes, which is why I do what Nick said and try to read the last chapter, just in case before I completely DNF it.

  5. Well, here's another one that I will definitely read - thanks to YOU, Ali <3 I sure am glad you had the patience to forge ahead as they say, I know that sometimes that can be a real challenge. A brilliant review <3

    1. Sorry Ramona. :P Okay not really, this is worth it, I promise! <3

  6. Welcome to the new world order Ali, I LOVED The Passage and The Twelve and I just heard that the third in the trilogy City of Mirrors is due out in December, what a long wait. Glad you liked it. I know it was long but it covers a whole lot of ground too.

    1. I'm excited you loved the Twelve Debbie. I can't wait to read it. December huh? I think I will read it closer to that date then.

    2. Ugh let me refrain. I just re-read the release date it's December of 2016 LOL

    3. I know! I just saw that as well. They pushed it back again, :(

  7. I'm glad to hear the 900 pages was worth it! I love those surprising reads that make you keep reading the next chapter! Loved your review!

  8. Great review. I have been tempted by this book many times, but I honestly can't tackle a 900 page book right now. I think attempting it might push me over into a reading slump.

    1. The page count does make it scary to start, I understand, it is part of the reason I haven't started book two yet either. :P

  9. Books with slow starts can be a challenge at times. Makes the reader want to give up a chapter too soon. Glad your perseverence paid off.

  10. I hear you Heidi. I had plans to start the second this summer but it just isn't going to happen. If I tried I don't think I would get anything else read. :(

  11. I'm glad you liked this, I been meaning to get to it for a while. I always stick out books I start even if it takes me a very long time to finish. Great Review

    1. Thanks so much Tori, I really hope you end up liking it as much as I did. :)

  12. I love it when books like this are hard to put down and you get 900 pgs! Glad this paid off and I think I need to add this one to my wishlist!

  13. I'm so glad you gave this some more time and found the book to be so interesting - 900 pages at that! I always have a hard time not finishing a book wondering if just a few more pages would make me turn that point. It sounds like yours did, YAY!

    1. That is so true Kim, I've done that many times before as well which is why I really do try not to DNF any book but sometimes you just have to. ;)

  14. If/when you're ready to read the 2nd book, I'm down. If not, I'll probably try to start within the next couple weeks. I might just read some here and there since it's a re-read. I just want to finish it before the 3rd book is released.

    1. Okay! I know it is long so I might just try to read chapters here and there as well but at least you'll be reading it too if I have any questions?

  15. Wow, to be that close at DNFing it then giving 5 stars? That's crazy. And 900 pages, that seems too much even for me.

    1. I know! It was crazy. I never expected to love it as much as I did but then again, I had a whole lot of pages left to convince me it was worth it. ;)

  16. Ginormous book! I found a copy of this at a flea market by our cabin, so I bought it. I feel like listening to the audiobook and reading it would be advisable, considering how big this is! Lol.

    1. Listening to it would definitely be good but I imagine it would take a really long time too! Either way, I really hope you love it!

  17. That's so awesome it spun you around like that. :D

    1. It really was nice, I wasn't expecting it at all.

  18. YES, yes, Yes!! *does flip* I love this trilogy so hard. Glad you read and loved it my friend!

    1. I so need to get reading the second book. I'm excited that it was great for you as well and I know Christy loved it too.

  19. 5 stars?! Wow! I hadn't heard of this yet but it sounds really intriguing!

    1. Definitely try it Candace, it is worth it. ;)

  20. Well I saw that you gave it 5 stars and automatically went and downloaded the book and the audiobook, just in case I don't have time to read it. Great review. I am happy to know that you gave it a few more chapters. I wouldn't have, but knowing you did and loved it...I know I will love it also! Great review Ali!

    1. Woo hoo! I hope you love it Becca! It i a really long detail oriented read but so worth it too. ;)
